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Exercices pour apprendre l'espagnol

Exercices pour apprendre l'espagnol
| Cours et exercices d'espagnol 100% gratuits, hors abonnement internet auprès d'un fournisseur d'accès.

gramática y vocabulario Apprendre l'espagnol - cours d'espagnol gratuits Spanish games In Spanish, this game is a comecocos or a sacapiojos. In English, it is called a cootie-catcher, a chatterbox or a fortune teller. This is an excellent language activity and it can be adapted in lots of different ways to use with Spanish language learners. If you are not familiar with this game, you can get an idea of how it works from this video: Spanish game Traditionally, a comecocos is a kind of fortune-teller, with the final answer being a prediction. When I use a comecocos with Spanish language learners, instead of having kids spell words, I have them say the words in syllables and usually as part of a phrase. With any comecocos, you will want to be sure the player with the toy knows how to ask the other player which color, number or animal she chooses. Printable Spanish game – Comecocos Here are a few of my comecocos to print and use with Spanish language learners. Spanish game – Los animales: A comecocos with numbers and animals. Spanish game – ¿Cómo eres? A blank comecocos. 1.

Le Monde Aprender y practicar español ¡Bienvenidos! Desde nuestro portal puedes practicar y profundizar tus conocimientos de español como lengua extranjera de una forma amena, interactiva, autónoma y flexible. Seguimos ampliando continuamente la oferta de ejercicios. ¡Que te diviertas! Ejercicios nuevos: El perfecto: Principiante (A1/A2) GramáticaEl perfecto: Principiante (A1/A2) GramáticaEl presente: Principiante (A1/A2) GramáticaEl presente: Principiante (A1/A2) GramáticaSer y estar: Principiante (A1/A2) Gramática

Encyclopédie Universalis Ejercicios de español
