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His And Hers Colors – Popular Color Names By Gender Preference

His And Hers Colors – Popular Color Names By Gender Preference

What Color is this? in 9 languages I've always wanted to re-do some of the scientific studies of the past, like the World Color Survey. While I don't have plane tickets or time to travel the world, I do have access to CrowdFlower's 4 million contributors to re-test hypotheses about the universality of color-naming. Four years ago, we showed English language speakers random colors and asked for the color names. Four years later, with CrowdFlower contributors now in every country of the world, the experiment becomes much richer. The question is not only "Where does blue end, and red begin?" The color-wheel above (thanks D3 and Dawn) contains 4,000 colors (we collected many more, but didn't want to crash everyone's browsers). On the whole, it looks like countries have extremely similar conceptions of color. What do you see in the data? And stay tuned for more blog posts on when big crowd meets old science. The CrowdFlower task seen by contributors in the U.S., France, Germany, and China:
