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Cyber-Bullying and its Effect on our Youth

Cyber-Bullying and its Effect on our Youth
Between texting, social media, and online gaming, many children spend more time engaging online than they do interacting in person. As technology continues to revolutionize the way we communicate, it also presents new areas of concern. Even though it may not take place in person, the emotional and psychological effects of online bullying are just as destructive as physical and verbal bullying, according to Jennifer N. Caudle, DO, an AOA board-certified family physician from Philadelphia. Since digital communications are harder to track and monitor, parents should​ take preventive measures to minimize the effects of online bullying on their children. How Bullying Affects Kids "Kids who are bullied are likely to experience anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, and poor sleep,” explains Dr. Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine, or DOs, look beyond your symptoms to understand how lifestyle and environmental factors affect your wellbeing. Connecting With Kids Online According to Dr. Dr. Dr.

Hva skal skolen gjøre med digital mobbing? Barn trenger voksne de kan stole på, som de vet ikke blir sinte. Dette er avgjørende for at de skal søke hjelp når de gjør noe dumt eller opplever mobbing og ubehagelige ting på nett. De fleste som blir mobbet på nettet, blir også mobbet på tradisjonelt vis. Skolen har et ansvar Mobbing ved hjelp av mobiltelefon og på nett foregår mest utenfor skolen, men kan likevel påvirke hvordan eleven har det på skolen. Hvis en elev opplever å ikke ha det bra på skolen, plikter skolen å ta tak i problemet (aktivitetsplikten). Tips til hva skoler bør gjøre Hvem kan tiltakene rettes mot: de som har mobbet andre digitaltde som har blitt utsatt for digital mobbingandre elever som har likt eller kommentert et innleggklassemiljøet, foreldregruppen Ressurser om digital mobbing og digital kompetanse Det finnes flere ressurser til barnehager og skoler som vil jobbe med digital mobbing og digital kompetanse:

What Is Social Networking? - Cyber-Bullying Cyberbullying is a form of harassment that makes use of the latest electronic technology. Primarily the harassment occurs on the web, but today's smart phones are being used to harass people, too. The term cyberbullying is a new one that has been defined in different ways by different organizations. According to the US National Crime Prevention Council, it is when the internet, cell phones or other devices are used in cruelty to others by sending or posting text or images intended solely to hurt or embarrass another person. Unlike bullying in the school yard, a cyberbully might steal a classmate's online name and spread lies or write hateful comments about them. Cyberbullying differs from the more traditional forms of bullying in that it can occur at any time - literally 24-hours a day. Common tactics used by cyberstalkers are to vandalize a search engine or encyclopedia, to threaten a victim's earnings, employment, reputation, or safety. What Can You Do?

Understanding Cell Phone Addiction Understanding Cell Phone Addiction I wake in the middle of the night and instinctively reach for my phone. I innocently tell myself that I just need to check the time. It’s still dark out and I will surely go back to sleep, but as soon as the iPhone is in my hand, muscle-memory takes over. Before I know it, I’ve checked my email, browsed through Instagram, scrolled through my Facebook feed, and gone back to Instagram. I check my phone first thing in the morning and right before I go to bed at night. The percentage of smartphone users who would actually be classified as addicted is estimated between 10-12%, according to the director of the Center for Internet and Technology Addiction, Dr. Cell phone addiction may not be an official psychological diagnosis just yet (as of the DSM-5), however it functions very similarly to gambling addiction. Technology addiction expert, Dr. Each of these little rewards, such as texts, likes, social media updates, trigger a dopamine release. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

7 Ways To Prevent Cyberbullying contributed by Paula Green, and updated by TeachThought Staff Preventing cyberbullying is a matter of awareness and response: knowing what children are doing and how they are vulnerable, then helping them learn to respond when their well-being is threatened by bullies, trolls, and other dangerous users online. If a child is expressing anger or anxiety after going online, it might be one of the signs he/she is being cyberbullied. Cyberbullying is becoming a burning issue both for parents and teachers. The effect of cyberbullying are similar to traditional bullying but traditional bullying stops when the school ends; for online bullying there is almost no escape. See also The Definition Of Cyberbullying 7 Surprising Cyberbullying Statistics -> 65% of young adults admit they have experienced bullying online -> More than 40% say they have become a bully’s exclusive target -> 70% admit they have witnessed cyberbullying -> 50% of children admit to being scared of their online bullies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Nettvett og nettmobbing | UNICEF Alle barn har rett til et privatliv. Loven må beskytte barns privatliv, familie, hjem, kommunikasjon og rykte fra innblanding eller angrep. Barn har også rett til informasjon fra internett, radio, TV, aviser, bøker og ande kilder. I dag er det større mulighet enn noen gang til å skaffe seg og dele informasjon på nett. Artikkel 16 i Barnekonvensjonen sier at «ingen barn skal utsettes for vilkårlig eller ulovlig innblanding i sitt privatliv, sitt hjem eller sin korrespondanse». nyttige Ressurser Det finnes mange gode ressurser til arbeidet med personvern, nettvett og digital dømmekraft. har gratis, interaktive undervisningsopplegg for henholdsvis mellomtrinnet og ungdomstrinnet fra Telenor og Røde Kors. Mer om folkehelse og livsmestring Har du spørsmål? Har du spørsmål i forbindelse med undervisningen om barns rettigheter og UNICEFs arbeid? Vi hjelper deg gjerne!

Cyberbullying: 5 Steps to Combating & Documenting : Yoursphere for Parents – The #1 Source for Family Social Networking and Internet Safety Information While starting a new school year can be exciting and fun, it can also be tough for children of any age — dealing with new teachers and new students, and continuing the friendships (and rivalries) that they formed during the previous year. But these days it’s even more difficult for students as school dynamics and drama have a significant presence online, essentially coming home with the child through digital devices and social media. Cyberbullying is probably the most threatening issue that children face when they’re online, and social networks play a significant role in the severity of this issue. For the same advantageous reasons that make social media a great tool to help victims of cyberbullying, it can also be used to perpetrate cyberbullying, especially among teens. Image courtesy of iStockphoto, ClarkandCompany, Mashable If your child is dealing with cyberbullying in their school, you can use these five strategies to assist you in combating it.

Facebook and the ‘Fear of Missing Out’ (FoMO) | Psychology ... Within the last decade, social networking sites have become increasingly important tools for social interaction and communication between people. These platforms allow us to create semi-public or public profiles and to observe and examine inventories of online relationships made by ourselves and others. With experience and time, the perception of Facebook and other social networking sites as accepted forms of communication is becoming less foreign to us and we now communicate seamlessly, frequently, and with various levels of awareness of the impact upon us and those we are connected with. The new generation of technology users are entering into an intimate relationship with these, as yet, immature and evolving technologies. As online social networking becomes more prevalent, we provide more and more access to the details of our lives and, without fully understanding the consequences, we allow social media and a virtual network of "friends" influence our experience and behavior.

The Curious Case of Schools and Cyberbullying Everyone knows kids can be cruel and bullies are certainly nothing new but with ubiquitous technology and unprecedented access to the Internet, bullying has been seriously upgraded. Cyberbullying, as it is has come to be known, is different from regular bullying. Internet and social networking have enabled bullies to extend their sphere of influence outside the walls of your local school and into the walls of your home. Today, kids spend a large chunk of time everyday in front of their computers. What is Cyberbullying? (image: source) The National Crime Prevention Council defines cyberbullying as “the use of the Internet, cell phones or other devices to send or post, text or images, intended to hurt or embarrass another person.” One 2010 study by the Cyberbullying Research Center says that one in five middle-school students have been affected by cyberbullying. Tweens are most vulnerable because this is when the frequency and intensity of bullying is at its peak. Solutions Dr.

Sosiale medier og undervisning – Utdanning i det nye mediemiljøet | Sharing is the new way of learning Dette blogginnlegget er en bearbeidet utgave av paperet Social Media and Teaching -Education in the new media environment (oversatt av meg) til bruk i undervisningen av Digital kompetanse i læring på Høgskulen i Volda Paper levert til 40th anniversary Nordmedia conference: Defending democracy. Oslo and Akershus University College, 8-11 August 2013. Michael Paulsen Associate Professor, PhDn Department of Learning and Philosophy Aalborg University, Denmark Jesper TækkenAssociate Professor, PhD, Centre for Internet Research, Aarhus University, Denmark Potensiale og utfordringer ved bruk av sosiale medier for skolen Med nye sosiale medier menes Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, Youtube, Instagram, Skype, G+ og diverse andre sider på nettet der folk kan samhandle, blogge og dele informasjon, kunnskap og filer. Utfordringer i det nye mediemiljøet Den første utfordringen er usikkerheten i klasserommet. Lik dette:

Cyberbullying Young people are using the Internet more than ever and most have Internet access from home. For many children, the Internet isn't simply a convenient way to research or a fun afterschool activity - it's a big part of their social life. Emailing and chatting with friends are children's most common online activities, after studying and playing games. But like many other social situations, some kids bully other kids online. Cyberbullying is similar to other types of bullying, except it takes place online and through text messages sent to cell phones. Information about Cyberbullying What is Cyberbullying? What Parents Can Do About CyberbullyingParents can help stop cyberbullying. Cyberbullying FAQ for TeensInformation and answers to frequently asked questions about cyberbullying Cyberbullying PSA ContestIn partnership with Sony Creative Software and the Ad Council, NCPC selected the winning PSAs that are designed to raise awareness about preventing cyberbullying. Training on Cyberbullying

Internet Addiction, Sleep Deprivation, or ADHD ... With the diagnosis of ADHD on the rise in American teenagers, there is a risk of mislabeling teens with ADHD when the cause of their inattentiveness and falling grades may be related to something else entirely—like anxiety, family issues, or their media-infused lifestyle. This misdiagnosing was especially striking to me with a sixteen-year-old girl named Joy, whose family came to consult me a few months ago. Up until last year, Joy was a straight A student. All of her high school classes were either honors level or Advanced Placement (AP). But in the fall of her junior year, Joy seemed to lose her motivation to do well in school. Her grades began to slip to C’s then to D’s until finally she was close to failing two classes. article continues after advertisement The psychiatrist prescribed first Zoloft then Wellbutrin for Joy, hoping to find a drug that would help her depression. After five months, there was still no improvement in Joy’s symptoms. Copyright Marilyn Wedge, Ph.D. Source:

4 Ways to Protect Your Online Reputation wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 15 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has also been viewed 82,582 times. Categories: Featured Articles | Reputation In other languages: Español: proteger tu reputación en Internet, Italiano: Proteggere la Tua Reputazione Online, Русский: защитить свою Интернет репутацию
