NetLogo Home Page
NetLogo is a multi-agent programmable modeling environment. It is used by many tens of thousands of students, teachers and researchers worldwide. It also powers HubNet participatory simulations.
Cinnamon and Honey: Two Power-Packed Natural Healers
Hayley Russell, Guest WriterWaking Times Honey is the only food on the planet that will not spoil or rot. What it will do is what some call ‘turning to sugar’.
Why Is Blood Sugar Highest in the Morning?
Many people with diabetes find that their fasting blood sugar first thing in the morning is the hardest blood sugar to control. In addition, they find that if they eat the same food for breakfast as they do for lunch or dinner they will see a much higher blood sugar number when testing after breakfast than they see at the other meals. The reason for this is a normal alteration in hormones experienced by many people not just people with diabetes. It is called "Dawn Phenomenon." What Causes Dawn Phenomenon? The body prepares for waking up by secreting several different hormones.
5 Scents that Affect Your Mood - Destination Femme
Scents can be really powerful on the state of your mind and your mood. Smells can illicit nostalgia and memories, and bring you back to the place or time you that you unconsciously associate with that scent. Just so you don’t underestimate the power of your nose, here is a list of common scents used in aromatherapy.
State University - Master of Science In Conflict Management
Kennesaw State University’s Master of Science in Conflict Management (MSCM) is a 16-month executive degree program designed for students seeking a supportive academic environment. Students gain the knowledge and skills to manage conflicts in today’s challenging environments. The MSCM faculty bring a diverse array of experiences to the classroom including environmental, public policy, international, court-related, workplace, non-profit, and more.
Sea salt and baking soda, best all natural remedy for curing radiation exposure and cancer
From: If you are having any kind of radiation treatments, macrobiotic is the cure. Macrobiotics is very effective in curing radiation sickness and cancer. If you are diagnosed with cancer and you want to survive the cancer avoid any and all exposure to radiation treatment. Radiation treatment of any kind is what actually kills people diagnosed with cancer.
Trim Down Club
Blessingcatcher4: “I had my one year anniversary with TDC this weekend! Yippee!! I faithfully use the menu planner and portions and foods each week, switching out foods and meals as I need to. I try to keep my percentage at 89 or 90% each week.
Elissa Goodman Seasonal changes, aging, and daily stresses can suppress your immune system and leave you depleted in nutrients. Maintain a strong immune system year round with these natural immunity boosters!
tPOD1 - thermoelectric Power On Demand by Richard Harmon
Introducing the tPOD1 to the world… …off-grid or denied-grid thermoelectric Power On Demand. …eco-friendly, multi-functional, portable, dependable, and durable.
How to Meditate (with Sample Meditation Techniques)
What should I do if my legs fall asleep while meditating? This is common for new meditators, and will likely get better over time if you stick with it. As long as feeling comes back to your legs within a few minutes after changing position, don’t worry about it.