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Créer un menu horizontal centré en CSS (sans JavaScript)

Créer un menu horizontal centré en CSS (sans JavaScript)
Cet article a 3 années. Il commence à dater, lisez-le donc en gardant son âge en tête ! Merci publié le Lu 93 383 fois. C’est une chose qui peut paraître très simple à faire, mais sur laquelle beaucoup de personnes se sont cassés les dents. Solution avec li en inline Vous savez sous doute que l’affichage des éléments de liste se fait par défaut en display: list-item;, qui procure à la liste ce comportement particulier, notamment l’attribution de puces de liste. Considérons le code HTML suivant : <ul id="nav"> <li><a href="#">Accueil</a></li> <li><a href="#">Services</a></li> <li><a href="#">À propos</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> </ul> Les commentaires HTML entre chaque élément de liste permettent de supprimer l’espace blanc (white-space) indésirable, visible sur certaines mises en forme. Il nous faut maintenant simplement annuler les styles par défaut de la liste pour obtenir des liens alignés sans puce de liste. Démonstration simple Démonstration stylée Écrit par Geoffrey Crofte

CSS Colors CSS Hat turns Photoshop layer styles to CSS3 with a click - PSD CSS - Convert PSD to CSS3 lorempixel - placeholder images for every case Collection of Free and Premium HTML5/CSS3 Templates - 50 Examples There are numerous high quality templates available in the internet. Some are free and some come with affordable cost. Nowadays web design is so popular that many designers across the globe is coming forward with their creation and helping bloggers like you and me to choose a ready made theme from their desk. Designers work day and night to create beautiful templates for us so that we can concentrate on the seo and content of our website. But neither seo nor content is the king. Having an attractive website has many advantages. Every good thing comes with a price so as creative templates. Free Themes and Templates Elegant Press This is a clean template that can be used for making modern websites. Kroft This template is very good for creative designers and agencies that need to create modern websites. Shinra Mainly helpful for designing corporate websites, the template is user friendly and includes features like PHP contact form and templates exceeding 5 pages. Vivid Photo Simple Style 7 Nova

Le BlogDuWebdesign boost l'inspiration des intégrateurs #4 - inspiration-integration Découvrez sur le Blog du Webdesign 10 animations CSS3 sans javascript ! Les animations et transitions CSS3 Qu'on se le dise, il n'est plus obligatoire d'utiliser du Javascript pour avoir de jolies animations sur son site ! Le CSS3 fournit deux outils vraiment très bien : les transitions et les animations. Les Transitions ne sont ni plus ni moins qu'un moyen de répartir le changement d'une propriété (par exemple un changement de couleur de texte au survol) dans le temps, pour donner un effet d'apparition, par exemple. Les animations sont bien plus que ça: Il est possible grace à elles de définir des images clés, et les transitions qui doivent être appliquées pour passer d'une image a l'autre ! Attention, ces deux propriétés ne sont pas supportés par internet explorer 9 et inférieur. Pour illustrer ce que l'on peut faire avec tout ça, découvrez 10 animations ne contenant pas de Javascript (ou alors n'utilisant le Javascript que pour des taches annexes, comme détecter un clic).

70+ Must Have jQuery Tutorials Welcome to day 7, the last installment of tutorial week on Designrfix. Today we have assembled an awesome collection of some wicked jQuery tutorials from around the Web. I am confident that these web design and development tutorials will arm you with all the necessary techniques in-order to achieve those latest web design trends. Lastly, it’s been an amazing 7 days and we are confident that these tutorials will arm you with all the latest tips and tricks to help you in evolving your design creations. Want more articles from tutorial week? HTML5 Tutorials: 30+ Useful Tips And Tricks To Get You Started CSS Tutorials: Web Design And Development Techniques 20 Fantastic After Effects Video Tutorials Cinema 4D Tutorials: Create Motion Picture Style FX (Part3) Cinema 4D Tutorials: Create Motion Picture Style FX (Part2) Cinema 4D Tutorials: Create Motion Picture Style FX (Part1) 100 Photoshop CS6 Tutorials 70 Awesome Illustrator Tutorials That Every Designer Should See Auto Moving Submenu Using jQuery

LESS - The Dynamic Stylesheet You might have heard until now of LESS and you might know it has something to do with CSS and styling websites, but I am quite sure that not many people really know what LESS actually is and why is it so special that it got its own name. Unlike CSS, LESS is an open-source dynamic stylesheet language, with its first version being written in Ruby, but replaced by JavaScript later on. LESS is more complex than CSS is, providing variables, nesting, mixins (reusable classes), operators and functions and allows real-time compilation via LESS.js by the browser in use. LESS can run on both client- and server-side and can even be compiled into normal, plain CSS. Using LESS would allow writing CSS in a programming way instead of static, as CSS is by default. However cool and simple this might seem, using LESS is clearly more difficult than using plain CSS, simply because it is built on JavaScript and you have to know a little bit of it in order to use it. Again, as simple as it can get.

Creating a Slick Auto-Playing Featured Content Slider I love the Coda Slider plugin for jQuery. I've used it recently to build a couple of tabbed "widgets". One here on CSS-Tricks in the sidebar to show Script & Style links, Featured Posts, and Popular Posts. Both of these examples use the Coda Slider pretty much "out of the box". View Demo Download Files Functionality Checklist Like I said, the Coda Slider was 90% there already. Here is what we need in addition: Different types of custom content in the panels. Let's go through the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The HTML Here is the framework HTML for just the slider itself: <div class="slider-wrap"><div id="main-photo-slider" class="csw"><div class="panelContainer"><div class="panel" title="Panel 1"><div class="wrapper"><! The CSS The full CSS for this example has a basic reset, some utility styles and basic structure. The JavaScript In the header section of your HTML, you'll need to include jQuery and all the plugin files. We aren't done yet though. Couple more things to note. UPDATE: Auto-Play

50 Excellent CSS3 Techniques and Tutorials for Beautiful Design CSS3 has got a huge potential to create very elaborate and complicated details by strictly using CSS and no images. It can carry out a lot of functions as it is based on motion techniques. Many designers all over the world believe that CSS3 is a technique which has unbelievable potentiality which will be used to create wonderful designs in the years to come. At present, it is not being used varied all over the world due to a number of limitations – obsolete browsers being one of them. Many say that it would be the application of the future as it can improve the efficiency of the workflow by substituting waste workarounds as it was once used in the case of Internet Explorer 6. It has many features which are not compatible with the old web browsers and hence it will require some present day internet browsers like Internet Explorer 7 & 8, Chrome, Safari and Firefox to use the CSS3. Create an Audio Player in HTML5 & CSS3 Filter Functionality with CSS3 Create CSS3 Pricing Tables CSS3 Lightbox
