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打狗鐵道故事館 Tutorials - StumbleUpon Ponzimonium After Bernard Madoff's $65 billion Ponzi scheme was revealed, many new (smaller-scale) Ponzi schemers became exposed. Ponzimonium ... Quarterly Earnings Report A quarterly filing made by public companies to report their performance. Included in earnings reports are items such as net ... What is LinkedIn? Espace décideurs Vous avez récemment changé de fonction ? Faites-le savoir* ! Nomination, acteur incontournable de l’information sur les décideurs, vous propose de diffuser gratuitement votre nomination auprès des directions d’entreprises (Directions Générales, D.R.H., Directions de la communication, etc…), cabinets de chasse de têtes et auprès des organes de presse. Vous choisissez vous-même les secteurs auprès desquels vous souhaitez communiquer. Quels bénéfices pour votre carrière et votre entreprise ? Vous développez ainsi votre réseau relationnel, Vous déclenchez de nouvelles opportunités de contacts et d’affaires, Vous permettez à vos relations professionnelles de vous suivre dans votre parcours, Vous vous faites ainsi référencer auprès des principaux chasseurs de têtes. Faites part de votre nomination Vous êtes en poste ? Faites-vous ainsi connaître et reconnaître, faites-vous valoir et dynamisez votre carrière ! Communiquez sur votre poste Nos engagements à votre égard

一直特立獨行的貓 自从开始健身,特别是教练课都在清晨,每次起床都在挣扎“要不要跟教练请假,反正请假一次也没关系”上。可最终,理智战胜的困顿,爬起来训练完觉得又战胜了一次自己,内心便很有成就感。也许很多人觉得这是小事,但是对于我,一个从很小就天天迟到的人,连学校都下了特许的人来讲,这对我很难。 我高二的时候, 晨跑总跑出队伍的外面,日复一日,田径队的教练就看上了我这个运动人才。 比赛那一天,我兴致勃勃,整装待发,在赛前最后一次上厕所的时候,我发现我来了大姨妈。 我认识Judy的时候她160斤,配着158的身高,看起来是我的两个。 我有一个朋友,每次坐飞机他都要把航班号起飞降落时间,家里还有多少钱,谁欠自己钱,自己欠谁的钱写得很清楚,贴在冰箱门上。 马航失事的事情,我一直很难过,我也不知道为什么。 最近每周都要有三天健身塑性,因为请了私教,因此必须在固定的时间早起去上课。 早起真的是艰难,表响十几遍,还得磨蹭20分钟,心想这么困怎么健身怎么上班啊。 “别让别人的看法,挡住了你的光芒”,这是最近火热的菲律宾潘婷励志广告里的一句话,第一次看到这句话的时候,心里突突突直跳,我想起了最近的一个小事。 我有一个好朋友叫小C,她是一个做广告的姑娘,同时是一个乐队的吉他手,我毕业的第一年经常跟她混在一起,我觉得她就像阳光一样,照耀着我那颗卑微的小心脏。 2013年初冬天的一个早晨四点,她被中介公司电话叫醒,一起去房产税务局交税。 前段时间看见一个文章,是一个在北京奋斗了十年的夫妻终于首付了100多万买了一套房子,于是讲述了这十年夫妻二人如何节衣缩食的攒钱,终于买了房子将远在老家的父母接来一起住,再也不用两地相思苦,再也不用算这辈子还能见到几次父母的数学题泪眼婆娑的度日。

Take typing lessons, test your typing speed and practice typing for free! This is, a web application that will help you teach touch typing. Touch typing is typing without using the sense of sight to find the keys. A person possessing touch typing skills will know their location on the keyboard through muscle memory. It can improve any individual's typing speed and accuracy dramatically. This is a short tutorial that will explain how does this application work. You can use the left and right arrow keys to navigate through these slides. This tutorial is based on these few principles: No boring, repetitive exercises. Initially it starts generating words from a small subset of the most frequent letters of the alphabet. When you are typing these words, keybr measures time to type a key for every letter in that subset. Once you familiarize yourself with the current subset of letters, the algorithm expands it, including more and more letters to it. So at any time, you will by typing the letters you are least familiar with. This is the text board. ? ? ? ? ?

5 Unusual Ways to Become a Better Speaker You’ve been asked to speak at an important event. It’s a great opportunity and you should be thrilled—but since you rarely speak, especially in a formal setting, all you can think about is bombing. Unfortunately, captivating an audience is definitely a skill that takes years to develop and hone. 1. Admitting a mistake is great but not when used simply to show how far you’ve come. 2. Then when you start speaking again, the audience naturally 1) assumes the pause was intentional and 2) decides you’re actually a confident and accomplished speaker. 3. 4. 5. And don’t worry that you’ll be missing out on an opportunity: When you help people make their professional or personal lives better, you’ve done all the selling you’ll need to do. 4 Powerful Reasons to Meditate and How To Get Started | PickTheBrain | Motivation and Self Improvement - StumbleUpon Meditation is the art of silencing the mind. When the mind is silent, concentration is increased and we experience inner peace in the midst of worldly turmoil. This elusive inner peace is what attracts so many people to meditation and is a quality everyone can benefit from. What are the Benefits of Meditation? I’ve been meditating twice a day for the past 9 years because I enjoy it. These are some of the benefits of meditation: Improved concentration – A clear mind makes you more productive, especially in creative disciplines like writing.Less bothered by little things – Do you sometimes allow yourself to get upset by little things? Is Meditation Religious? The great thing about meditation is that our philosophy/religious belief is not importanct. But I don’t have time To Meditate Many people like the idea of meditation, but feel they don’t have enough time. How To Meditate Like anything worthwhile, meditation requires practice. Sit with a straight back. One Pointed Concentration Mantra

What Makes a Leader? - Harvard Business Review - StumbleUpon It was Daniel Goleman who first brought the term “emotional intelligence” to a wide audience with his 1995 book of that name, and it was Goleman who first applied the concept to business with his 1998 HBR article, reprinted here. In his research at nearly 200 large, global companies, Goleman found that while the qualities traditionally associated with leadership—such as intelligence, toughness, determination, and vision—are required for success, they are insufficient. Truly effective leaders are also distinguished by a high degree of emotional intelligence, which includes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill. These qualities may sound “soft” and unbusinesslike, but Goleman found direct ties between emotional intelligence and measurable business results. Every businessperson knows a story about a highly intelligent, highly skilled executive who was promoted into a leadership position only to fail at the job. Evaluating Emotional Intelligence

The 48 Laws of Power Background[edit] Greene initially formulated some of the ideas in The 48 Laws of Power while working as a writer in Hollywood and concluding that today's power elite shared similar traits with powerful figures throughout history.[5] In 1995, Greene worked as a writer at Fabrica, an art and media school, and met a book packager named Joost Elffers.[4][8] Greene pitched a book about power to Elffers and six months later, Elffers requested that Greene write a treatment.[4] Although Greene was unhappy in his current job, he was comfortable and saw the time needed to write a proper book proposal as too risky.[10] However, at the time Greene was rereading his favorite biography about Julius Caesar and took inspiration from Caesar's decision to cross the Rubicon River and fight Pompey, thus inciting the Great Roman Civil War.[10] Greene would follow Caesar's example and write the treatment, which later became The 48 Laws of Power.[10] He would note this as the turning point of his life.[10]
