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Pitiri 1977 - Buy and download on GamersGate Pitiri 1977 is definitely worth a play the next time you've run out of 2D side-scroll puzzle platformers and need a fix. Just don't expect another Limbo or Vessel or NyxQuest. That being said, I really enjoyed the unique concept and design. I was born in 1979, but the game still managed to induce an immediate sense of nostalgia. Of course most 80's kids like me did play a lot of 70's arcade games on our parents' Atari 2600 and watched plenty of 70's movies and reruns back in the days of only three networks and maybe thirty cable channels if you were lucky. In fact, the gameplay, while still fun, is a bit less praise worthy in my opinion. Speaking of which, the physics engine is somewhat over-reactive.

The Most Dangerous Gamer - Magazine Never mind that they’re now among the most lucrative forms of entertainment in America, video games are juvenile, silly, and intellectually lazy. At least that’s what Jonathan Blow thinks. But the game industry’s harshest critic is also its most cerebral developer, a maverick bent on changing the way we think about games and storytelling. With his next release, The Witness, Blow may cement his legacy—or end his career. Jake Stangel Like many wealthy people, Jonathan Blow vividly remembers the moment he became rich. Blow’s similarities to the average millionaire end right there, however, because unlike most wealthy people, he seems faintly irritated by his memory of striking it rich. Which is not to say that Blow has forsaken his wealth. Yet aside from his electric car—the virtues of which he extols with messianic zeal—Blow displays total indifference toward the material fruits of wealth. Even Blow’s friends choose words like difficult and spiky when describing him.

MokMok Glorious Trainwrecks | Make Games Constantly Forever Daina: The Herbarium Karma High PS3-Controller unter Windows 7 am PC nutzen: Installation und Konfiguration - Techfacts Klassische Konsolenspiele gibt es häufig auch für den PC. Mitunter handelt es sich dabei um simple Portierungen. Doch unabhängig davon vermissen Konsolenspieler am PC vor allem eines: den professionellen Controller einer Spielekonsole. Was brauche ich zur Nutzung des PS3-Controllers am PC? In erster Linie benötigen Sie natürlich einen PS3-Controller mit USB-Kabel, denn ohne diesen geht nichts. Was mache ich mit den Treibern? Sobald Sie die Treiber-Datei (diese liegt als ZIP- oder RAR-Archiv vor) heruntergeladen haben, extrahieren Sie diese mit WinRAR oder einer alternativen Freeware und starten Sie dann die Setup-Datei. Sobald die Installation abgeschlossen ist, verbinden Sie Ihren PS3-Controller via USB mit Ihrem Rechner. Wie aktiviere ich den Controller mit richtigen Treibern? Klicken Sie nun auf den Start-Button und wählen Sie unter Programmen "MotioninJoy" und dort "Install USB Driver Right" aus. Erneut öffnet sich ein Fenster. Wie kann ich den Controller nun nutzen? Digital Gamepad

auntie pixelante › the scratchware manifesto with its original home, the home of the underdogs, gone – though rebuilding continues – it’s high time there was another place to read this important document. cly5m hosts it on his site, and i believe wikipedia has a copy. but is that the best we can do? i encountered the scratchware manifesto and the amazing anger and energy of its anonymous authors almost a decade ago, and it profoundly shaped my attitudes toward the creation, development, and distribution of games. in 2008 i was commisioned to write a piece on the manifesto for notes on game dev. my argument in this piece, which was never published (the site stopped updating immediately after my submission, and the editor has never returned my emails) was that although the document itself is rarely cited, many of the creators on the margins of game development – the hobbyists, the small and free and independent authors, the videogame zinesters – embody the spirit, if not the letter, of the manifesto. It is time for revolution. 1.
