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Souvlaki For The Soul

Souvlaki For The Soul
Mushroom cigars enhanced with Middle Eastern inspired ingredients. Perfect for entertaining. Click through to see the recipe... Read more Braised green beans "Greek style". Hearty.

12 Bacon Hacks That Will Take Your Weekend Brunch to a Whole New Level Everybody loves a good food hack, so when I saw this marvelous creation on Reddit, obviously I had to share it: Bacon pancake dippers. You heard me — long, strip-shaped pancakes with whole pieces of bacon embedded right inside them. Pick ‘em up with your fingers, dunk ‘em in some maple syrup, and voila — best breakfast ever. I don’t know how I managed not to dream them up myself, but I’m sure glad someone else did. But then I got to thinking: How many other bacon hacks are there that could be total game-changers when it comes to weekend brunch?

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Eat Clean Live Lean - Sophie Guidolin Sophie Guidolin’s blog, is based around everything from a healthy eating lifestyle to clean eating with children and everything in between! Within this blog you will find my thoughts on everything from fitness and health to fitness modelling and juggling life in general with 2 children. The healthy eating blog covers topics of general interest, cooking, health and wellbeing, clean eating, pregnancy and clean eating plus much more! This is a clean eating blog but with a twist of fitness modelling, reality of being a fitness model and the life of a full time working single mother of two. Industrie Bar - Sydney - Bars & Pubs Doctors and nutritionists say you should always give yourself a few booze-free days in your week in order to let your liver recover from the weekend's pounding. Mondays are a great day to start such a regimen. Drinking on Monday nights is like eating soup with your hands - no one ever said ‘don't do it' and yet it's taken as a given that it's a bad idea.

All Recipes Pickled Fennel by Maggie Battista With six bulbs of fennel hiding out in my fridge and a small village set to descend for Thanksgiving, I made this condiment for my big share boards that hang out all day. A share board is essentially a platter filled with all sorts of delicious bites that guests can share as an appetizer or Black Bean and Corn Enchiladas Café Review – Palomino Espresso, Sydney CBD Sydney CBD cafés usually have a very different feel from those on the city fringe. Your Petty Cash Cafés, you Belljars don’t really exude the same frantic, grab-your-latte-and-raisin-toast-and-run vibe that you get at somewhere like, say, Vella Nero. This is changing, or maybe I’m just paying closer attention.

Scott's Pizza Chronicles: Why I Love the International Pizza Expo A typical scene at Pizza Expo. [Photographs: Scott Wiener] The response is common when I tell someone I'm heading to Las Vegas for the International Pizza Expo. "What is the International Pizza Expo???" I'm not surprised this event isn't common knowledge, especially since there's little mention of it in the media (including this very website). Most of us who read Slice are interested in the glorious craft of pizza making, but the truth is it wouldn't exist if it wasn't a gigantic industry.

Australia - eatshowandtell As most of our loyal readers would know, Howard and I recently did a little thing called… getting married. It’s over a month since the wedding day and despite it not being so long ago, I still find it difficult to recall certain aspects of the wedding. So many things were happening in the one day that some parts of the day is a blur. The last couple of weeks has been one of the most amazingly intense experiences that I have ever experienced. Thanks to Fouad, I was fortunate enough to be involved in a couple of Secret Dinners for the Crave International Food Festival. This will be a… Read more
