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Faites votre propre lingerie, le blog

Faites votre propre lingerie, le blog

How to Make Clothing Buttons from Shrink Plastic… | scissors This tutorial is an old one of mine that’s too good not to share again. Since posting the first time, I’ve had lots of questions about these buttons which will hopefully be answered in this revised post. Equipment Some handy notes: 1. The buttons. single hole, hole punch (like this one here). 2. 3. Okay.. lets get started! Tracing tips: You can use either coloured pencils or permanent pens. Words must be writted backwards in order to be readable. Shrinking the buttons: To shrink the buttons, you can use an oven or a heat gun (the kind used for embellishing). After the buttons have twisted and twirled, and are LYING FLAT, it’s time to take them out. Note: If the skrinking is taking too long, you may need to turn your oven up. Here’s a short little stop-motion to make sure you’ve got the gist of how easy this is! Shrink Paper {here} Circle Punch {here} Hole punch {here} Pens {here} Update: I’ve made a video to show how to shrink the buttons using a craft embellishment heat gun. Kimanh

Coupe Couture Des patrons de couture gratuits - Des patrons expliqués pas-à-pas Des patrons de couture faciles Qui n'a pas souhaité se coudre un vêtement ? Du patron, à la confection, en passant par la customisation, il est possible aujourd'hui plus que jamais grâce à internet de trouver des patrons gratuits pour coudre ses habits ou les transformer. Grâce à des patrons faciles et gratuits à télécharger ou à reproduire, chacune, débutante ou plus expérimentée, peut se constituer une garde-robe à l'image de son tempérament. Ne résistons plus à l'envie de nous faire une robe ou une jupe, pionchons dans les patrons de couture ou les modèles de tricot pour nous offrir la garde-robe de nos rêves. Le best off des patrons de couture

Oppskrift på fargesterk grytelapp ... Etter at flere har ønsket seg denne oppskriften har jeg etter nøye overveielse bestemt meg for å legge den ut her på bloggen min. Den kommer opprinnelig fra et gammelt heklehefte som Solberg garn i sin tid ga ut. Såvidt jeg vet eksisterer ikke Solberg garn lengere, så da tar jeg sjansen på å presentere den her. Uansett har jeg skrevet om oppskriften, slik at det ikke skal være en direkte kopi..., håper ingen "arresterer" meg for dette! Vikle garnet 8 ganger rundt pekefingeren. 2. omgang: Hekle 1 st i hver fm (28 st) 3. omgang: skift farge på garnet og hekle kun i bakerste maskeledd. 4. omgang: Hekle i bakre maskeledd, *3 hst, 2 lm 3 hst*. Skift farge. 5. omgang: hekle rundt neste lmb - 1 fm, 2 lm, 1 fm - , 2 lm hopp over 3 m. 6. omgang: *hekle 2 hst, 2 lm 2 hst, 2 lm*, gjentas rundt hele. 7. omgang: *3 hst, 2, lm, 3 hst, 2 lm* gjentas rundt hele 8. omgang: skift farge * 4 hst, 2 lm, 4 hst, 2 lm* gjentas rundt hele. 9. omgang: * 5 hst, 2 lm, 5 ht, 2 lm* gjentas rundt hele. Lykke til!

Do It Yourself Pins | Do it Yourself Home Ideas Pop Couture | La couture gratuite ! Making reversible bag from top of straps to bottom of bag: 50 cm / 20 inchesheight: 28 cm / 11 incheswidth: 40 cm / 16 inches I don’t know because I used leftover fabric for my bag. You can print the pattern and place it on your fabric to make an approximation. It is only one piece of pattern. Fort similar bag, you can check Charlie bag by Burdastyle ($1.99). Please go to the bottom of this post to download the PDF pattern and tutorial. Disclaimer: You may use the finished products for both personal and commercial use (craft shops or markets only – no mass production). 1. 2. If you use my pattern, sew the darts before sewing the bottom and sides of bag. 3. 4. 5. Pull out each of the remaining straps. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A reversible bag! Thank you for reading and I hope this post is useful for you! Click to download:

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