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Using Pallets To Build A Canning Pantry Cupboard

Using Pallets To Build A Canning Pantry Cupboard
Our canning cabinet filled from the garden Our crate and pallet board pieces after disassembling a pallet and a shipping crate Over the last 6 months or so – it seems that we always have a comment or two to the blog on our canning cabinet that we built out of old shipping crates and pallets. In fact, it seems to have taken on a life of its own – to the point that after so many asked – we finally put detailed plans on our Etsy store. (see: Canning Pantry Plans) So we thought for today’s post we would go through the how 2′s of building with pallets and shipping crates – with a little extra information on the canning pantry. Our Canning Cabinet made from old pallets and shipping crates. We have actually made two of them – the first we built from pallets – the second from some old shipping crates and pallets. For the canning cupboard, we started by tearing apart about 4 pallets to use for the sides and shelving boards. Buffet Hutch made with pallet panels and shipping crate remnants.

Folding Desk From Pallet It’s no surprise how much we love pallets around here. That’s why we were so excited to find this folding desk made from a pallet! This is such a brilliant idea for a small space requiring a desk. It offers great storage and once closed only takes up the width of the pallet on the wall. Better yet, you don’t need to dissemble the pallet to make it. This is upcycled furniture at it’s finest! This pallet folding desk is truly lovely. How to make a pallet folding desk 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. That’s it, you’re pallet folding desk is now complete! Source: Thistlewood Farm

Candles for Fall – How to Make Spiced Candles at Home – Beeswax Spiced Candles for Fall Now that we are well into fall, I love enjoying anything and everything fall related to extend the season as long as possible. Fall is one of our favorite seasons and it always seems to go by too quickly, so I try and enjoy it as much as I can with fall related foods and scents. Are you enjoying what you see here? Get new articles sent right to your inbox! Sign up for our weekly newsletters for new articles sent right to your inbox plus get a free copy of my ebook, The Canner's Cookbook, just for signing up! This year I wanted to take a few of the Beeswax Candles that I love to make and create some fun fall scents. Spiced Candles for Fall What You Need: JarsWick (at least medium or #2) (Where to Buy)1 cup Beeswax (Where to Buy)1 cup Coconut Oil (Where to Buy)Spices Start by placing the wicks in the jars. Melt the beeswax, coconut oil, and spices together in some kind of double boiler. GingerCinnamonClove What are your favorite fall scents or scented candles for fall?

The Pallet Project - Chair The Pallet Project started life For 10, TEN, X project at 100% Design 2008. The idea was to created a product that could be made for £10 or less. The first pallet range was a pallet chair, a hanging light, a floor light and some stools. The first pallet chair was made out of two pallets and 50 screws. As part of the London Design Festival, 2009 Pallet Project was shown at jeweller Jacqueline Rabun's London showroom. The Pallet Project grew to take on a life of it's own with people all over the world buying and downloading the instructions and making versions of pallet chairs for personal use as well as community and public projects. The Pallet Furniture was shortlisted in the furniture category of the 2010 Brit Design awards at the Design Museum, London. Instructions to make the chair, light and a stool are available from the Studiomama shop.

42 Craft Project Ideas That are Easy to Make and Sell - Big DIY IDeas Why do we do crafts and put together DIY projects? Well, for the love of course, but in some cases for money. Not the love of money, that’s bad, but because getting paid to do what you love is considered a very successful life. Let me know if any of these craft ideas are something you have sold before or if you think you might try to sell online or at a craft bizarre, expo or whatever your hometown calls your craft sale. Dollar store plate charger and chalkboard paint- what a GREAT idea to sell at craft fairs Found on Handmade Franciscan Earthenware Cake Stand in Turquoise Found on Lollipop Stand for Sale Found on Nail Cross Pendant Found on Dishwasher Magnet, Clean or Dirty Found on Handmade Display Shelf Makes Hot Wheels Even Hotter! Found on Cute collar & tie for your dog A great craft project that will sell very well to all those dog owners who love their canines. Football Onsie

Build A Pallet Shelf Tutorial Normally I don't let much get in the way of a creative spark. When I get an idea, I go for it. And I've had a great idea since last week, but one big giant thing was in the way. Who knows how many thousands of pounds of masonry rock for the face of our house was right in the way of my next DIY project. Well, taxes, kids, dinner, husbands, housekeeping AND this gigantic pile of concrete. What to do? So I waited. There's our groceries for the week, delivered right to our doorstep! Instead, I bummed a pallet off the driver. And although I was very thankful, it did not have as much character as the one's under the masonry rock See the blue and green on the bottom pallet? Do they make safety glasses for infants? Then we went in the garage and took a quick measurement of the openings on the bottom of the pieces I had chopped up. Then I grabbed my nailer and put some 1 1/4" nails into the edges to form a bottom on the pallet pieces. And then grabbed a few random items and . . . So how to build?

How To Make DIY Cookie Cutter Candles | DIY Tag Welcome! We are glad you are here! If this is your first visit, be sure to Subscribe to DIY Tag by Email. Which social media do you usually use? Here is a creative idea to take your cookie cutters to the next level. Candle endsCrayons if you want to add color to your candlesSaucepanSmall glass or metal bowl or clean tin can to melt the candle endsParchment paperCookie cuttersSheet panCandlewicks Step by step instructions Simmer water in a small saucepan.Melt the candle ends in such a container as small glass, metal bowl, or tin can by putting the container in the saucepan.Cover the sheet pan with parchment paper and then put the cookie cutters on the tray.

DIY Picnic Table Out Of Pallets — Ana White PDF version How to make a kid's picnic table from a pallet. Recycle what would have been trash into a very useable and cute table. Have you ever been at the point in your life when there is no extra money? When you need something positive, some growth in your life, but you are saving (or just barely breaking even)? Don't let that get in the way of your ability to be creative. Here is from Janae: I thought about taking pictures as I was going, but I was trying to work with my son's nap schedule and didn't have extra time. I found a few pallets for free on craigslist. image from Janae You can see how to build your own pallet shelves for pretty much free here. So anyway, I made this picnic table out of 2/3rds of a pallet, some scrap 2x4s I found, and one or two new 2x4s stud length. The table top is 40" long x 21.25" wide. image by Janae I just cut it at a 30 degree angle to keep it from digging into the kids lap. For the seats, a pallet frame would work, but I had two scrap pieces of 2x4s.

Easy DIY Pumpkin Craft With Mason Jar Lids! Here’s a fun fall craft that just about anyone could do! The cost is minimal and it would make a perfect fall mantle decoration. My friend Sarah posted this project to her Facebook page and I was so impressed that I asked her if I could post it here on STS. I haven’t tried it yet, mostly because spray paint with a 2 year old around doesn’t always turn out so well, but it’s a project that I’m totally convinced that even I could do (for those who are new to STS, I’m about as far from a “crafty person” as you can get)! Here’s how to make it: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Camere viennesi: l’ospitalità minimale In un tipico palazzo viennese settecentesco, lo studio di architettura austriaco Heri & Salli ha creato cinque piccole camere per gli ospiti, rivoluzionando l’idea stessa di ristrutturazione, proponendo un intervento minimo e conservativo in rapporto alle strutture originarie. Un gesto provocatorio che si pone in atteggiamento di rispetto, quasi riverenziale, di fronte alla storia dell’edificio, tanto da non permettersi di intervenire direttamente sulla struttura. I locali, riprogettati nella fabbrica di birra e aceto di Erwin Gegenbauer, sono stati predisposti in modo tale che ogni unità abbia un ampio letto, unicamente costruito con un reticolo di travi di legno di larice siberiano impilate legate ad incastro, come le vecchie botti di aceto nel cortile. L'uso prevalente del legno per gli arredi è un filo conduttore che continua anche nei bagni adiacenti alle camere, dove sono stati rispettati tutti i requisiti igienici essenziali, pur mantenendo lo stesso approccio, crudo e razionale.

Old Jeans to New Hairband Today, I'm going to show you how to make a cute little hairband using some fabric from old jeans. You will need ... Scissor, pen, fabric from old jeans, glue gun a piece of plain hairband, piece of cardboard from packaging. First, draw a 5 petals flower The shape and size is absolutely depends on your preference... Trace the flower shape onto the jeans... Cut out the flower... you will need about 6 of them... Cut 4 of them into below... a 3 petal piece and a 2 petal piece... And the balance 2 flowers into a petal piece... You will have some extra pieces... Now, lay a 2 petals piece onto a 3 petal piece to create pattern... And lay another 3 petal piece again... The sequence I apply here is 3 - 2 - 3 - 2 -1 - (1x2)* - 1 (1 x2) is lay a one petal into a 'V' shape. Hope this make sense to you... See the further picture... This is the result of the sequence I applied. (I make the layer more contrast by using different side of the fabric) When you happy with the pattern formed, glue them together with a glue gun.

Easy DIY Paper Daisies It was time for some new paper flowers to usher in the spring around here. If you have been here long, you know I am a fan of making paper roses. I decided to switch it up a bit and create daisies this time. For this project, you don’t need much. Supplies: Sizzix Flower Layers and Leaves Die White Cardstock Yellow Quilling paper Paper quilling tool or toothpick Craft glue (I use Glossy Accents for paper to paper since it dries in 5 sec and holds great) Floral wire Floral tape Hot glue gun Tutorial: Cut several 8 petal flower shapes, either from a paper punch or die. Fold each petal lengthwise, as close to the center as you can get. Once your petals are folded, stack one flower shape on top of another, adhering with glue, such that the petals are alternating (see pic below). For the center of the flower, coil yellow quilling strips using a quilling tool or toothpick. Glue flower center in place. To finish, I wrapped my wire with floral tape.

Juggling With Kids: The Secret to Cutting Felt & Making Felt Storyboards for Preschoolers I'm taking a curriculum class for Early Childhood Education this semester. For my final project, I have to turn in a curriculum box at the end of the semester, with quite a few felt/flannel story boards. I was dreading this assignment, because the idea of cutting felt seemed like a long and tedious process. However, while I was looking up ideas on Pinterest I ran across this fabulous tutorial on Make it Cozee that taught me the secret to cutting felt. I'm so thankful that I found this tutorial! Supplies: -Felt (You can purchase small pieces at your local craft store. Directions: When it comes to creating a felt story board, you will want to find a pattern to print out. With freezer paper there is a glossy side. The side with the paper finish is where you want to trace the art. Next you will cut out the drawings and iron each piece onto the correct color of felt. See.....the freezer paper is now temporarily glued onto my felt. Now you can cut out your shape.
