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Pourquoi l'école? TED ebook auteur repense l'éducation quand l'information est partout.

Pourquoi l'école? TED ebook auteur repense l'éducation quand l'information est partout.
The Internet has delivered an explosion of learning opportunities for today’s students, creating an abundance of information, knowledge, and teachers as well as a starkly different landscape from the one in which our ideas about school were born. Traditional educators, classrooms, and brick-and-mortar schools are no longer necessary to access information. Instead, things like blogs and wikis, as well as remote collaborations and an emphasis on critical thinking skills are the coins of the realm in this new kingdom. In Why School? Why must schools change how they teach? Every generation seems to think its students are different. Students in the K-12 system have never known a world without the Internet. With so much information out there, it seems that finding information is easy but assessing it is tricky. What can schools do to implement some of your ideas? The educational process is pretty slow-moving and sclerotic. Why School?

Pédagogie : le numérique peut-il casser des briques ? (1) Qu'en est-il du numérique « pédagogique »? Les NTIC (nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication), les TIC (idem, mais sans l'adjectif « nouvelles ») ou TICE (idem, mais avec le E de Enseignement) sont des acronymes plutôt casse-pieds – car découlant plus du vice des acronymes que d'une réelle nécessité. C'est pourquoi je m'en tiendrai au « numérique », d'autant que les acronymes en question n'ont pratiquement pas été employés lors de l'événement récent qui m'inspire ce billet. Il s'agit de la célébration par les Cahiers pédagogiques (et par l'association éditrice, qui persiste, encore un problème d'acronyme, à s'appeler très déraisonnablement CRAP) du 500ème numéro de cette revue, parue pour la première fois en 1945. Tâtonnement expérimental Lors de cette journée, deux « tables rondes » (façon de parler) ont été consacrées à une réflexion sur l'information en matière d'éducation. Un coach numérique pour tous? Sentiment infiniment plus répandu qu'on ne le croit.

Self-awareness in humans is more complex, diffuse than previously thought Ancient Greek philosophers considered the ability to "know thyself" as the pinnacle of humanity. Now, thousands of years later, neuroscientists are trying to decipher precisely how the human brain constructs our sense of self. Self-awareness is defined as being aware of oneself, including one's traits, feelings, and behaviors. Neuroscientists have believed that three brain regions are critical for self-awareness: the insular cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the medial prefrontal cortex. However, a research team led by the University of Iowa has challenged this theory by showing that self-awareness is more a product of a diffuse patchwork of pathways in the brain – including other regions – rather than confined to specific areas. The conclusions came from a rare opportunity to study a person with extensive brain damage to the three regions believed critical for self-awareness. "According to previous research, this man should be a zombie," he added.

Against School - John Taylor Gatto How public education cripples our kids, and why I taught for thirty years in some of the worst schools in Manhattan, and in some of the best, and during that time I became an expert in boredom. Boredom was everywhere in my world, and if you asked the kids, as I often did, why they felt so bored, they always gave the same answers: They said the work was stupid, that it made no sense, that they already knew it. Boredom is the common condition of schoolteachers, and anyone who has spent time in a teachers' lounge can vouch for the low energy, the whining, the dispirited attitudes, to be found there. We all are. The empire struck back, of course; childish adults regularly conflate opposition with disloyalty. But we don't do that. Do we really need school? We have been taught (that is, schooled) in this country to think of "success" as synonymous with, or at least dependent upon, "schooling," but historically that isn't true in either an intellectual or a financial sense. There you have it.

Les réseaux d'enseignants – Quels sont les comportements rédactionnels des locuteurs ? 1L'offre grandissante de technologies numériques s'accompagne du développement de nouvelles pratiques (communication en ligne, écriture collaborative) par les internautes et facilite l'émergence d'organisations réticulaires basées sur des échanges horizontaux. 1 Données publiées sur le site Internet de l'association Sésamath (...) 2En s'appuyant sur ces technologies, certains enseignants créent et animent depuis une dizaine d'années des réseaux d'échanges professionnels. Plusieurs de ces réseaux en ligne connaissent aujourd'hui une forte audience. 3Les réseaux créés par et pour des enseignants en dehors des stricts circuits institutionnels restent encore peu étudiés à ce jour (Quentin, 2010). 2 Une forge documentaire est un espace de travail collaboratif dans lequel les contributeurs peuvent (...) 5En dépit du nombre important de traces visibles, analyser un forum n'est pas une chose simple. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.2.1. 3.2.2. 4.1. 4.2.

Science, such a sweet mystery I have been teaching and doing research at the university level for more than 40 years, which means that for more than four decades, I have been participating in a deception - benevolent and well intentioned, to be sure, but a deception nonetheless. As a scientist, I do science, and as a teacher and writer, I communicate it. That's where the deception comes in. When scientists speak to the public or to students, we talk about what we know, what science has discovered. Teaching and writing only about what is known risks turning science into a mere catalog of established facts, suggesting that "knowing" science is a matter of memorizing: this is how cells metabolize carbohydrates, this is how natural selection works, this is how the information encoded in DNA is translated into proteins. In my first college-level biology course, I was required to memorize all of the digestive enzymes and what they do. I'm not thinking here of the obvious unknowns, such as "Is there life on other planets?"

Innotribe at Sibos Osaka: Digital Asset Grid This blog post shares some more details about the Digital Asset Grid session. The session Digital Asset Grid will take place on Wednesday 31 Oct 2012 from 16:00 till 17:30 in the Conference Room-3. It is part of the Main Conference sessions of Sibos. The overall Innotribe Program at Sibos here, and I try to keep that post up-to-date with the very latest speaker and program announcements. I have written extensively about the Digital Asset Grid in previous blog posts. We swim in a sea of data and the sea level is rising rapidly. A new environment requires a new design. The digital age and making the new design presents both threats and opportunities for Banks: However, the potential benefits of the explosion in number of nodes and the data volume explosion are being squandered due to low levels of trust, concerns about security, and barriers to monetisation. The Digital Asset Grid is a research project by Innotribe, SWIFT’s Innovation initiative for enabling collaborative innovation.

Environnements numériques de travail et relations école-famille : une recherche exploratoire Éléments de la problématique L’observation de notre entourage professionnel permet de constater que peu d’enseignants de l’école primaire utilisent les Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (NTIC) pour la liaison avec les familles, alors qu’ils les utilisent couramment pour communiquer entre eux. On peut observer également que les familles utilisent de façon très diverse les outils mis à leur disposition. La problématique découle du constat de ces écarts : comprendre les raisons qui motivaient les diverses pratiques des parents. La méthodologie Dans une première approche réflexive, une littérature fut consultée dans les deux domaines que sont les relations école-famille et les NTIC à l’école. En parallèle, un travail sur les NTIC au service de l’éducation a été mené en restreignant toutefois les recherches aux documents qui évoquent à la fois les NTIC et la relation école-famille. Une enquête auprès des parents de notre classe fut réalisée. Références :

Inspired by genetics, chemistry finally takes hold of its own code Nature proves every day that it is both complex and efficient. Organic chemists are envious of it; their conventional tools confine them to simpler achievements. Thanks to the work of professor Stefan Matile's team from the University of Geneva, these limitations could become a thing of the past. His publication in the Nature Chemistry journal indeed offers a new kind of code to chemists, allowing them to access new levels of complexity. Stefan Matile opts for sincerity. Where the complexity arises The specialist attributes the genetic code to this genius of nature. Stefan Matile has long believed that a code also exists in organic chemistry and must be discovered, which he is convinced he has achieved with the assistance of his colleague, Edvinas Orentas. "I must admit that this work is extremely complicated, fundamental, and theoretical," the professor continues. Laying the foundation Explore further: New self-healing plastics developed

Schools | Big Picture The Big Picture Learning design is a dynamic approach to learning, doing, and thinking that has been changing the lives of students, educators, and entire communities since 1995. All of the components of the design are based on three foundational principles: first, that learning must be based on the interests and goals of each student; second, that a student’s curriculum must be relevant to people and places that exist in the real world; and finally, that a student’s abilities must be authentically measured by the quality of her or his work. The Five Learning Goals Big Picture Learning believes that high school graduates must know how to reason, problem-solve, and be active members of the community. At Big Picture Learning schools, there is no canon of information that all students must know. In a world where available information is growing exponentially, we believe that the most important thing a student needs to know is how to learn. The five Learning Goals are:

Mangahigh To get started with Mangahigh, teachers or administrators register their school. They select which international standards their schools follow. They then can create a “class” in the system either by uploading a student/class roster spreadsheet or through Mangahigh’s automated log-in generator. A teacher dashboard lets the instructor browse for math content by grade or standard. The teacher chooses games for individual students or for the entire class and sets a target completion date and target goal. Students then use the school URL and log in to see all the assigned challenges. The teacher dashboard tracks how each student performed at the assigned challenge. Mangahigh is generally used a supplemental program to practice math skills taught in class. Mangahigh currently has 16 different games and four “traditional” exercise programs that resemble multiple-choice answer worksheets. Students are awarded bronze, silver, and gold medals for their performance in the games.

Yoga Christian Music If you want a variety of sources to hear yoga music, you're in luck! We've found numerous options. Where To Hear Yoga Music Online There are many Web sites dedicated to providing an eclectic mix of tunes perfect for whatever yoga practice you perform. Echoes Whether you want to hear yoga music specifically or find artists that experiment with sounds, you'll enjoy Echoes. iTunes Radio There are more than 300 streaming stations to choose from on iTunes Radio. Live365 Internet Radio One quick search for yoga music or new age music on Live365 brings up pages of station options. Meditation Music If you want to hear yoga music as well as create an atmosphere for meditation, try Meditation Music. Radio IO Radio IO is a multi-format Internet radio station. Free Yoga Music It's expensive to stream audio, so that's why you don't find many resources that let you hear yoga music for free. My Inner Self Rhapsody This pay-per-download site has a special feature called Yoga Music Unlimited. Sound Sleeping
