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The Blogger's Guide to Search Engine Optimization - by Aaro

The Blogger's Guide to Search Engine Optimization - by Aaro

BJ Fogg's Website Website Magazine : Optimizing for YouTube advertisement SES NY Universal Search Session Notes (Part 2) YouTube has grown to be such a phenomenon that optimizing for it alone requires its own in-depth review. What are realistic expectations? 70% of videos get at least 20 views50% of videos get at least 100 viewsFewer than 20% of videos get more than 500 viewsFewer than 10% of videos get more than 1,500 views3% of videos get more than 25,000 viewsAround 1% of videos get more than 500,000 views What about Video Production? A: Most popular videos tend to be much shorter than 10 minutes 52.3% of videos in the all time most popular category were between 3-5 minutes long. What category is best? A: The one the fits your topic, but most popular are: EntertainmentSportsMusiccomedyNews and Politics Is it wise to let viewers rate the video? A: Yes! When is the best time to upload a video? What is the best resolution for Videos on YouTube? A: YouTube displays video at 425 (width) by 355 (height). Tips for Socialization inShare0

26 Sites That Pay You to Blog Writing paid post is perhaps the most straight forward ways to earn some revenue from blogging. The way pay post works hasn’t changed much; after reaching mutual agreement with advertisers, you write about them, they pay you. And if there is a 3rd party (middle man company) involve, they take cut. Most middle man company provides marketplace for advertisers to look for publishers, vice versa. If you firmly believe that writing pay post is one good way to revenue from your blog, here’s a list of web services that pays you to write for them. Sponsored Reviews<IMG src="/blog/wp-content/uploads/paidpost/sponsoredreviews.png" alt="sponsored reviews" srcset="" sizes=""> Earn cash by writing honest reviews about our advertiser’s products and services. We’ll pay you to write about what you love.

Marketing Your Blog: 10 Essential Tips You Should Know | How-To Well, a new year is upon us, it’s also the start of a new decade within the blogosphere. More and more people are building blogs, and that means there are lots of blogs competing for the same eyeballs and your blog is just one of many. Try finding accurate figures on how many blogs there are and you will know it’s impossible to find a verifiable number because bloggers and their blogs come and go. With all of these blogs out there, and all those information available at no cost, how do you make your blog stand out? 1. Image: via Dat Le Unless you want to throw all of your marketing budget and precious time on people who could care less about your blog, then you must pay attention to determine the preferred audiences to whom you would like to target. 2. Don’t follow the herd within your sphere of interest. Be honest. 3. Controversy sells. 4. Image: via AjDreams Don’t post to just any blog within your realm. 5. 6. A few years back, Twitter didn’t exist. 7. 8. 9. Image: via Wiki 10.

What happens to websites when your information is free to move? Social websites are getting better, more used, more open and more complete. Why should you start a website or blog if you can also write on your Facebook. Or why wouldn’t you transfer or duplicate all your data from your Facebook to any other social network or widget. Do we need custom coded websites? The field is rapidly shifting, we are clustering information around people not around services anymore. Why start a website, if you actually would like to start a community? I’m writing these articles on my hypernarrative blog, but why should I? I don’t need a special website to express myself. My options are changing. We’re getting into a situation where I don’t need to run my own blogsoftware or website to be in full control of my information. The barrier of technology had its peak, for now.

Publications - Book Barons, Beware Of The Long Tail - 11/03/2005 Famed Anonymous Anti-Palin Blogger &#039;Outed&#039; by Lawmaker An Alaskan state legislator revealed in his constituent e-newsletter Friday the identity of an anonymous local blogger who was made famous by her criticisms of Sarah Palin during the 2008 presidential campaign season. Mudflats blogger "Alaska Muckraker" (AKM) rose to blogger fame almost instantaneously when Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin was tapped to be John McCain's running mate, and the then anonymous blogger wrote "What is McCain Thinking? One Alaskan's Perspective" under the penname AKM. AKM earned the ire of Alaska Representative Mike Doogan (LD-25) of Anchorage (who happens to be a writer by trade) when AKM wrote a blog post about a rude email that Doogan sent to his constituents. Are you people nuts? [Yes, that is the actual response that Doogan sent to his constituents.] AKM posted Doogan's own words on the Mudflats blog along with an enumerated list of the basic rules of netiquette. AKM says she received a terse email Thursday putting her on notice, Not only has the U.S.

The plan for broadband Technology blogs and commentators are applauding a part of President-elect Obama's plan for economic recovery laid out in his most recent weekly address: the promise to make broadband internet access available in every corner of the country, and to push hospitals and doctors' offices to improve care and cut costs by adopting electronic medical records. "It is unacceptable that the United States ranks 15th in the world in broadband adoption," President-elect Obama said in the address. "Here, in the country that invented the internet, every child should have the chance to get online, and they’ll get that chance when I’m President -- because that’s how we’ll strengthen America’s competitiveness in the world….[and] the economic recovery plan I’m proposing will help modernize our health care system – and that won’t just save jobs, it will save lives." "Bravo!" the technology blog editor Sam Diaz wrote at "Today, we really see what he plans to do," wrote Gizmodo.
