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Start Using CSS3 Today: Techniques and Tutorials - Smashing Magazine

Advertisement We have been publishing articles about CSS3 for a while now, and we keep receiving angry e-mails from some developers who complain that it doesn’t make sense to use CSS3 today. Yes, Internet Explorer doesn’t support most CSS3 properties. But it’s OK to accept that Web is a dynamic medium, and it’s OK to create rich, interactive, beautiful designs for those who are already using a modern browser or will be using one soon. In this post we present an extensive round-up of CSS3 techniques, tools and resources that will help you learn how to use CSS3 in your designs right away. You may be interested in the following related articles: What’s Possible With CSS3? Let’s start with a review of some truly remarkable design techniques and experiments that show what can be done with a bit of coding, patience and creativity by using simple CSS3 properties. CSS3 Leopard-style StacksPure CSS3 (and experimental CSS). Wicked CSS3 3D Bar ChartAn attempt to create a 3D bar chart using CSS3.

CSS Content CSS has a property called content. It can only be used with the pseudo elements :after and :before. It is written like a pseudo selector (with the colon), but it's called a pseudo element because it's not actually selecting anything that exists on the page but adding something new to the page. This is what it looks like: With this CSS in place, we could have this HTML: <ul><li class="email-address"></li></ul> And the output would be like: • Email address: Maybe that example doesn't get you drooling, but pseduo element content can be quite useful and do cool things. Hey! The first concern might be that of a separation-between-content-and-design purist. I think it's awesome and perfectly suited for CSS. I'm going to publish an article tomorrow with this kind of idea. Using Special Characters If you need to use a special character in the CSS content, it's kinda weird. Here's some random useful ones: Example Trick: Checkmark visited links Using Attributes

Modernizr: the HTML5 and CSS3 Feature-detection Library With the release of version 2.0, the Modernizr JavaScript library continues to gain traction as the solution of choice for advanced browser feature detection. For those of you who haven't been properly introduced, Modernizr uses the latest JavaScript object detection techniques to discover if a feature is available before you use it, thus allowing for graceful degradation or progressive enhancement of your web pages. It is especially useful in assessing emerging web technologies such as CSS3 and HTML5 so that you can fully exploit modern browser capabilities while providing more basic content to older browsers. How It Works The now obsolete traditional method of doing "UA sniffing" was to identify a browser based on its navigator.userAgent property. The obsolete UA sniffing approach: if (document.all) { // IE4 height = document.body.offsetHeight; } else if (document.layers) { // NN4 height = window.innerHeight; } else { // other height = 0; } The more precise feature sniffing method: <!

Social media: The in-house vs. outsourced debate It all started when we, two social media marketers, got into a heated argument over IM. It went something like this: agencyMouse99: I know that I work in an agency, but I cannot believe that companies and brands continue to outsource their social media to us. DigitalDiva: What are you talking about? agencyMouse99: In-house is definitely the way to go. DigitalDiva: Do you mean for maintaining branded profiles, or for short-term campaigns? agencyMouse99: Both! DigitalDiva: You're so wrong. agencyMouse99: Oh yeah? It's a debate that likely rages on behind the closed doors of brand marketers on a regular basis, and it's likely the source of a lot of second guessing, and perhaps even regret from time to time. Issue: AuthenticityagencyMouse99: What is social media if not about authenticity? DigitalDiva: Yes, it is. Issue: TimingagencyMouse99: Conversation on social channels moves fast -- sometimes incredibly fast. DigitalDiva: Let's be honest. Next page >>

13 Pure CSS Techniques for Creating JavaScript-like Interactions | Tutorials We all know that JavaScript allows us to do great things when it comes to user interfaces, but with a little imagination and creativity, the same types of effects can be created with only CSS. Here are 13 tutorials that teach you how to push the limits of CSS and make it do things that we’re not accustomed to it doing. You’ll notice that some of these techniques can be very useful, while others are simple for proving it can be done. How To Create a Pure CSS Polaroid Photo Gallery Creating a Bubble Coda Style with CSS3 Accordion using only CSS How to Create a Fancy Image Gallery with CSS3 CSS3 Hover Tabs without JavaScript Create a JQuery Content Slider Using Pure CSS How to Create a Valid Non-Javascript Lightbox Pure Css Data Chart Bubble Effect with CSS CSS Image Switcher Pure Css Line Graph CSS Image Switcher Pure CSS Timeline

An Introduction to CSS3 Media Queries While HTML5 has been on everyone's mind lately, the use of related technologies such as CSS3 media queries are becoming increasingly important as well. Visitors have certain expectations when viewing your site on everything from a desktop to a laptop to a netbook to a tablet to a handheld. They expect your site to maintain a high level of user experience satisfaction no matter how or where they see your site. This article dives into methodologies and techniques for using CSS3 media queries. CSS 2.1 supports several media types, which are also supported by CSS3: screen, print and handheld. Android Devices and Media Queries Certain Android hand held devices such as the HTC EVO, in conjunction with certain applications, can adjust the screen and font color depending on the amount of light in the room. If you’re riding on the train during the morning commute and you go through a tunnel, you’ll see the app change it’s color scheme automatically. Sample CSS3 Media Query Code and

13 Truths About Social Media Measurement 1. If you aren’t measuring anything else, social media measurement isn’t the problem. Measurement is a discipline, and it needs to be business-wide. If you’re not measuring anything else, you’ll have a learning curve. 2. The goal is to derive insights that teach you something of value, and then act on them. You probably need to spend three times as much time and effort evaluating and acting on your data than you do collecting and formatting it. 3. Gathering fans on Facebook is an activity. Number of forum posts is an activity. Follow me? 4. Learn how to create measurable objectives and the metrics practically jump out at you. And you don’t need 40 different metrics to underscore a hypothesis or progress toward a goal. 5. Cause means that something you did drove someone to act. Correlation is fuzzier, and where most folks get hung up with measurement. Remember that today, we have any number of points where prospects and customers can be impacted by what we do. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Utiliser CSS3 aujourd&#039;hui : outils et ressources - Alsacréations Bien que les spécifications CSS 3 soient encore en phase de maturation, il devient acquis qu'un certain nombre de ses composantes sont déjà exploitables en production sur les navigateurs actuels, moyennant quelque gymnastique pour notre attachant boulet à tous qu'est Internet Explorer. Le contexte actuel est pour le moins excitant pour nous autres webdesigners, puisque l'on peut enfin s'évader d'une norme CSS2.1 vieille de plus de 10 ans ! Nous nous trouvons dans une période clé, et de grands changements vont bientôt s'opérer dans notre façon de travailler au quotidien. Cependant Internet Explorer modère cet engouement puisque seule sa version 9 commence à supporter ces nouveautés, version encore au stade beta non utilisable par le grand public. De multiples ressources CSS3 pour déjouer les faiblesses d'IE voient le jour presque quotidiennement, notamment par l'ajout de JavaScript. Voyons quelques uns de ces outils en ligne en vogue actuellement :

CSS3 Animator, HTML5 Animations, Create Stunning Animations with Ease | Sencha Animator The Sencha Web Application Lifecycle Management platform simplifies the challenges of managing the software development lifecycle of web applications. Now you can seamlessly design, develop, and test data-intensive web applications and deliver the right user experience, on the right screen, at the right time. Sencha Platform for Web Application Lifecycle Management The Sencha portfolio of products and services forms an integrated, modular platform for managing the lifecycle of your cross-platform web applications. Sencha products can be deployed separately or together to form an end-to-end solution. With the Sencha Platform you can prototype, develop, theme, debug, and test your web applications on any device running any browser. Design The Sencha platform helps you accelerate your web application development efforts with out-of-the box theming capabilities across all applications. Learn More: Ext JS | Architect | Themer Develop Learn More: Ext JS | Sencha Test | GXT Test An Open Platform

Foursquare – what is it? « Jojet Just as you thought you we’re getting to grips with Twitter and Facebook something new comes along to upturn the apple cart…typical eh?! “Foursquare“: what is this new upstart?! What is FourSquare? Foursquare (or 4SQ for short) is part of a new breed of mobile applications loosely called “location based services“…and the location bit is key here. Foursquare is an application which runs on mobiles phones such as iPhones, Blackberries (as well as less advanced ones) which allows you to “check in” to venues (i.e. shops!) – think airport check ins but much, much simpler! If you check in often enough then you can become the “mayor” of the venue. But what’s the point of collecting badges and being a ‘mayor‘? Good question!! If the whole purpose of Foursquare was only about collecting badges or being some sort of virtual mayor then there would be little appeal to me and little long term value; but, if you dig a little deeper, more is revealed! Rewarding Behaviour What’s in it for the venues?

Quick Tip: Understanding CSS3 Gradients Creating an image only for the purpose of displaying a gradient is inflexible, and is quickly becoming a bad practice. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, they very well might still be required, but hopefully not for much longer. Thanks to Firefox and Safari/Chrome, we can now create powerful gradients with minimal effort. In this video quick tip, we'll examine some of the differences in syntax when working with the -moz and -webkit vendor prefixes. While Mozilla and Webkit generally adopt the same syntax for CSS3 properties, they unfortunately don't quite agree when it comes to gradients. Don't worry if your eyes gloss over at that syntax; mine did too! What type of gradient? Firefox, which implemented gradient support with version 3.6, prefers a slightly different syntax. Note how we've placed the type of gradient, linear, within the vendor extension. What if you don't need a 100% gradient from one color to another? Note the subtle off-white to white gradient at the top.

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