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CLIL Tips and Materials

CLIL Tips and Materials

Events - BEP Network Thursday, March 24, 2011, 2 p.m. EDT Click HERESign up here to receive an email reminder about this chat. Response to intervention involves early identification of students’ learning problems and the use of focused lessons, or interventions, to address those problems before they became entrenched. Though primarily linked with special education and early reading, the method is now used at all levels of schooling and in a variety of subject areas. Educators use “tiered intervention” models—of which RTI is one type—to improve school discipline. Guests:David Putnam Jr., Ph.D., director, Oregon Response to Intervention, Tigard-Tualatin School District Darren Woodruff, Ph.D., co-director, National Center on Response to Intervention Kathryn Tackett, Ph.D., coordinator of state technical assistance, National Center on Response to Intervention Nirvi Shah, staff writer, Education Week, will moderate this chat.

The Next Generation of LifelongLearningTeachers: CLIL lesson - History This is a CLIL activity I made up on my own for one of my classes. It's simple, funny, and easy to customize for different subjects (I will post a Geography version later on). It turned out to be motivating and successful, so I would rank it second in my CLIL experience, just after Dante's CLIL. Note: this lesson-plan fits any situation when you want to revise a range of topics you've already studied with your pupils. As for us, we had been studying the fall of the Roman Empire, dealing with different populations: the Romans, the Huns, the Byzantines and the Lombards (Langobards). about 20 students - 12/13 years old subjects: History/Languages Pupils working in teams (4 teams, since we had studied 4 different populations) About 2 hours needed Instructions given in English - pupils can answer and discuss, when needed, both in English and in mother tongue. Materials: - for the first part (role play) 20 pieces of paper with one sentence each (English) Steps: 2) Are you in your groups?

CLIL videos Why should CLIL teachers support learners to work actively with the input provided? Firstly, if learners are actively involved in thinking about the content and/or the language, they will reach a better understanding of both. If they re-organise or change input into another form, learners will process and comprehend input better. Tasks for guiding understanding might include, for example, changing information from a diagram into a text, or from a text into a picture or role-play. Secondly, if learners are helped to ‘scaffold’ their learning to understand the main points of lesson input, they will be understood better. Video In this clip, the teacher guides the learners to work actively with the input. CLIL Resources / Recursos AICLE English: Portals and Encyclopedias / Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Technology, etc / Natural Science, Biology, etc / Physical Education / Geography, History, Literature, Art, Philosophy, etc. Classroom language / lenguaje para el aula Classroom Language- stages in the lesson - pdf Classroom English PhrasesEAP Speaking - Language Les mots de la classe Videos, Podcasts, images, animaciones, etc. Google Videos Videopedia YouTube Edu Vimeo Teacher Tube Tes Teach The Naked Scientists Khan Academy Encyclopeadia Britannica Educational podcasts Visual dictionaryonline Wikimedia Commons Free Clip Art by Phillip Martin Shahi - A visual dictionary | pictures from Flicker, Google and Yahoo. Free Technology for teachers Some Tools Flash Saver - capture flash files, download flash files by a simple click Download VLC Media Player (to play any kind of audio or video)Brenden's Resource GeneratorAdd Subtitles to your Videos - Overstream / dotsubCreate Maps English Learning Resource Exchange for schools Wikipedia

Cursos CLIL « Zona CLIL Como ya comenté a finales de año pasado por motivos varios no podía mantener esta web tan activa , pero ya estoy casi en marcha y debido a muchas dudas de seguidores que he recibido he pensado que sería bueno ir reactivando nuestra ZONA CLIL. Esta entreda es larga , aquí tenéis tabla de contenidos: 1-Exámenes a2.b2.c1… 2-Acreditarse Ya!!! 4-Programa BEDA 5-Materiales y Webs . 6-Cursos On line 7-Conferencias 2-Independientemente de que haya o no oposiciones , ES MUY IMPORTANTE tener acreditado tu nivel de idioma con tu letra correspondiente , quizás es ahora un buen momento para hacerlo o ponerte al día en el idioma que creas conveniente. 3-TKT-CLIL Para todos aquellos que os dedicáis o queréis dedicaros al trabajar en Bilingüísmo tener en cuenta que necesitáis un nivel b2-en secundaria…y que tarde o temprano será también en primaria ,también sería interesante intentar tener el diploma TKT -CLIL ¿por qué no? Like this:

KEY PRINCIPLES - CLIL principles CLIL principals consist of three main blocks: - the 4Cs: Content, Communication, Culture and Cognition - Bloom’s taxonomy - Cummin’s Quadrant In 1956, Benjamin Bloom headed a group of educational psychologists who developed a classification of levels of intellectual behaviour important in learning. During the 1990s a new group of cognitive psychologists, lead by Lorin Anderson (a former student of Bloom’s), updated the taxonomy reflecting relevance to 21st century work. Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Remembering Remembering, understanding and applying are LOTS. When teaching we have to combine HOTS and LOTS activities in order not to tire our students but be careful! My advice is to start from the bottom and climb up the levels step by step but keep going backwards by climbing. Cummins’ quadrant is a useful tool for designing content lessons. Cummins advices us to start with a task that is cognitively simple and context-embedded. THE 4 Cs: CLIL principles in action

CLIL Cascade Network Resource search Click here to browse through material provided by CLIL colleagues. Resource upload Click here to share your own material. Criteria for Producing CLIL Learning Materials This Internet tool lists criteria for creating CLIL-specific learning materials, provides examples of how to apply each proposed criterion while also providing a corresponding rationale with references. Oliver Meyer's article about the CLIL Pyramid published online This article introduces a planning tool that enables CLIL teachers to develop their methodological competences and facilitates the design and production of quality CLIL learning materials. Sites of interest CCN provides a comprehensive list of links to websites of particular relevance to its major aims and objectives. Tools Estonian Immersion Handbook (pdf) Planning & Observation Checklist New Technology Resources for Innovative Learning Technologies Unesco OER Conversations in Cyberspace Euro SAEL Guide (FR) Euro SAEL Guide (EN) Learning skills

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