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Unexplained Things Are Out There

Unexplained Things Are Out There

The nuclear trash can of the pacific on Enewetak Atoll | Unexplained things are out there. What you see on the pictures below is a massive concrete lid to a 107 m diameter nuclear waste trash can on a beautiful island in the middle of the Pacific ocean. Click on image for a larger view : After WW2 the locals were evacuated, often involuntarily, and the atoll was used for nuclear testing as part of the U.S. Pacific Proving Grounds. Beneath the concrete dome on Runit Island (part of Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands), built between 1977 and 1980 at a cost of about $239 million, lie 111,000 cubic yards (84,927 cubic meters) of radioactive soil and debris from from 43 atomic and thermonuclear explosions on Bikini and Rongelap atolls between 1948 and 1958. The people began returning in the 1970s, and on May 15, 1977, the U.S. government directed the military to decontaminate the islands. The U.S. government declared the islands safe for habitation in 1980. coordinates : 11°33’09.10″N 162°20’50.21″E The concrete dome during its construction :

An Ordered Listing of the Lessons An Ordered Listing of the Lessons The Purplemath lessons have been written so that they may be studied in whatever manner the student finds most useful. Different textbooks cover different topics in different orders. The Purplemath lessons try not to assume any fixed ordering of topics, so that any student, regardless of the text he is using, may benefit. While the structure of the Purplemath lessons lends itself to many topical orderings, the following is one possible lesson sequence. Please note that the above is only one of many equally-valid lesson orderings, and should not be regarded as "the" lesson sequence. Top | Return to Index Alien Investigations, Channel 4, review On Channel 4, Alien Investigations (Channel 4) was more successfully exploring another murky recess of the human brain - the one that encourages some people to believe aliens not only exist but even make occasional visits to planet Earth. The aim was to explore four separate incidents in Mexico, Peru, Panama and Long Island, New York, where the remains of supposedly alien beings have been discovered in last five years, with a view to uncovering… the truth. The Panamanian case was discovered to be a rumour put about by some teenage boys and was swiftly dismissed. But the other three incidents had already received international media attention and were undoubtedly intriguing. Especially the case of a tiny, vaguely humanoid creature discovered in a rattrap on a farm in Metapec, Mexico. Perhaps the biggest surprise of this film was the degree to which Alien Investigations was intent on debunking rather than perpetuating these stories.

Multiplying Positive and Negative Numbers - Elementary Math Multiplying positive and negative numbers has far less rules than adding or subtracting positive and negative numbers, in fact there are only three that you’ll have to remember: Rule 1: A positive number times a positive number gives you a positive number. Example 1: This is the kind of multiplication you’ve been doing for years, positive numbers times positive numbers. It would look like this: 4 x 3 = 12. 4 is positive, 3 is positive, thus, 12 is positive. We know that 4 and 3 are both positive because there are no negative signs in front of them. Rule 2: A positive number times a negative number gives you a negative number. Example 2: This is new – for example, you might have 4 x -3. Rule 3: A negative number times a negative number gives you a positive number. Example 3: This is also new—and doesn’t seem to make much sense, but it is a rule we have to follow when multiplying negative numbers together. These rules also apply to division of positive and negative numbers. Solutions

mundo con mis ojos La estructura más misteriosa del desierto En 1965 una fotografía tomada desde el espacio descubrió un enorme y extraño cráter en medio del desierto del Sahara La investigación espacial no sólo ha permitido conocer mejor el universo y predecir acontecimientos como el reciente paso del asteroide 2012 DA14 “rozando” la Tierra, sino que también ha servido para descubrir muchos de los misterios que esconde nuestro propio planeta. Uno de los más espectaculares es la Estructura de Richat, un extraño accidente geográfico circular ubicado en medio del desierto del Sáhara, en Mauritania, que nos descubren en el blog “La brújula verde”. Situada a una altitud de entre 400 y 450 metros sobre el nivel del mar, esta estructura con forma de espiral posee un diámetro de casi 50 kilómetros y fue fotografiada por primera vez desde el espacio en 1965. Inicialmente los investigadores creyeron que se trataba del cráter producido por el impacto de un enorme meteorito.

THE LOST JOURNALS OF NIKOLA TESLA by Tim Swartz 9/2001 Full text published by Global Communications In 1899, Nikola Tesla, with the aid of his financial backer, J.P. Morgan, set up at Colorado Springs an experimental laboratory containing high-voltage, radio transmission equipment. One night, when he was alone in the laboratory, Tesla observed what he cautiously referred to as electrical actions which definitely appeared to be intelligent signals. Tesla elaborated on the subject of Talking with the Planets in Collier’s Weekly (March 1901): "As I was improving my machines for the production of intense electrical actions, I was also perfecting the means for observing feeble efforts. This incident was the first of many in which Tesla intercepted what he felt were intelligent signals from space. In 1937, during one of his birthday press conferences, Tesla announced, Tesla never publicly revealed the technical details of his improved transmitter, but in his 1937 announcement, he revealed a new formula showing that He replied:

new pyramids found made of crystal!! reply to post by denver22 The article linked by the user under the OP has a date of 2012. Originally posted by FraternitasSaturni glass-found-in-the-bermuda-triangle/ There ya go... edit on 9-4-2012 by FraternitasSaturni because: (no reason given) This article talks about the same "finding" at the bottom of the Bermuda triangle. The article focuses on the Japanese megalithic constructs found under the ocean near Japan. At the end of that article it references Dr. This looks like its just a rehash with some words changed and updated date. ]Incidentally, the summer of 1991 the famous oceanographer Dr. edit on 10-4-2012 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

Pirámide sumergida en el triangulo de Bermudas Vista aérea de Bermudas En el año 1970, el Ray Brown, dedicado a la medicina naturista y aficionado al buceo, realizó una expedición submarina con algunos amigos cerca de las Bahamas, en un área próxima a una gran fosa denominada La Lengua del Océano. Durante una de las inmersiones, Brown se separó de sus compañeros, y al tratar de reunirse con ellos, vio de pronto una extraña pirámide que se divisaba contra la luz aguamarina. La pirámide estaba situada a unos 40 metros de profundidad, y medía unos 6 metros de altura, de los cuales solo 2 metros sobresalían de las arenas del lecho marino. Brown quedó sorprendido por éste espectáculo, particularmente porque la magestuosa arquitectura parecía estar recubierta de cristales, con apariencia de espejos en su superficie. Al nadar alrededor de ésta inexplicable extructura descubrió un camino de entrada y decidió adentrarse a explorar. Brown intentó primero liberar la varilla del techo y la gema roja, pero ninguna se movió.
