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Social Media around the World 2012 (by InSites Consulting)

Social Media around the World 2012 (by InSites Consulting)

Why You Can’t Sell with Social Media (And 3 Things to Do Instead) Social media can give your company many different benefits. It can increase awareness and introduce you to new people. It can be used to help customer service, and follow-up with disgruntled customers. It can also be used to get the elusive, but effective word-of-mouth marketing. But it can’t sell. Market research giants Forrester Research and GSI Commerce looked at online retailer data in 2010. The results aren’t pretty. Less than 2% of all orders were from social networking shoppers. The most common objection to using social media is, “What’s the return-on-investment?”. So what’s the solution? How a Toy Maker Used Social Media to Increase Revenue by 300% The direct ROI of social media is usually dismal. But then again, so is almost every offline advertising method like TV, radio, print and billboards. They just aid indirectly, so it’s difficult to measure a direct conversion rate. Just like social media. Try telling toy maker Step2 that social media doesn’t drive sales. So who’s right? 1.

The Guide To Search: Why Social & Mobile Are The Future Search is currently in a transition period right now. As algorithms become more complex and the major search engines introduce new features, it's clear that our expectations about how search should work and what it can do for us has risen with every new development. It's not enough that it just suggests relevant information. Now we demand that it comes faster, becomes more accurate and matches our tastes and interests. Throw Siri and Google Now (or at least, the potential of Siri and Google Now) into the mix and the idea that the very concept of search will be radically different in three to five years time is a distinct possibility. Social search was seen as the next step in this process. Yet one thing is certain: With more and more content being created online, a new way of curating and processing the vast waves of information out there will necessity. Contents1) Where Is Social Search Headed? Where Is Social Search Headed? The Development Of Mobile Search Web & Mobile analytics tools

Social Media Onderzoek 2012: Twitter koploper bij bedrijven In het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven is Twitter het meest gebruikte sociale netwerk. 81% van de bedrijven gebruikt deze dienst, zo blijkt uit het Pondres Social Media Onderzoek 2012. Twitter wordt op de voet gevolgd door Facebook (dat door 78,6% van de bedrijven wordt gebruikt) en LinkedIn (74,9%). Twitter is vooral populair als communicatiemiddel bij de grote bedrijven. 92,6% van de ondernemingen met meer dan 250 werknemers gebruikt Twitter. Naar schatting zal het gebruik van Twitter in 2012 nog met 3 tot 4% stijgen. Opvallend is dat Twitter door veel bedrijven ook wordt ingezet voor personeelswerving. 63,8% gebruikt het voor recruitment. Verreweg de meeste bedrijven kiezen er ook voor om Twitter te gebruiken om te luisteren en de behoeftes van consumenten in kaart te brengen. 80,5% doet dat via Twitter dat zich ook prima voor leent om direct te reageren en het sentiment te peilen. Bekijk hieronder het hele onderzoek. Social Media Onderzoek 2012

Scaling Up Social Media Burberry Group PLC has a rich heritage that would make many other companies envious. For more than 150 years, this luxury apparel company could credit its success to its instantly recognizable brand and timeless yet contemporary designs. But today a new defining element has come to the fore: branded digital and social media experiences. Just look at how dramatically Burberry has reimagined its fashion shows, once effectively off-limits to the brand’s many admirers. Today Burberry streams its shows to its fans on Facebook (12.8 million as of May 2012) and its audience on YouTube (13.3 million unique video views and about 35,000 subscribers to its channel as of May 2012). Partnering with Twitter, the company created the “Tweetwalk,” a real-time feed that showcases new designs just before they hit the runway. With these moves, Burberry has positioned itself on the leading edge of digital and social media. Creating a Social Experience 1. 2. 3. Reprint No. 00130

Why social media strategy should not start with a drive for Facebook fans Why does every social media strategy seemingly start with a company cajoling people to come “like” their Facebook page? This post will explain why that is usually a bad strategy if you are aiming at creating long-term, loyal customers. I’ve been honored to be selected to help judge a global company’s internal social media competition. Entries were submitted from all over the country as their locations put forward their best shots at social media gold. There were some interesting entries, even some very good ones, but they all had one thing in common. “Our goal is to enter the conversation with our customers and engage with them on our Facebook page.” Last week I wrote about how our relationships with brands develop over time through many small interactions that create awareness, affection, trust, and eventually a loyal relationship … similar to the way we create friendships in real life. If the true goal is customer connection, why does it have to start on your own Facebook page?

+500 Free PowerPoint Templates & Backgrounds for Why Most Social Strategies Fail When I ask people what their social business strategy looks like, I usually get the following response, ”Oh yeah, we’re on Facebook.” The conversation continues apace: - Twitter account…check. - YouTube videos….yup. - People who seem to know what they doing with those accounts…kinda. - Metrics….Likes. But that isn’t a strategy – it’s a series of tactics. Having a Facebook page is like having a telephone — it’s a tool that needs a purpose. My colleague Brian Solis and I are in the midst of conducting research on what makes a good social business strategy and a key finding is that as companies evolve their social initiatives, the efforts get disconnected from business goals. This isn’t about waiting until companies have reached a stage of “maturity” before they are deemed to be successful. Here’s an example: one company we spoke with focuses most of their social efforts on developing their Facebook presence. So how can you tell if your social business strategy is successful or failing?

How agencies are reinventing the creative team in the social era | Central Desktop Blog | Smarter Collaboration Agencies Published on September 24th, 2012 | by Steve Hall Over the years, the integration versus unbundling debate has raged on within the advertising industry. Both specialization and integration have their benefits. How are agencies reconfiguring their teams to better function in the digital and social marketing era? We queried several agencies and asked them what they are doing and what they have changed to improve how they work in an increasingly interconnected but complex industry. One agency, Santa Monica-based DW+H, which recently hired crowdsourcing agency Victor & Spoils to rebrand and rename it, has created what it calls a “skunkworks operation” to handle unsolicited work for clients. DW+H Partner Lucas Donat tells us, “The teams are small, from 2 to 5 people, and what job titles they comprise are flexible; anything from an agency producer, copywriter, art director, or creative director to a social media strategist, intern, talent coordinator, or a receptionist.

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7 Tips for Creating a Social Media Plan for Your Business Do you have social media plan? Are you looking for an easy to follow guide to formulate a plan for your business? Keep reading for seven tips to help your business develop a social plan… Why Businesses Fail With Social Media Businesses often fail in their social media efforts for the same reason New Year’s resolutions fail: It’s a good idea, but there’s no structure or commitment. Then, when there are no immediate results, or the goal ends up being more difficult to attain than previously thought, it goes by the wayside. Has this happened to your business’s social media presence? For the rest of us, we need something to keep us honest. These seven tips will help you design a social media plan that will keep you on track, active and moving forward. #1: Make a Commitment Before you even start creating your plan, you have to make a promise. To prevent that kind of slide, make a commitment. #2: Find Your Best Fit Search for your business on sites like Yelp. So do some searching. #7: Delegate Tasks

5 Brands That Understand Marketing on Instagram Speciale armband tweet ‘Hulp’ als welzijnswerkers bedreigd worden Om als vrijwilliger voor een internationale hulpdienst in een rumoerig gebied je werk te moeten doen is geen pretje. Niet alleen word je geconfronteerd met de meest erbarmelijke omstandigheden en moet je mensen helpen met een minimum aan middelen; je bent ook nog eens doelwit van allerlei bendes, warlords en andere gevaarlijke sujetten! De voorbeelden van welzijnswerkers die in handen vallen van ontvoerders zijn al lang niet meer op de vingers van één hand te tellen. De Stockholmse groepering heeft een project gelanceerd dat de titel Natalia Project heeft. De armband die je in de afbeelding ziet is gekoppeld aan de persoon die hem draagt. Hierdoor wordt niet alleen de betreffende persoon geholpen doordat snel actie kan worden ondernomen, maar ook de regimes die soms een oogje toeknijpen in dergelijke situaties worden door de publieke updates onder druk gezet.
