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Free Online Computer Science Course Featuring Harvard Faculty

Free Online Computer Science Course Featuring Harvard Faculty
The free video lectures of this course are made available as part of Harvard Extension School's Opening Learning Initiative. About the Course This free online computer science course is an introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science. Topics include algorithms (their design, implementation, and analysis); software development (abstraction, encapsulation, data structures, debugging, and testing); architecture of computers (low-level data representation and instruction processing); computer systems (programming languages, compilers, operating systems, and databases); and computers in the real world (networks, websites, security, forensics, and cryptography). The course teaches students how to think more carefully and how to solve problems more effectively. Problem sets involve extensive programming in C as well as PHP and JavaScript. Watch the Course Trailer Harvard Faculty David J. The Lecture Videos To watch these course videos, visit the CS50 website

Learn | The Hour of Code Dance Party Grades 2+ | Blocks Minecraft Hour of Code Make a Flappy game Star Wars: Building a Galaxy with Code Grades 2+ | Blocks, JavaScript Code with Anna and Elsa Write your first computer program Minecraft Hour of Code: AI for Good The Grinch: Saving Christmas with Code Grades 2-8 | Blocks Make Your Own Kodable Mazes Pre-reader - Grade 5 | JavaScript, Language independent (can be taught in multiple languages) codeSpark Academy with The Foos: Create Games Pre-reader - Grade 5 | Blocks Code Your Hero Lightbot Coding Town Grades 2-5 | JavaScript Kodable (pre-readers welcome) Pre-reader - Grade 5 | Blocks | All modern browsers, iPad app Create your own Google logo Grades 2+ | Blocks, Scratch Codesters: Basketball Grades 6+ | Python Box Island All ages | Blocks Gumball's Coding Adventure Grades 6-8 | Blocks, Scratch Imagine a World Moana: Wayfinding with Code Barbie You Can Be Anything Pre-reader - Grade 5 | Blocks, Tynker Code a Cartoon Animate a Name Learn to Code with Crossy Road Grades 9+ | Blocks Boat Race Candy Quest

Computer Science Courses Faculty of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Offering Instruction in Computer Science Ryan Prescott Adams, Assistant Professor of Computer Science David M. Brooks, Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science (on leave spring term) Cristopher R. Cecka, Lecturer on Computational Science Yiling Chen, Associate Professor of Computer Science (on leave fall term) Stephen N. Chong, Associate Professor of Computer Science David Cox, Assistant Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology and of Computer Science Krzysztof Z. Gajos, Associate Professor of Computer Science John Andrew Girash, Lecturer on Engineering and Applied Sciences Steven J. Other Faculty Offering Instruction in Computer Science Joseph K. The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences ( offers undergraduate and graduate courses in Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Computer Science, Earth and Planetary Sciences, and Engineering Sciences. Primarily for Undergraduates Computer Science 1.

CSS Color Module Level 3 Abstract CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language for describing the rendering of HTML and XML documents on screen, on paper, in speech, etc. It uses color-related properties and values to color the text, backgrounds, borders, and other parts of elements in a document. This specification describes color values and properties for foreground color and group opacity. These include properties and values from CSS level 2 and new values. Status of this document This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. The (archived) public mailing list (see instructions) is preferred for discussion of this specification. This document was produced by the CSS Working Group (part of the Style Activity). A separate implementation report contains a test suite and shows that each test in the test suite was passed by at least two independent implementations. A complete list of changes to this document is available. Table of Contents 1. 2. 3. 3.1. Example(s):

Changes Are Headed For Toronto's Bitmaker Labs (Good Changes) Toronto’s Bitmaker Labs has thus far been known for its $9,000 Ruby on Rails course and an unfortunate Ontario Ministry of Training investigation last year that didn’t accomplish much, other than shutting the coding school down for a few days. It’s been about a year and a half since the school launched with five cofounders. Since then three of them left to pursue other things, including a competing coding school in Toronto called BrainStation. But as CMO Sean Power told us, Bitmaker Labs is about to go into high gear with a few new announcements. Today it announced that it has boosted its course selection to six and is planning on moving to a new 8000 sq. ft office complex at 220 King street west in Toronto. It also made a few important hires, including Power himself, a startup advisor and internationally published author, as well as a PhD candidate in the education space, Danielle Becket. The new courses being offered range from nine to 12 weeks, all immersive:

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قلب لغة برمجية جديده باللغة العربية مما لا شك فيه أن هناك العديد من المبرمجين الطموحين في العالم العربي يواجهون تحديات كبيره أثناء تعلمهم لأحد لغات البرمجة لما تحمله من طيات معقدة بين حناياها خاصه لغة الأحرف اللاتينية والرموز التي تكون في معظم الأحيان غامضة ولكن لا يأس مع الإصرار فقد تمكن المبرمج رمزي ناصر من تطوير لغة برمجة عربية بالكامل تحمل إسم قلب وقام بالكشف عليها من خلال المؤتمر السنوي لمركز Eyebeam’s في مدينة نيويورك الأمريكية. كما قام ناصر خلال المؤتمر السنوي لمركز Eyebeam’s بالكشف عن بعض البرامج الصغيره التي قام ببرمجتها من خلال إستعمال لغة قلب الجديده بما في ذلك نص برمجي بسيط يطبع عبارة “مرحبا بالعالم” و برنامج ثاني عبارة عن خوارزمية تقوم بحساب عدد فيبوناتشي، و برامج ترفيهية مثل “لعبة الحياة” و”لعبة الصفر لاعب” . موقع لغة قلب المصدر theverge

Integrating Google Maps into Your Web Applications Sci-fi author Duncan Munro's 1950 short story "U-Turn" includes a well-known passage that reads, "May you live in interesting times." I haven't actually read the story, therefore can't say whether it was meant as a blessing or a curse. Regardless, it seems particularly applicable to those of us steeped in Web development, as the last ten years have truly proved to be a whirlwind of excitement. Perhaps the most famous applications embracing the Ajax model is Google Maps. You might be surprised to know Google offers a free Application Programming Interface (API) that makes doing so pretty trivial. Prerequisites No special development tools are required in order to take advantage of Google's mapping API; all that is necessary is a text editor, Web browser, and a public Web server from which the scripts can be served. You'll need to confirm registration by clicking on link provided by you via email, at which time the API key will be provided to you. Your First Map <! Page 1 of 3

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3 Areas That Get Overlooked When Building Links In A Bubble One of the most frustrating things about doing a link campaign is that usually, we’re doing it because no one else wants to, or no one else has the time to. Link building is one of the most outsourced parts of SEM and much of the time, we’re one of a handful of agencies working on the overall online marketing strategy for a client. Many times, we’re also one of a handful of link companies working on the same campaign. Are any of us communicating regularly and sharing information? No, we aren’t, and that needs to change. Part of this responsibility lies with the client, to provide us with that information, but part of it resides with our company as well, for advocating for it. No developer needs to give us coding permissions and we can do our job well enough without having access to analytics data. Pay Per Click Ads I do run a medium-sized PPC account for a client, and I’ve previously worked on dozens of them, so I’ve seen firsthand how effective they can be when they’re properly tuned.

Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge - Важная информация Источник: © Marion Vogel Если Вы хотите въехать или уже въехали на постоянное место жительства в Германию, для Вас особую важность приобретают законодательные акты о пребывании в Германии. Условия Вашего пребывания в стране, зависят от того, являетесь ли Вы гражданином страны-члена Европейского Союза, Европейского Экономического Пространства (ЕЭП) или Швейцарии, поздним переселенцем, либо приехали из других стран. Hervorhebung_Achtung_ru: Важное примечание Если Вы не являетесь гражданином страны-члена ЕС, ЕЭП или Швейцарии и хотите долгосрочно проживать в Германии, Вам необходимо разрешение - так называемый «документ, разрешающий проживание в стране». разрешение на пребывание (Aufenthaltserlaubnis)вид на жительство (Niederlassungserlaubnis)разрешение на долгосрочное пребывание-ЕС (Erlaubnis zum Daueraufenthalt-EG) Разрешение на пребывание Разрешение на пребывание имеет ограниченный срок действия. Разрешение на пребывание может быть продлено. Hervorhebung_Achtung_ru: Разрешение на работу

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