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U.S. Census Bureau

U.S. Census Bureau

The Problem with the Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom Hierarchy - David Weinberger by David Weinberger | 9:00 AM February 2, 2010 The data-information-knowledge-wisdom hierarchy seemed like a really great idea when it was first proposed. But its rapid acceptance was in fact a sign of how worried we were about the real value of the information systems we had built at such great expense. What looks like a logical progression is actually a desperate cry for help. The DIKW hierarchy (as it came to be known) was brought to prominence by Russell Ackoff in his address accepting the presidency of the International Society for General Systems Research in 1989. Where is the Life we have lost in living? Those lines come from the poem “The Rock” by T.S. The DIKW sequence made immediate sense because it extends what every Computer Science 101 class learns: information is a refinement of mere data. But, the info-to-knowledge move is far more problematic than the data-to-info one. So, what is “knowledge” in the DIKW pyramid? And humbug.

Abbreviations and acronyms dictionary: Find definitions for over 4,219,000 abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms Business Model Canvas Optimized for Lean Startup | Lean Canvas Demographic and Social Statistics Social indicators covering a wide range of subject-matter fields are compiled by the Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, from many national and international sources. The indicators presented here consist mainly of the minimum list which has been proposed for follow-up and monitoring implementation of major United Nations conferences on children, population and development, social development and women. This minimum list is contained in the Report of the Expert Group on the Statistical Implications of Recent Major United Nations Conferences (E/CN.3/AC.1/1996/R.4). Technical background on the development of social indicators is contained in two United Nations publications, Handbook on Social Indicators (United Nations publication, Series F, No. 49, 1989) and Towards a System of Social and Demographic Statistics (United Nations publication, Series F, No. 18, 1975) Indicators are provided on the following areas:

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Camels and Rubber Duckies by Joel Spolsky Wednesday, December 15, 2004 You've just released your latest photo-organizing software. Through some mechanism which will be left as an exercise to the reader, you've managed to actually let people know about it. Maybe you have a popular blog or something. One of the biggest questions you're going to be asking now is, "How much should I charge for my software?" So if you like cotton uniforms you better get this right. The answer is really complicated. Now. Some Economic Theory Imagine, for the moment, that your software costs $199. Let me plot that: This little chart I made means that if you charge $199, 250 people will buy your software. What would happen if you raised the price to $249? Some of the people who might have been willing to pay $199 are going to think $249 is too much, so they'll drop out. Obviously, people who wouldn't even buy it for $199 are certainly not going to buy it at the higher price. What if we charged less? And so on and so forth: No no no. Ahem. I see.

La population mondiale devrait dépasser les 9 milliards de personnes en 2050 11 mars 2009 – La population mondiale devrait dépasser les 9 milliards d'individus en 2050, contre 6,8 milliards cette année et 7 milliards début 2012, selon des calculs de l'ONU publiées mercredi dans les Révisions 2008. Une forte majorité des nouveaux habitants de la planète, environ 2,3 milliards de personnes, vivront dans les pays en développement, dont la population passera de 5,6 milliards d'individus en 2009 à 7,9 milliards en 2050 et sera répartie entre les groupes d'âges de 15 à 59 ans (1,2 milliard supplémentaire) et les 60 ans et plus (1,1 milliard). Les pays les plus développés ne devraient voir leur population augmenter que faiblement, passant de 1,23 à 1,28 milliard pendant cette même période. La population des pays développés aurait même tendance à réduire, passant à 1,15 milliard d'individus, sans le solde migratoire positif provenant des pays en développement, qui devrait s'établir aux alentours de 2,4 millions de personnes chaque année entre 2009 et 2050.
