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Advertising, Marketing, Media, Digital, PR News & more

Advertising, Marketing, Media, Digital, PR News & more

The Better India - Positive News. Happy Stories. Unsung Heroes. China Hearsay: comments on law, business, .. The 2012 SoDA Report The China Beat · Blogging How the East Is Read Digital Marketing Blog July 2012 Build­ing a Cul­ture of Opti­miza­tion Round-up: Must-Read Tips and Best Prac­tices from Dig­i­tal Mar­ket­ing Experts In July, we focused a lot of our social media con­tent around the value of build­ing an inter­nal cul­ture of dig­i­tal opti­miza­tion. Adobe experts shared weekly “Quick Tips” about how to lay the foun­da­tion inter­nally to cre­ate and main­tain an opti­miza­tion pro­gram and the value of reg­u­larly shar­ing results with key stake­hold­ers across the busi­ness. We also curated related arti­cles from across the web and shared them via our @adobedigmktg Twit­ter account and Face­book page. Week One: The com­pa­nies that build the most suc­cess­ful opti­miza­tion pro­grams are those that start with sen­si­ble goals, build opti­miza­tion into their orga­ni­za­tional lifestyle, and then stick to their res­o­lu­tion to build an effec­tive opti­miza­tion orga­ni­za­tion. Week Four: The biggest gap that I see with clients is a sin­gle point of fail­ure.

ChinaHush China internet Buzz Chinalogue on environment "中外对话"是世界上致力于环境问题的第一个完全双语网站。气候变化、物种消亡、污染、水资源匮乏以及环境破坏等问题并不仅仅局限在某一国之内,而是全世界所有居民都要面临的挑战, 而正在崛起的中国给他们带来一个新的紧迫任务。应对上述这些挑战需要全世界达成共识,并且共同努力,而我们"中外对话"网站的目标正是促进这种共识的达成。 China is growing fast and, as it grows, it is faced with urgent environmental challenges. "中外对话"是一个独立的非营利性组织,主要以伦敦和北京为基地展开活动。" is an independent, non-profit organisation based in London and Beijing. 伦敦办公室 London Office Nicely Made In China media, strategy, culture clashes e-collective “From a deep pool of blue ink rises an image…” – this is written on Blueprint‘s homepage, a digital collective that describes itself as a Chinese creative group with no artistic bounds. In an “Internet world” filled with many options for exploring different kinds of creative content, we find ourselves frequently entering Blueprint’s creative world. Their distinctive style comes from the ambient / “lowercase” electronic sound they produce as well as their visual works, which exude a subtle mysticism. The depth and breadth of content under the “Blueprint” name actually comes from members who live in many cities, including Zhengzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Nanjing, among others. From the perspective of someone observing China’s creative community development, it’s fascinating to creatives across significant geographic distances collaborating via the Internet. We’ve also shared some of Blueprints music in the embeddable player below.
