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CLIL Materials

CLIL Materials

The Next Generation of LifelongLearningTeachers: CLIL lesson - History This is a CLIL activity I made up on my own for one of my classes. It's simple, funny, and easy to customize for different subjects (I will post a Geography version later on). It turned out to be motivating and successful, so I would rank it second in my CLIL experience, just after Dante's CLIL. Note: this lesson-plan fits any situation when you want to revise a range of topics you've already studied with your pupils. In my opinion, it won't work for introducing a new subject. As for us, we had been studying the fall of the Roman Empire, dealing with different populations: the Romans, the Huns, the Byzantines and the Lombards (Langobards). about 20 students - 12/13 years old subjects: History/Languages Pupils working in teams (4 teams, since we had studied 4 different populations) About 2 hours needed Instructions given in English - pupils can answer and discuss, when needed, both in English and in mother tongue. Materials: "I am a nomad, I live on raids, and I spend most of my life on horses.

CLIL Magazine Fall 2016 Spring 2016 Fall 2014 Spring 2014 Fall 2013 Spring 2013 Winter 2012 Clil in action Entropy In this unit we introduce the concept of entropy, from its definition in classical thermodynamics, to Boltzmann’s statistical interpretation... more details >> Kinetic theory of gases The kinetic theory explains the thermodynamic laws of gases starting by microscopic behavior of atoms... more details >> Speed and acceleration In this unit you will study one of the most important topics in Physics; speed and acceleration... more details >> Relativistic kinematics We will explain the meaning of “relativity“, one of the most important principles of Physics... more details >> Measurements and errors In this unit we present a basic topic in physics, engineering and all quantitative... more details >>

CLIL Resources / Recursos AICLE English: Portals and Encyclopedias / Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Technology, etc / Natural Science, Biology, etc / Physical Education / Geography, History, Literature, Art, Philosophy, etc. Classroom language / lenguaje para el aula Classroom Language- stages in the lesson - pdf Classroom English PhrasesEAP Speaking - Language Les mots de la classe Videos, Podcasts, images, animaciones, etc. Google Videos Videopedia YouTube Edu Vimeo Teacher Tube Tes Teach The Naked Scientists Khan Academy Encyclopeadia Britannica Educational podcasts Visual dictionaryonline Wikimedia Commons Free Clip Art by Phillip Martin Shahi - A visual dictionary | pictures from Flicker, Google and Yahoo. Free Technology for teachers Some Tools Flash Saver - capture flash files, download flash files by a simple click Download VLC Media Player (to play any kind of audio or video)Brenden's Resource GeneratorAdd Subtitles to your Videos - Overstream / dotsubCreate Maps English Learning Resource Exchange for schools Wikipedia

Clilstore - Teaching units for content and language integrated learning First visit to Clilstore? Clilstore, like virtually all other interactive sites, needs to use cookies to work properly. Got it If this message persists when you click “Got it”, then your browser must be refusing cookies, or have Javascript disabled. Clilstore is a well-behaved, responsible website. Teaching unitsfor Content and Language Integrated Learning HelpAbout Clilstore Select the language you are learning and then your level to see the available units. Level AllBasicA1A2B1B2C1C2Advanced A new website is available at with a new user interface and the same data Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Language and Subject: A balancing act If I would have to name the single biggest question most (new) CLIL teachers have with CLIL it would be: How do you balance language and subject in a CLIL lesson? They might even think the subject content of their lesson would become less important. That is simply NOT true. Let me explain. CLIL abbreviation The CLIL acronym stand for Content and Language Integrated Learning. What is the first word? Yes, every CLIL teacher is a language teacher. I am a subject teacher first and foremost. Language as something ‘extra’ A lot of teachers think that in a CLIL lesson you have to teach your subject and the target language. Apart from the fact that I don’t have time to spend half of my lesson on English assignments, I am not trained nor well suited for this type of education. So what can you do? So, positive approach people: no more “I can’t” or “It’s hard”. Five quick ways to integrate language Brainstorm 2. Ask your students to summarize the lesson in one sentence. 3. Alphabet 2.

KEY PRINCIPLES - CLIL principles CLIL principals consist of three main blocks: - the 4Cs: Content, Communication, Culture and Cognition - Bloom’s taxonomy - Cummin’s Quadrant In 1956, Benjamin Bloom headed a group of educational psychologists who developed a classification of levels of intellectual behaviour important in learning. During the 1990s a new group of cognitive psychologists, lead by Lorin Anderson (a former student of Bloom’s), updated the taxonomy reflecting relevance to 21st century work. Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Remembering Remembering, understanding and applying are LOTS. When teaching we have to combine HOTS and LOTS activities in order not to tire our students but be careful! My advice is to start from the bottom and climb up the levels step by step but keep going backwards by climbing. Cummins’ quadrant is a useful tool for designing content lessons. Cummins advices us to start with a task that is cognitively simple and context-embedded. THE 4 Cs: CLIL principles in action

CLIL and READING Lesson steps: 1) TEACHER BACKGROUND I think that time spent reading in class is very important. 2) PLANNING & PREPARATIONThe teacher discuss with the pupils the benefits of reading books every week.Testing the pupils English competence in English before starting the lessons, especially related to the following topics: food and drinks, actions and parts of the body.Do a warming activity: the children brainstorm a list of definitions about reading a story (ex. reading is fun, reading is a pleasure ...) and illustrate them in a chart. 3) ORGANIZE A TIME READING IN THE ENGLISH CORNER EVERY WEEK.Reading is a habit that develops through time and practice.The children can read alone one mini- book and sometimes the teacher read something for them, using accurately facial expressions and voice to capture children's attention.

Ask Mo electron configuration electron lewis structure angular momentum modern physics electrostatics valence electron electromagnetic spectrum coulomb's law atomic mass covalent bond angular velocity calorimetry diffraction simple harmonic motion wavelength entropy brownian motion molecule ultraviolet moment of inertia polyatomic ion lidar electric charge electric field Passsionately curious
