Meograph – 4 Dimensional Story Telling Web 2.0 Style
What I love about Web 2.0 apps is the simplicity. Bloated desktop apps like Office and Photoshop, with their hundreds of menu items and toolbars, are powerful tools but become difficult for non techies to handle. Web 2.o tools, on the other hand, are focused on specific purposes, allowing them to be streamlined and simple enough for anyone to use. Meograph, a relatively new tool ( released in July, 2012 and still in Beta form) is one such simple to use but still powerful web app. It sells itself as a “4 Dimensional Story telling” app. In a nutshell, it allows you to tell stories through (1)images/videos, (2)narration, (3)maps and a (4)timeline (hence the 4 dimensions) OR WHO/WHAT, WHEN and WHERE. ADD A MOMENT. While I have found Meograph to be a very useful and simple to use storytelling tool, there is room for improvement. The Timeline. Everything else is Beta based Bugs. Having said all that, I have found MeoGraph to be a great addition to my teaching toolbox.
Basecamp is everyone’s favorite project management app.
Goodreader for iPad 3.12.0 (ANALISIS A FONDO) Parte I | iPadyApps
Empresa: Good.iWare, Ltd. Desarrollador: Yuri Selukoff Categoría: Productividad Precio: 3,99 €uros (Mis Documentos) Cuando inicias esta aplicación, lo primero que ves es el menú desde donde gestionas los archivos que has almacenado en la aplicación. A la izquierda están los archivos y las carpetas donde están albergados estos, así como un enlace a iCloud[1], para guardar allí aquellos archivos que queremos tener sincronizados con otros dispositivos. También existe por defecto una carpeta llamada “Downloads”[2] (descargas), en la que se irán almacenando todos los archivos que descargamos directamente a través de la aplicación, y aunque tiene la ventaja de que así no se mezclaran los nuevos archivos con los que ya tenemos, también hay que tener en cuenta que iCloud los ignorará, no pudiendo realizar copia de los mismos hasta que los hallamos re-ubicado. (Buscar Archivos). By name. (Gestión de Archivos)[15] Esta es la opción mas completa de la aplicación. New Folder. Copy (Copiar). Download.
RTI: Digging Deeper Assessments {PAST link updated}
Since posting our school's RTI plan and links to the RTI documents we created at Lake Myra, several of you have asked about the Digging Deeper Assessments we use to drill down a child's most foundational literacy level....identified on the Otter Talk Form below (more on this form and the other RTI documents we created in my earlier Response to Intervention post). So, here are the all Digging Deeper Assessments we use in our school & district. Although none of them were originally created by our school/district, they are public assessments for anyone to use: Print Concepts based on Clay's Concept About Print from the Observational Survey use Busy Beavers or Detective Dog from the Story Basket Collection from the Wright Group Letter/Sound Identification, also a part of the Observations Survey Early Names Test Words Their Way Word Study Assessments Here is the binder cover I created for the RtI Digging Deeper Assessment binder...
100 Motivational quotes for high school students [Image posters]
Menu Born to Workout Train Hard, Eat Clean, Be an Inspiration. 7Mar 100 Motivational quotes for high school students [Image posters] By James Gold+, March 7th, 2013 | Motivation | 9 Comments Facebook49 Twitter9 Google+7 Now and then we all need a little Inspiration and motivation. Clicking on the image will open in full size, you can use arrow keys to view next/previous. Hi. Related Posts Aamir Khan Workout Schedule and Diet Chart (Full Case Study) Read more → 9 comments so far Kim Says: March 11, 2013 at 11:20 pm I love all of this motivation/inspiration in one place!!! Leave a comment Make sure you enter the * required information where indicated. Your comment... Like us on Facebook Get Health & Fitness Tips in your Inbox Enter your email address: Give +1 on Google plus! Follow me on Google+ Share this on Google+ Back to top Born to Workout Train Hard, Eat Clean, Be an Inspiration. Copyright 2014 Born to Workout About James Gold - Fitness trainer
GoodReader, descarga y lee todo tipo de documentos en tu iPad en iPaderos
GoodReader es sin duda una de las mejores Apps que puedes descargar ahora mismo de la App Store. Su utilidad, su precio, su calidad… todo lo que incluye, te hará preguntarte cómo es posible que hayas utilizado el iPad cómodamente antes; Pero empecemos por el principio… GoodReader, es una aplicación de iPad que permite descargar ficheros desde diferentes fuentes, leelos, ponerles marcadores, compartirlos con otros servicios, etc. Los formatos que soporta, son innumerables; PDF, TXT, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, iWork, HTML, imágenes de gran tamaño, audio, video en varios formatos… aunque no visualiza, por ejemplo, ficheros DivX, XVid, o por supuesto el famoso Flash que Apple no quiere ver funcionando en un iPad. … o incluso enviar documentos a tus ordenadores, en la misma red local, usando simplemente un navegador web en el que debemos teclear la dirección que nos muestra el iPad. También te puede interesar
DebateGraph is an award-winning, web-platform for visualizing and sharing networks of thought – and opening reasoning and action to collaborative learning and iterative improvement.Create your own maps and explore and contribute to maps created by amongst others: CNN, the White House, the UK Prime Minister's Office, The Independent, and the Foreign Office. DebateGraph is being used in over 100 countries and helping people reason and learn together more effectively in many different fields, including: education, health, governance, media, publishing, environment, conflict resolution, conferences, group facilitation, and public consultation and planning.There's no limit to the number of people who can collaborate on maps, and you are welcome to start building and sharing public and private maps on any topic now. Copyright © 2014 Thoughtgraph Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
A Round-up of 12 New Educational iPad Apps for Teachers
February 16, 2014 As is he habit once every month, I feature here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning a list of some new educational iPad apps that I came across in different blogs and websites. Of course I can not include every single app I bookmarked because the list will be too long, however, the suggestions I have below are the ones that stood out to me from the rest. I invite you to check them out and probably share them with your colleagues. 1- Creative Kids Wiggling mice, giggling colour ghosts, and creepy crawlies - colour pencil drawings come to life with Creative Kids! 2- Audio NoteBook Audio Notebook captures everything that is said, so you don't have to worry about missing a thing. 3- Let's Be Social Let's be Social! 4- The Love Book The Love Book app is a new interactive anthology of timeless poems, short stories, quotes and letters, all inspired by that most noble (and most troublesome) of emotions: love. 5- Daisy The Dinosaur 6- TheDesign Museum 7- Color Uncovered
Book Creator 2.4 for iPad Allows You To Combine Books
Earlier this month I wrote a glowing review of the Book Creator iPad app. Book Creator allows you to create narrated books on your iPad. Today, Book Creator 2.4 was released with some nice new tools. The latest version of Book Creator allows you to combine books that you have created using the app. With the latest update to Book Creator you can now include hyperlinks in your books, style individual words in your books, and import books. If you haven’t seen Book Creator before, watch the short video below for an introduction to it. Tags: book creator, digital storytelling, ebook
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