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The Curriculum Corner 123 — Weaving the Common Core into your Daily Curriculum

The Curriculum Corner 123 — Weaving the Common Core into your Daily Curriculum

A Taste of Russian Learning Focused | Reading Comprehension Strategies: Poster Set K-5 | Products Subtotal does include shipping. Learning-Focused Solutions, Inc. will accept returns of products within 30 days of receipt of shipment for a refund. Learning-Focused Solutions, Inc. will accept returns of products within 45 days of receipt of shipment for an exchange or store credit. All products must be unopened, unused, and still in their plastic wrap. Call 866-95-LEARN to arrange the return for a refund or exchange. Shipping and Handling charges are not refundable. Defective products will be exchanged for the same product only. If you have any questions about this refund and exchange policy, the practices of this site or the companies, or your dealings with this Web site, you can contact: Learning-Focused Solutions, Inc. PO Box 2112 Boone, NC 28607 866-77-LEARN (Fax) Method Delivery Time Cost Minimum Charge Ground 7-14 days 10% of subtotal $10.00 per order 3-Day 4-5 days 12.5% of subtotal $12.50 per order 2-Day 3-4 days 15% of subtotal $15.00 per order Next Day 1-2 days 20% of subtotal $40.00 per order

The Standards Building on the best of existing state standards, the Common Core State Standards provide clear and consistent learning goals to help prepare students for college, career, and life. The standards clearly demonstrate what students are expected to learn at each grade level, so that every parent and teacher can understand and support their learning. The standards are: Research and evidence basedClear, understandable, and consistentAligned with college and career expectationsBased on rigorous content and the application of knowledge through higher-order thinking skillsBuilt upon the strengths and lessons of current state standardsInformed by other top-performing countries to prepare all students for success in our global economy and society According to the best available evidence, the mastery of each standard is essential for success in college, career, and life in today’s global economy. For grades K-8, grade-by-grade standards exist in English language arts/literacy and mathematics.

Curio Common Core State Standards Checklists for the Classroom Our common core standards checklists are just what you need to help you keep track of the standards taught in your classroom. Use these to make sure you are addressing all that you need to teach throughout the course of the school year. Keep track of when you have introduced, retaught and assessed each indicator. ***Please keep in mind that this checklist is more to be used as a system of checks and balances in your teaching for the year and not so much a “check off” sheet for these indicators to be checked and thought of as “done”. Reading Writing Language Speaking & Listening Math Reading Writing Language Speaking & Listening Math Reading Writing Language Speaking & Listening Math Reading Writing Language Speaking & Listening Math Reading Writing Language Speaking & Listening Math Reading Writing Language Speaking & Listening Math Reading Writing Language Speaking & Listening Math

Проектите, които ще се ангажират ОУ Readers It's my fault. I'll admit it. During my eight years in the classroom, I ruined at least two amazing literary works by assigning horrifically dull reading projects. My only hope is that those middle school students, whose enthusiasm I quashed, found another way to become passionate about literature. Peanuts raises some interesting questions about the value of reading projects. In middle school, we ask students to dissect texts and perform literary analysis. Demonstrate understanding of the plot elementsExplore the role of tone and themeIdentify significant scenes or events and their impact on the storyAnalyze a character and show an understanding of that character's motivationsExplain the relationship between the author's life and the story . . . does it have to be an essay or book report? Book Trailers In the spirit of movie trailers, book trailers allow students to create video advertisements to entice new readers. Students could use iMovie or Animoto to create and publish their videos.

Raps and Book Raps Home Page Current & planned raps Join a reading adventure! A rap supporting reading and literacy, this offers a range of exciting reading ideas, activities for K-10, resources and ebooks to dip into, and a space for you to share your reading adventures. This rap and gallery remain available throughout 2013. Drop in any time to use the resources and activities. Term 1, 2013 All about me, all about you is a 5 week rap, commencing on Monday February 25, supporting autobiographical writing in Stage 3 and 4 English. Raft, river, rainbow fiction blog is a 5 week rap, commencing on Monday February 25, supporting narrative writing in Stage 3 and 4 English. Term 2, 2013 Band of heroes fantasy quest is a 5 week rap, commencing in Term 2, Week 3, on Monday May 13, supporting narrative writing in Stages 3 to 5 English. Term 3, 2013 Hats, boxes, magic, moon is a 5 week rap, commencing in Term 3, Week 3, on Monday July 29, supporting narrative writing in Stages 3 and 4 English. Term 4, 2013 Book Week 2012:

Home - The Reading & Writing Project Georgia Organization of School Based Speech Language Pathologists: Common Core for SLPs Language Skills in the standards from an SLP Lens - summary of language skills in the standards Standards Charts: Listed below are charts with standards listed by levels: elementary, middle, and high school. They are listed by grade levels and strands to help SLPs see the horizontal and vertical progression. The charts are for Language Arts, but we will be adding others soon. These standards are complex and will need to be “unwrapped” or “broken down” into more discrete language skills. However, SLPs can easily see language skills that can be translated into goal/objectives for deficit skills (e.g., retelling, main idea, important details, summarizing information, etc.). To use the charts, here is an example: if a student is in 5th grade, but functioning closer to the 2nd grade standard, the SLP can look back at earlier grade level expectations and analyze the skills needed for the student to progress towards the grade level standard. Lozo, D. (2012). Lozo, D. (2012).

Italy Travel: New Year's Eve Events in Italian Cities New Year's Eve sees many festive events throughout Italy but the biggest and most popular are in these Italian cities. Note about New Year's Eve events in Italy: Major events draw huge crowds. Plan to arrive early or watch from afar. Driving and parking will be difficult (or impossible) in most places so check out public transportation options ahead of time and remember that they'll be crowded, too. Rome Rome's traditional New Year's Eve celebrations are centered in Piazza del Popolo. Next to the church of Santa Maria del Popolo, you can still see the exhibit of traditional nativity scenes (through January 8) from 100 regions of Italy and other countries of the world. Another good place to celebrate is near the Colosseum on Via dei Fori Imperiali where there's live music usually starting around 10PM and midnight fireworks. For live music, check these Rome Music Venues. Rome Travel Guide | Where to Stay in Rome Rimini Rimini Travel Guide | Where to Stay in Rimini Naples and Capri Bologna Venice

Аэроэкспресс | Хостел "Очарованный Странник" Youth Hostel Downtown Moscow Из московских аэропортов до центра города - на скоростном поезде-аэроэкспрессе: выясняем маршруты, время отправления и продолжительность пути, стоимость поездки в один конец и туда-обратно, самостоятельно покупаем билет в автомате за наличные и с кредитной картой, проходим через турникет... Три московских аэропорта связаны с тремя самыми красивыми вокзалами Москвы: Белорусским, Павелецким и Киевским. Все три вокзала находятся рядом с одноименными станциями московского метрополитена: "Белорусской", "Павелецкой" и"Киевской". Поезда в аэропорты Домодедово и Шереметьево отправляются каждые полчаса, экспресс до аэропорта Внуково - один раз в час. Время в пути между аэропортом Домодедово и Павелецким вокзалом - 45 минут, между аэропортом Шереметьево и Белорусским вокзалом, а также между аэропортом Внуково и Киевским вокзалом - по 35 минут. Тарифы на всех направлениях - одинаковые. Билет на аэроэкспресс можно приобрести заранее или непосредственно перед поездкой. Добро пожаловать в Москву!

Настучать и устаканить - Very Much Russian Podcast Hello everybody. Here is a new podcast delivering you a new portion of informal Russian language and slang. Today you will learn such words as “устаканить” и “застолбить”, as well as get to know one more meaning of the word “стучать” (to knock). Audio Player Download mp3 file (right click, save as…) Всем привет. Сегодня у нас очередная порция русской разговорной речи и сленга. Мы смогли встретиться только после того, как волнения в городе устаканились. Мне нужно устаканить несколько вещей и после этого я полностью свободна. “Устаканить” происходит от слова “стакан”. Следующим номером у нас выступает “застукать”, что означает “застать врасплох за каким-либо занятием”. Мои родители застукали, что я курю, и неделю не выпускали меня из дома. Давай быстрее, пока нас не застукали. Как можно заметить, происходит это слово от “стучать”. Одноклассники его не любили, так как были уверены, что он обо всем стучит учителям и директору. Кто-то настучал моим родителям, что мы прогуляли школу сегодня.

Stories in Russian - Krasnoyarsk Stolby [Красноярские столбы] - Learn Russian online Today we’d like to tell about a wondeful place – a National Nature Reserve Krasnoyarsk Stolby. “Stolby” is the plural of “stolb”, the Russian for “pillar”. The regular Stolby goers call themselves “stolbists”, and the public activity as a whole is termed “stolbism”. It is an exceptional activity with a long history of over 150 years and old customs recorded in a special folklore. You’ll see some gorgeous photos and learn about this Nature Reserve and how to get there if one day you’ll be so lucky to find yourself in those places. Listen to the audio, read the transcript, see the photos and enjoy your Russian learning! Download the audio file of this lesson Красноярск является самым крупным городoм Восточной Сибири и Дальнего Востока. Krasnoyarsk is the largest city in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Красноярские Столбы – уникальное явление. Krasnoyarsk Columns is a unique phenomenon. Почти все скалы заповедника имеют имена. Almost all rocks of the reserve have names.

ПРИМЫКАНИЕ § 1773. Глаголу свойственна связь примыкания, во-первых, наречий, деепричастий, компаратива, неизменяемых прилагательных типа получше, побыстрее и инфинитива (собственно примыкание); во-вторых, падежное примыкание беспредложное и предложное. Во всех этих случаях, в зависимости от характера главного слова и от выражаемых отношений, связь примыкания может, быть сильной или слабой. § 1774. Примечание 1. Примечание 2. При примыкании компаратива и слов типа побольше, получше слова, от них зависящие, семантически не отчленяются от примыкающего слова и вместе с ним формируют определяющий распространитель глагола: приехать пятью сутками раньше; получить на пять рублей больше; работать лучше всех; бежать быстрее, чем другие; работаю получше твоего; Назавтра солнце взошло двумя с половиной минутами позже, чем в предыдущий день (Фед.). § 1775. § 1776. 1) Начать, приняться, кончить, перестать, прекратить, забыть 'перестать' продолжать, пойти 'начать' делать что-н. Примечание. Примечание. § 1777.
