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jQuery UI Bindows™ : Bindows™ Getting started - Polymer Basics The basics of using Polymer are simple: Load platform.js to polyfill missing platform features, such as Shadow DOM and HTML Imports . Load components with <link rel="import" href="/path/to/component-file.html"> Use the custom element in your page. Here’s a bare bones example: <! Note : You must always run your app from a web server. Components Custom Elements are the core building blocks of Polymer-based applications. Creating a basic component The platform polyfills provided by Polymer let you load and display custom elements. Creating a Polymer element Polymer provides extra goodies for creating custom elements. Load the Polymer kernel ( polymer/polymer.js or polymer/polymer.min.js ). Note : polymer.js loads platform.js under the hood. In your custom element, add a <script> element that calls the Polymer.register() initializer. In the following sample we convert our basic custom element into a Polymer element named tk-element . Declarative data binding Binding to markup
