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A Creative Community for the Collaborative Economy

A Creative Community for the Collaborative Economy

Production en P2P: La révolution à portée de main Tous les outils sont prêts pour une véritable révolution de la production économique qui nous sortirait de la médiocrité actuelle, nous dit Simone Cicero. Mais sommes-nous seulement prêts et conscients des enjeux plus vastes que cela implique ? Traduit de l’anglais par Maxime Lathuilière. Les économistes et théoriciens de l’innovation tels que Jeremy Rifkin, Yochai Benkler, Michel Bauwens, et plusieurs autres arrivent à la conclusion que la Troisième Révolution Industrielle est à portée de main Voici l’introduction d’une étude récemment publiée par Statistical Studies of Peer Production. The Economist a dédié un rapport complet à ce phénomène. A quel point ce paradigme est en train de devenir réalité ? La culture du design de masse, de la mode, de la production de grande échelle a créé une société structurée par des décisions top-down, fruit de structures complexes (production, éducation, travail…) et de chemins prédéfinis. Aujourd’hui, la médiocrité est obsolète Quelles infrastructures ?

Nous recrutons ! BlaBlaCar : la startup qui monte ! BlaBlaCar est l'une des startups les plus prometteuses de sa décennie ! Soutenu par le fonds d'investissement Accel partners pour accélérer notre internationalisation, nous recherchons actuellement de nouveaux talents pour accompagner notre développement rapide. Pour la petite histoire, le nom « BlaBlaCar » vient du fait que les covoitureurs choisissent s'ils sont plutôt « Bla », « BlaBla » ou « BlaBlaBla » en voiture selon leur degré de bavardage ! Pour en savoir plus, découvrez la Success Story de BlaBlaCar 3 raisons de rejoindre BlaBlaCar Vous aurez le plaisir de travailler avec des collègues talentueux, dynamiques et bienveillants Vous rejoignez une startup européenne : mutli-lingue, mutli-culturelle et mobile ! Postes basés à Paris Marketing : Produit : Tech : Et aussi : Postes basés à Londres BlaBla Academy: the best Summer Internship ever! Vous êtes étudiant à la recherche d'un stage ? En savoir plus Candidatures spontanées Voir tous les postes en Europe

s | The Team Scientific American Founded in 1845, Scientific American is the longest continuously published magazine in the U.S. and the leading authoritative publication for science in the general media. Together with and 14 local language editions around the world it reaches more than 5 million consumers and scientists. Other titles include Scientific American Mind and Spektrum der Wissenschaft in Germany. Zooniverse The Zooniverse is home to the internet's largest, most popular and most successful citizen science projects. The field of marine mammal bioacoustics was founded in 1948 when WHOI biologists recorded the underwater sounds of beluga whales. TNO is an independent Dutch research organisation whose expertise and research helps governments, industry and organisations innovate. University of Oxford The University of Oxford is the oldest in the English-speaking world having been founded in the 11th or 12th centuries.

Une rentrée sous tension pour les directeurs marketing Chaque année, lors de la rentrée scolaire (et politique), les conjoncturistes se livrent à l’exercice délicat de prévoir l’évolution de la consommation. En 2012, l’exercice est particulièrement de mise. Car le seul moteur de la croissance française, la consommation, pourrait bien caler en ce deuxième semestre. Pour lancer le débat, a demandé à deux instituts (TNS Sofres et Xerfi) ainsi qu’à plusieurs responsables marketing ou chefs d’entreprises leurs prévisions. Résultat : la tonalité est sombre, même si tous nos interlocuteurs soulignent que cette crise, plus longue que les précédentes, porte en elle les germes de nouveaux modes de consommation. La rentrée selon Édouard Lecerf, directeur Général TNS Sofres "Cette rentrée va s’effectuer, prédit Édouard Lecerf, directeur général TNS Sofres, sous le signe de la prudence et de l’attentisme du point de vue du consommateur. La rentrée selon Alexandre Mirlicourtois, directeur des études économiques du groupe Xerfi

Achieve at least 90% in Kern Type at Method of Action Your mission is simple: achieve pleasant and readable text by distributing the space between letters. Typographers call this activity kerning. Your solution will be compared to a typographer's solution, and you will be given a score depending on how close you nailed it. Good luck! Kerning is rarely needed with modern computers. Nowadays, when designing a digital typeface, typographers use kerning tables , which describe how pairs of letter work together. You should look for unusual gaps in letterspacing, a common example is uppercase T followed by a vocal: Once you adjust this you can play around with the position of all the letters until you find a pleasant solution:

What I’m Working On: Interactive Video for Citizen Journalism | Brian Chirls Last month, I participated in an all-day workshop that Mozilla organized as part of Web Made Movies to introduce filmmakers to the possibilities of interactive video using Popcorn.js. I lobbied to be paired with Yasmin Elayat to create a prototype for her project, 18 Days in Egypt, an interactive documentary covering the recent revolution in Egypt, using citizen-produced video. It’s a credit to Yasmin’s knowledge of the material and the work of the Popcorn.js team that we were able to build and demo the whole thing in a single day. View the prototype here. It should work in any modern web browser that handles html video (even Internet Explorer 9!). Below, I’ll discuss the challenges and solutions we discovered through the process of building a prototype that tells a story as well as it demonstrates the technology. The goal of the prototype was to give an overall sense of the subject while giving a viewer the opportunity to “drill down” to additional media for more detail. Content Design

Brian Chirls seeper — arts and technology collective STILL/INSTALLED | WILDERNESS MACHINE The Wilderness Machine 2010 The Wilderness Machine is the physical extension of the online piece The Wilderness Downtown. The machine generates postcards from the handwritten notes created by viewers of the interactive film. The Wilderness Machine is now programmed to tweet, one postcard per day.

Is Hip-Hop Making You Stupid? The Hip Hop Word Count Breaks It Down What can rap lyrics teach us about our culture? Tahir Hemphill, a lifelong hip-hop enthusiast, has spent the past four years compiling an “ethnographic database” of hip-hop lyrics to answer that question. Comprising more than 40,000 songs spanning from 1979 to present day, Hemphill’s exhaustive archive makes up the project Hip-Hop Word Count, a searchable rap resource that analyzes lyrics and assigns various metadata to them, such as time, geographic location, word count, syllable count, and readability. By indexing every metaphor, simile, cultural reference, meme and socio-political idea, the Hip-Hop Word Count charts a geography of language and aims to chronicle the migration of ideas throughout rap’s history. Next week, Hemphill’s project will be one of some 100+ works included in the MoMA’s much anticipated “Talk To Me” exhibition (curated by Paola Antonelli). Tell us about the Hip-Hop Word Count. How long did the project take to complete? I’m learning a lot.

Albuquerque: Machine Wilderness | ISEA Thank you to everyone who made ISEA2012 an amazing success! "'Machine Wilderness'...conveyed a consciousness of consequence, a sense that new technologies can yield earth-changing results, that artistic vision can drive such technologies to such results, and that usefulness, and especially useful transformation, is a form of beauty." - Peter Frank, Huffington Post In September, 2012, the worlds of art, science and technology came together in Albuquerque, New Mexico for a six day, international conference, which kicked off a season-long exhibition and series of public programs around the region. ISEA2012 Albuquerque: Machine Wilderness was the 18th International Symposium on Electronic Art. The title “Machine Wilderness” referenced the New Mexico region as an area of rapid growth and technology within vast expanses of open land, and presented visions for how technology and the natural world can coexist to support life on Earth. ISEA2012 Merchandise now available online!
