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Islands of the Mind: How the Human Imagination Created the Atlantic World: John Gillis In Islands of the Mind, John R. Gillis takes us on a rich and fascinating journey through the centuries and across the ocean in search of the meanings of islands in the collective imagination and history of the western world. Islands, he shows, have always sparked the imagination with notions of danger, adventure, isolation and even perfection. RE: [flexcoders] Connection pools in the FlashPlayer and forcing a close The Player uses the browser's network layer so it's all about whether the browser will return control, and I believe it's up to the browser to decide whether it's a keep-alive or not. I'll see if I can find anything else out though. Matt ________________________________ From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of erikabair Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 1:03 PM To: Subject: [flexcoders] Connection pools in the FlashPlayer and forcing a close of an URLLoader/Stream Hello, I'm running into an issue with URLLoader::close (and URLStream::close) not actually doing a low-level close of the underlying TCP connection. Basically we have a situation in which we're doing a blocked poll against a server, and need to interrupt that blocked request in order to submit a new (higher prio) request. Navigate to other messages within this thread

RouteXL - fastest route with multiple stops Pico Iyer | The Everyday Adventurer As the world has flattened and the globe’s cultures have become more accessible, the question of where home is and what home means has become more and more important and central to our existence. When you ask someone where they are from, you often hear that they were born one place, raised in another, went to school in another, but have perhaps been living exactly where you have encountered them for the past 20 years. In Pico Iyer’s TED talk, he walks us through an amazing narrative of what home means, the experience of finding it and how to even go about answering the question when it is posed to you in the first place. It is now so common for a person to have lived in several different countries, to be obsessed with the idea of living in another and find themselves living in yet another location. Iyer shares that these global, mobile citizens now make up 5th largest nation on Earth and the group has grown by over 64 Million people in the last 12 years.

Crash Course: Design for Startups I recently stumbled across screenshots of old websites of mine and was hurled into a state of reminiscent shock. I knew they were bad, but wow they were outstandingly horrible (redeemed only by their microformats support! I kid, I kid). I have yet to consider myself a real designer and there are quite a few things I would do differently with my most recent work on Notifo and Pic A Fight. I have been brainstorming for the past few days about how to scope this article. What I can do is share what has worked for me. Subtle is key! When I was a wee pixel pusher I would overuse whatever graphic effect I had just learned. You can imagine how horrible everything looked. Then what do I mean about "except when it's not"? Get Inspired and Stay Thirsty My Friends Organized This is not a new concept by any means, but it bears repeating: keep the right side of your brain engaged by regularly seeking great website designs, reading about design, sketching site layouts (or anything really) and more.

The Web is Flat: Creating Categorization and Tagging Systems for Web Success | Zehno Borrowing from major traditional- and social-media Web sites, institutions are increasingly creating tagging systems that allow visitors to browse and sort content in ways that are more meaningful and intuitive. Successful taxonomy and categorization systems can correlate with increased levels of engagement and desired action. To successfully implement tagging on a higher ed site, institutions should consider goals first; follow a process that considers best practices and community input; and design a measurement system that maps back to project goals. First, some definitions of the concepts: Categorization is how we assign labels to aid in searching and sorting. In the broadest sense on the Web, categorization drives the organization of site navigation. The above definitions are academic and heavy with Web geek jargon—yet they just scratch the surface of the true complexity of these concepts. What Makes Conceptual Clustering “Flat”? Models to Learn From 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Pico Iyer - Why We Travel Travel Stories: In a classic essay, Pico Iyer explores the reasons we leave our beliefs and certainties at home to see the world with open eyes iStockPhoto We travel, initially, to lose ourselves; and we travel, next, to find ourselves. Share this on Facebook? I like that stress on work, since never more than on the road are we shown how proportional our blessings are to the difficulty that precedes them; and I like the stress on a holiday that’s “moral” since we fall into our ethical habits as easily as into our beds at night. Yet for me the first great joy of traveling is simply the luxury of leaving all my beliefs and certainties at home, and seeing everything I thought I knew in a different light, and from a crooked angle. If a Mongolian restaurant seems exotic to us in Evanston, Ill., it only follows that a McDonald’s would seem equally exotic in Ulan Bator—or, at least, equally far from everything expected. Next Page » Related on World Hum:

On Being an Illegible Person I’ve been drifting slowly through California for the past three weeks at about 100 miles/week, and several times I’ve been asked an apparently simple question that has become nearly impossible for me to answer: “What are you here for?” Unlike regular travelers, I am not here for anything. I am just here, like area residents. My temporary nomadic state is just one aspect of a broader fog of illegibility that is starting to descend on my social identity. Since my particular variety of nomadism has me couchsurfing through readers’ homes, they sometimes have to explain my visit to others. Nomadism is the sine qua non of this general phenomenon of individual illegibility. Nomad is a concept that rooted-living people think they understand but don’t. I used to think of nomadism as a functional and pragmatically necessary behavior, related to things like having to follow the migratory paths of herd animals in the case of pastoral nomads. Now I’ve come to realize that’s not really it. Vegas

Planapple: an easy, free, complete trip planning tool The Philosophy of Travel | Letters From The Porch The Philosophy of Travel by George Santayana Has anyone ever considered the philosophy of travel? It might be worth while. What is life but a form of motion and a journey through a foreign world? The shift from the vegetable to the animal is the most complete of revolutions; it literally turns everything upside down. In animals the power of locomotion changes all this pale experience into a life of passion; and it is on passion, although we anaemic philosophers are apt to forget it, that intelligence is grafted. The most radical form of travel, and the most tragic, is migration. Compared with the emigrant the explorer is the greater traveller; his ventures are less momentous but more dashing and more prolonged. The latest type of traveller, and the most notorious, is the tourist. Taken from The Birth of Reason and Other Essays Photo by By Time magazine ( [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Like this: Like Loading... Tagged: philosophy, Santayana, Travel

Fifty Essential Topics on Economics Economic is an essential topic for life. If you are working, understanding economics will help you understanding how are the products and services of your company relate to the markets and consumers. Why some products can mark the price so high and still there are demands on purchase? How services and products decrease its value? All of those questions can be answered by basic economics knowledge. Arnold Kling has done a set of note pages for economics. Growth Theory Saving, Finance, and Social Security Markets (Microeconomics) Macroeconomics Information Economics The Best of Economics – [Arnold Kling]

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