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Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool

Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool

Pas à pas : Monter son drone quadricoptère haut de gamme Souvenons-nous du premier PC que nous avons monté : beaucoup de lecture préalable sur les divers sites et forums, suivi d’une prise de confiance. Pour bon nombre d’entre nous, cette confiance a probablement pris un coup dans l’aile dès lors qu’il a fallu commander les divers composants. On en vient à se demander si c’est bien de tel composant dont on a besoin, quitte à dégainer sa carte bleue sans être complètement sûr de soi. Une fois tous les composants réunis et disposés sur une table, nous avons tous ouvert les boites une par une en prenant particulièrement soin du processeur, de la carte mère, des barrettes de mémoire et de la carte graphique. Souvenons-nous aussi des efforts déployés pour ne pas toucher la surface d’échange du processeur et du dissipateur. Ce processus a pu être géré en quelques heures pour certains et quelques jours pour d’autres, mais le fait est que nous sommes arrivés à monter notre premier PC. La même excitation … La commande en détail

Autoruns for Windows By Mark Russinovich Published: February 16, 2022 Download Autoruns and Autorunsc (3.7 MB)Run now from Sysinternals Live. Introduction This utility, which has the most comprehensive knowledge of auto-starting locations of any startup monitor, shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login, and when you start various built-in Windows applications like Internet Explorer, Explorer and media players. Autoruns' Hide Signed Microsoft Entries option helps you to zoom in on third-party auto-starting images that have been added to your system and it has support for looking at the auto-starting images configured for other accounts configured on a system. You'll probably be surprised at how many executables are launched automatically! Screenshot Usage Simply run Autoruns and it shows you the currently configured auto-start applications as well as the full list of Registry and file system locations available for auto-start configuration. Autorunsc Usage Download

How to dual-boot Linux Mint Debian Edition and Windows 7 This is the latest article in the series on dual-booting Linux and BSD desktop distributions with Windows 7. And this one provides step-by-step directions on how to dual-boot Linux Mint Debian Edition (LMDE) with Windows 7 on a computer with a single hard drive. LMDE is the branch of Linux Mint that is based on Debian, rather than on Ubuntu. If attempting to dual-boot a distribution with Windows 7, it is highly recommended that you try as much as possible to keep them completely isolated. Following the recommended method, LMDE’s bootloader, GRUB, will be installed in the boot partition of the LMDE installation. The directions provided in this tutorial presents specific instructions on how to make space for LMDE when installing Windows 7 anew, or when installing on a computer with an existing installation of Windows 7. Let’s start with the case where LMDE is going to be installed on a disk with an existing installation of Windows 7. The system will then present the best option for you.
