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Regards et Maisons

Regards et Maisons

nice*room perfectly imperfect (by decor8) View → Mobil*Home Blog Archive » GOLD LEAF PAPER MACHE BOWLS So, I think this might be my favorite DIY to date. It’s just so practical and pretty! A few friends and I decided we would get together once a month for an all day craft day. We’ve been dying to try out gold leaf for a while now. ONE – To create your bowl forms, you’ll need to start with balloons. TWO – Cut up your newspaper into small strips. THREE – Place your balloons upside down (or right side up, whichever way you want to look at it) inside paper cups and let them dry overnight. FOUR – Once dry, pop your balloon and remove the latex. Paint your bowls entirely white (or any color of your choice). I wanted my bowls to have a polka dot pattern within the gold leaf. After your dots are adhered, brush on Gold Leaf Adhesive all over the inside, over the stickers. Now for the fun part….carefully place your sheets of Gold Leaf all over the inside of the bowl, securing it to the adhesive. I hope you all have fun with this project!

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