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MathFROG - Ressources Amusantes et Jeux en Ligne

MathFROG - Ressources Amusantes et Jeux en Ligne

Jeux de sixiemes Planning pour mes élèves pendant le confinement : Cette partie toute nouvelle est en cours de construction, les classes s'enrichissent progressivement. Venez la consulter régulièrement ! Merci à Marie Darif, Peg Kuoszucki, Sébastien Nouaillier, Nicolas Forestier, José Hourlier, Audrey Dominique, Aurore Chauvin Cellas, Hélène Soulier, Aline Bègue-Crezé, Florence Rebolini, ... tous les collègues du Coin boulot des professeurs de mathématiques avec lesquels c'est un vrai plaisir de travailler sur ces Genially ! Autres jeux

Super Math Centers Link Up Do you use math centers in your classroom? If not, maybe you have some of the concerns I felt before I tried them. Frankly, I was intimidated at the thought of having to create center games and materials. I also envisioned a level of chaos I knew I couldn't tolerate in my classroom. Finally, I was so busy planning for my whole group and cooperative learning math lessons that I couldn't figure out how to add math centers to the mix. Then one day I attended a workshop on implementing math centers, and within an hour I was hooked! Without using centers, I wasn't truly differentiating math instruction. Baby Steps with Math Centers So in typical fashion, I did a little planning and then jumped right in! What happened next amazed me! It took some time for me to figure out the best way to organize and manage math centers, so I created a page called Math Centers and Stations on Teaching Resources to share these ideas.You can also find free math center games on that page as well as on this blog.

CE1/CE2 Les nombres de 1 000 à 999 999 - Cours Apprendre les mathématiques > Cours & exercices de mathématiques > test de maths n°57060: CE1/CE2 Les nombres de 1 000 à 999 999 - Cours - cours Après le test N° 56 885 où nous vous proposions de vous familiariser avec les nombres de 4, 5 et 6 chiffres, nous vous invitons aujourd'hui à les décomposer, les comparer et à les ordonner. 1 millier =10 centaines = 100 dizaines = 1 000 unités

Jeux Mathématiques addigrille Choisis si tu veux créer une fiche à imprimer ou si tu veux jouer en ligne. Choisis le nombre de lignes et le nombre de colonnes de tes carrés magiques. Bon courage ! Choisis ton niveau (facile ou difficile) et c'est parti... Choisis ton niveau et c'est parti... Opérations nécessaires pour trouver le bon compte : Niveau CE1 : addition et soustraction,Niveau CE2 : addition, soustraction et multiplication. Choisis l'ordre de grandeur du sommet. Choisis la hauteur de la pyramide. Clique sur JOUER et c'est parti... Choisis ton niveau (jusqu'à 100, 1000, 10000) et c'est parti... Objectif DIX Ce jeu se joue en ligne. Ta mission : Empêcher une file de nombres de traverser l'écran. Tes armes : Les compléments à 10. Quadri Tables Ta mission : Guider des briques opérations pour qu'elles tombent sur le bon résultat. Tes armes : Les tables d'addition ou de multiplication. Lucky Luke Ta mission : Compter les doigts ou les billes plus vite que ton ombre. Repérage sur Quadrillage Déplacement sur Quadrillage

Les fées des maths Je suis professeure de Mathématiques dans le Loiret. Ce site me permet de travailler avec mes élèves et de partager des documents. Vous pouvez utiliser ces activités dans vos classes. Vous pouvez me contacter ici Hélène Pellé Copyright : L’utilisation de ce site exprime votre consentement sur les conditions d’utilisation. Les dessins réalisés par Juliette Hernando ne sont pas libres de droit. Math Games/Center Ideas What’s Here Learn how to create and implement math games quickly and inexpensively! On this page, you’ll find photos of math games and free printable directions for several of them. You can see how to store and organize these math partner games and introduce them to your class on the Starting Math Game Routines page. Teacher-Made Math Games for Grades 2-4 Remember, even if you don’t use math partner games, you can still use the activities below as centers, in small groups, or as whole class games! Division Memory Facto: Basic Math Fact Practice Pass Out (Multiplication Practice) Speed (basic fact practice, any operations students know) Three In A Row (A game of logic and strategy) Battle (basic fact practice, any operations) Add ‘Em Up (multiplication/division facts) Dice 1000 (3 digit addition and 3 digit multiplication) Division Go Fish (division fact practice) Timed 5 Card Operations (all math operations students know/ fact families) There is also an untimed version. Free 1st Grade Geometry See On

Math Game Routines What’s Here Whether you’re looking specifically for math games or just want a fun way for students to practice math facts, the ideas on this page will help you incorporate a math partner game time into even the most limited class schedule. You’ll see how to store and organize the games and introduce them to your class. What’s a math partner game? Similar to math tubs, the math partner games I use are two-player games that reinforce a variety of math skills, including problem solving and logical thinking. Are math partner games the same as math centers? It depends on your definition. There IS one major difference between the partner game arrangement I describe here and typical centers. During the math partner game set up I recommend here, you are not responsible for small group instruction, so you’re free to facilitate students’ thinking and engage kids in conversations about what they’re learning. What are the advantages of using math partner games? For how long do kids play the games? Yes!

lego math games Do your kids love Lego? Just manipulating the pieces, snapping them together and pulling them apart is a great work out for fingers, helping to develop fine-motor skills, but Lego is a classic open-ended toy that can be used in so many different ways by creative kids. My girls most often use their Lego to build imaginary buildings or enclosures for their toy animals but recently L has been using them in lot of math games. Lego math games Building chains of Lego in repeating patterns, with the same sequence of colours going along the line, is very good mathematical patterning and are early steps towards addition and times tables. Lego symmetry challenge We took it in turns to build half a picture and then see if the other person could complete it. Make sure you have enough spare Lego blocks to complete the other side of the pattern and then see how long it takes you to find all the right pieces. More lego math games There are lots of fun ways to use Lego for maths games.

Freebies Math FREEBIES Addition and Subtraction number stories recording sheets Paper and Pencil Activities for Daily 5 Math Here are some more Daily 5 Math creations. The ones below are all game based, however you can adapt them into one person activities Rev Up Your Grey Matter Pages & A First Day Place Value Freebie! I had a few folks request some more pictures of how I set up my Rev Up notebook. There are numerous ways to set it up but here's how I did it. Monday - I plan to put a few different manipulatives in their pocket throughout the year. I put buttons in today just to change up the pictures for patterning to show another way to utilize the page. This page (left) is hard to see, the glare is bad (Sorry). The final page for Monday is ordering given numbers least to greatest and greatest to least. Tuesday's activities focus on patterns, rules, and operations. The back of the patterning page, I put a work space page to help with their operations practice. Like I said, your students may not be ready for division right away but you can make your own problems on the blank cards if needed. Wednesdays - is a mix of skills. The following page is comparing fractions, which can be adding fractional parts with like denominators and unlike, or ordering fractional parts. I hope this helped. Thanks, friends.
