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CLOUD: An Interactive Sculpture Made from 6,000 Light Bulbs

CLOUD: An Interactive Sculpture Made from 6,000 Light Bulbs

21 Swings: Interactive Musical Swing Installation  21 Swings is an exercise in musical cooperation. The installation offers a fresh look at the idea of cooperation and the notion that we can achieve more together than separately, so a giant instrument made of 21 musical swings was created; each swing in motion triggers different notes, and all the swings together compose a unique piece of music, but some sounds and notes can only emerge from cooperation and synced movement to reveal the installations true potential… Be Sociable, Share! 21 Swings, Art Installations, Digital Swing Installation, Interactive Installations, Interactive Musical Swings, Swing Installation

About | Neighborhood Postcard Project The Neighborhood Postcard Project is a worldwide participatory project that fosters community connection through storytelling exchange. Residents share personal positive stories about their neighborhood on a postcard and those postcards are delivered to random people in different neighborhoods within that same city to break down stereotypes and build community. The project began as the SF Postcard Project in April of 2013 in San Francisco. I was working on a project with youth in San Francisco’s Bayview neighborhood and they went out and talked to people in their neighborhood and asked them what they wanted to improve in Bayview. They heard about gang violence, unemployment, and drug use — but they finally came back and said that all they wanted to do was change other people’s perception of Bayview. I found that extremely powerful. Since then, people all over the world have expressed interest in adopting the project in their community. -Hunter Sign up for the mailing list

Beautiful/Decay Artist & Design | Artist Book Series + Daily Art & Design Blog L'idée du jour Faites participer vos invités à la croissance d'un arbre virtuel ! Lors de votre événement, imaginez l'affichage d'un arbre interactif. Tous les invités peuvent remplir d'eau un récipient commun à tous, à l'aide d'un arrosoir mis à leur disposition. Une balance électronique permet de détecter le volume de liquide versé, volume qui fera grandir l'arbre affiché. Plus le bac se remplit, plus l'arbre grandit : ses branches, son tronc, ses feuilles, ses fruits, ses fleurs... Laissez libre cours à votre imagination en utilisant cette animation avec n'importe quel élément évoluant au gré de vos participants. About | The Laundromat Project About The Laundromat Project Mission & Vision We amplify the creativity that already exists within communities by using arts and culture to build community networks, solve problems, and enhance our sense of ownership in the places where we live, work, and grow. We envision a world in which artists are understood as valuable assets in every community and everyday people know the power of their own creative capacity to transform their lives, their relationships, and their surroundings. Theory of Change The Laundromat Project believes art, culture, and engaged imaginations can change the way people see their world, open them up to new ideas, and connect them with their neighbors. Values The Laundromat Project achieves its mission by bringing socially relevant and socially engaged arts programming to laundromats and other everyday community spaces in order to reach as many of our neighbors as possible. Creative Catalysts Community-Centered Neighborly People Powered Active Listeners and Learners

redpepper / QReo: An Oreo QR code PostSecret THE POWER OF x - TEDx SUMMIT 2012 Réalisée par l’agence WE ARE Pi d’Amsterdam pour le compte du TEDx Summit, voici sans aucun doute possible l’une des vidéos les plus inspirantes que vous aurez eu l’occasion de voir aujourd’hui, peut être même plus que la plupart d’entre celles que vous avez ingurgité depuis bien longtemps… Projet mêlant musique, danse chorégraphique, architecture, photographie et vidéo; «The Power of x» qui a été diffusé en ouverture du TEDx Summit 2012 organisé à Doha au Qatar met en scène une arabesque humaine créée et animée sans l’aide d’aucun effet numérique ou autre bidouillage de post-production. La chorégraphie dont je vous propose de vous délecter a été tournée en plan séquence (sans coupure) et ce depuis le somment d’un kaléidoscope géant mesurant pas moins de 18 mètre de haut. Un pur et hypnotisant moment de grâce… The Power of x: Le Making Of:

Cards Against Brutality C6Zg7U6WgAAR HW
