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15+ plugins pour gérer un blog Multi-auteurs sur Wordpress

15+ plugins pour gérer un blog Multi-auteurs sur Wordpress
Après vous avoir proposé une sélection de plugins pour optimiser l’admin WordPress, je vais aller plus loin en m’attaquant au cas spécifique du blog multi-auteurs. J’en profite pour partager mon expérience sur le blog La Crèmerie, puisqu’il s’agit du blog de l’agence sur lequel tous les collaborateurs contribuent. Voici donc une sélection de plugins qui vous permettront d’optimiser le worflow et la communication entre les auteurs du blog. Cleverness To-Do List C’est un de mes préférés donc je le met en premier. Future Posts Calendar Ajouter un calendrier des publications peut s’avérer bien pratique pour gérer une armée de rédacteurs. Post Reminder En complément du calendrier de publication, ce plugin est très pratique pour gérer les notifications de publications. Pre-Publish Reminder WyPiekacz Draft Notification Co-Authors

21 Free Premium Wordpress Themes to Impress There are so many premium themes out there, at such a low price that you’re just forbidden to have an ugly website anymore. More and more online companies start selling awesome wordpress themes, and, along with this raise in premium theme services, as a way to get more customers (or just for generating traffic and then selling advertising), some of these companies are offering free premium themes, and I must admit: gorgeous themes these are! You could take a look at free premium themes since 2007 and you will observe how much things have evolved. Do you want to impress with a nice premium and free WordPress theme? Sight Demo | Download Paragrams Demo | Download Obscorp v2 Demo | Download Newspress Demo | Download Simplo Demo | Download Designpile Demo | Download Journal Crunch Demo | Download Boldy Demo | Download All Tutorials Demo | Download Maimpok Demo | Download Rubidiumify Demo | Download Kryptonation Demo | Download Arsenicity Demo | Download Germaniumify Demo | Download Heliumified Demo | Download Aparatus

Redirect Mobile Users to a Mobile WordPress Theme Let's say you want to have a special theme for your WordPress site for mobile users. You don't want to use a pre-canned solution or anything third-party, you just want to create and design the theme yourself. So what you need to happen is for the site to detect mobile users and server up an alternate theme instead. Here is how I might do it. 1. Detect for mobiles You could do it by measuring screen size with JavaScript, but that's probably not the most solid technique. include('mobile_device_detect.php'); $mobile = mobile_device_detect(); if ($mobile==true) { // This is a mobile device } else { // This is NOT a mobile device, it's a full-featured browser } 2. Theme Switcha is 100% free and downloadable from the WordPress Plugin Directory. That's just an example; you can get your actual theme-switching links by visiting the plugin settings. 3. Now you can test for mobiles, then redirect to a special theme-switching URL to activate your mobile theme: Notes

helen's nerdy blog | Snippets of “how-to” s from a user 21 Most Essential WordPress SEO Plugins WordPress plugins are tools used for greater functionality of the WordPress platform. It is a free and open source blogging tool and a dynamic content management system (CMS) created on PHP and MySQL. Many features of WordPress includes a plug-in architecture and a template design. It is used by nearly 15% of Alexa Internet’s “top one million” websites and manages 22nd of all new websites as of August 2011. As per recent stats WordPress is the most preferred CMS in use on the net. People in general confused with and WordPress SEO by Yoast WordPress SEO is the most complete WordPress SEO plugin that exists today for users. Go to Plugin Download Page Google Analytics for WordPress Google Analytics for WordPress is the most complete Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. W3 Total Cache Broken Link Checker HeadSpace 2 A powerful all-in-one plugin to manage meta-data and handle a wide range of SEO tasks. Redirection Google Ad Wrap – Section Targeting

Le CSS seul effet d'accordéon Update: I’ve created an advanced version of this technique that works in IE6! Read more here. The Accordion Effect is fast becoming one of the most commonly used (and perhaps abused?) effects of the Web 2.0 world. Most JavaScript frameworks make such an effect fairly easy to pull off – heck, MooTools even built their reputation on it in the early days. First off, what is an “accordion” effect? Our accordion will work exactly the same way: all of the elements will be partially visible when the user loads the page. So how do we accomplish this trick? <div id="accordion"><div id="part1"><p>This text is in part 1. My first div defines where my accordion starts and ends. So now, let’s start building our accordion. All I’ve done is give my accordion a specific width and centered it in the page for a nice visual effect. This snippet floats all of my divs to the left and gives them a specific width and height. The overflow: hidden part here is also crucially important. So there you have it.

Simple Responsive Images : La bonne taille pour la bonne résolution Le responsive design est une pratique de plus en plus utilisée de nos jours. Elle très pratique car elle permet de modifier la mise en page de notre site en fonction de la taille de l’écran de notre visiteur. Ainsi plus besoin d’avoir un site mobile dédié pour nos visiteurs, ni une application spéciale mobile ou tablettes. Cependant on ne pense pas forcément au contexte d’utilisation de notre site, si la personne vient avec un mobile cela veut dire que sa connexion internet ne doit pas forcément être de type wifi mais plutôt 3G ou pire…EDGE. Explications en images : Le responsive images illustré On voit donc bien que ente l’image de gauche et l’image de droite, on gagne 30Ko, ce qui n’est pas rien pour une connexion faible ! Ma solution avec Simple Responsives images WordPress gère nativement des tailles d’image différentes, donc à partir d’une image il peut en générer une infinité (moyennant votre stockage serveur disponible). Le principe est simple, il utilise deux choses: La configuration

Grid Accordion with jQuery Accordions are a UI pattern where you click on a title (in a vertical stack of titles) and a panel of content reveals itself below. Typically, all other open panels close when the new one opens. They are a clever and engaging mechanism for packing a lot of information in a small space. Basic accordion from jQuery UI One way to look at an accordion is like a collapsed single column of a table. Another consideration in this table I was building is that there was enough columns that each individual column (should they have been equal width in the space available) wasn't very wide, maybe 150px. The Grid Accordion works with the same theory as most other accordions. You can view and download the example at the end of this article. HTML: Classic use of the definition list Accordions are perfect semantic examples of definition lists. <dl><dt>Title</dt><dd>Information about that title here</dd><dt>Another Title</dt><dd>Information about that other title here</dd></dl> This is a classic technique.

WordPress Plugins to Help Make Your Site Responsive With the galloping development of modern technologies the screen size margin of your readership can be anything in-between a 30″ desktop monitor and the iPhone’s 3.5″ screen. Responsive design techniques kills two birds with a single stone by helping improve user experience by displaying a screen sized optimized version of your website. Here is a list of the most useful responsive WordPress plugins. You’ll find simple tools for re-sizing images, making video responsive, creating a mobile version of your website and many more. WP Fluid Images WP Fluid Images removes the fixed width and height attributes from images, loads a jQuery script that examines the .post, or .page divs for image tags. FitVids for WordPress This is just another awesome WordPress jQuery plugin which makes all videos on your page responsive. WP Orbit Slider WP Orbit is a responsive jQuery plugin that works by using custom post type and taxonomies. Responsive TwentyTen Respond.js for WP Ultimate Coming Soon Page Mobify

mment créer une page d'options Thème pour Wordpress If you have ever used a WordPress premium theme then you would of seen the custom theme options page that are available. The theme options page that is found under the appearance menu which allows the admin of the WordPress site to change some of the settings on the theme. Most premium themes will come with options to change the colours of fonts, backgrounds, change images or font types...anything that allows you to style the WordPress theme. Some of the most common fields to change are: Theme Options - To edit the theme logo, change the stylesheet, upload a new favicon, Add Google analytics code, enter your feedburner URL and add custom CSS.Styling Options - Change the background colour or change the background image.Fonts - Change the font on all your header tags or the main content text.Social - Providing you theme with your social media profiles will make it easier to link to them in parts of your theme or display your latest tweets. Examples Of Theme Options Pages Conclusion

WordPress SEO Plugin • Search Engine Optimization Plugin Yoast SEO Premium ensures that your site meets the highest technical SEO standards. It also gives you the tools to optimize your content for SEO and overall readability. Find out how Yoast SEO Premium can help you compete and learn about all of the additional SEO features we add to your site! Are you about to get started with Yoast SEO? We can imagine you still have some questions. What is Yoast SEO? Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin that helps your site perform better in search engines with a variety of features. How much experience does Yoast SEO have? Yoast SEO has over 10+ years of experience in helping users with their SEO. What benefits will I get from using Yoast SEO? Having your own site is great, but of course, you would like to have visitors that check out your content. What other WordPress/SEO plugins do you offer? Besides Yoast SEO Free and Yoast SEO Premium we offer some more Yoast SEO plugins: Video SEO, Local SEO, News SEO, and WooCommerce SEO. What does Yoast SEO cost? Yes!

Créer ou ouvrir une carte personnalisée - Centre d'aide Google Maps Vous pouvez créer des cartes personnalisées avec la version bêta de Maps Engine Lite. Ainsi, vous pouvez par exemple créer une carte des meilleurs restaurants de votre région. Les cartes personnalisées que vous créez peuvent ensuite être ouvertes dans Google Maps. Si vous avez par le passé créé des cartes personnalisées à l'aide de la fonctionnalité "Mes cartes", vous pouvez quand même les ouvrir dans Google Maps. Créer une carte personnalisée Connectez-vous à la version classique de Google Maps. Remarque : Nous vous recommandons de suivre les instructions ci-dessus pour créer des cartes personnalisées. Ouvrir une carte personnalisée Vous pouvez ouvrir dans la version classique de Google Maps vos cartes créées à l'aide de la fonctionnalité "Mes cartes" ainsi que vos cartes Maps Engine. Connectez-vous à la version classique de Google Maps.

Pods Framework - Faites de WordPress un véritable CMS complet On ne présente plus WordPress. Ce fut un des premiers projets de moteur de « blogging » Open Source et développé en PHP à connaitre un franc succès. Au fur et à mesure des années, le moteur développé par Matt Mullenweg et son équipe est devenu le leader sur le marché avec aujourd’hui près de 55% de part de marché sur l’ensemble des systèmes de gestion contenu confondus. Au fil des versions, WordPress a dû également s’adapter aux demandes des développeurs qui souhaitaient aussi utiliser le « core » de WordPress en tant que CMS et non plus uniquement en tant que moteur de « blogging ». Parmi les améliorations apportées pour répondre à cette problématique, nous avons pu voir l’apparition des Content Types qui permettent aux développeurs de créer de nouvelles « entitées » autres que les objets classiques de type Post ou Page. C’est essentiellement sur cette notion d’objets personnalisables que le framework Pods s’appuie. Site Officiel
