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Creating a LAMP server (web server - Linux Apache Mysql PHP) on the Raspberry Pi - Linux tutorial from PenguinTutor

Creating a LAMP server (web server - Linux Apache Mysql PHP) on the Raspberry Pi - Linux tutorial from PenguinTutor
This provides details of how to configure a Raspberry Pi as a webserver. This is similar to the guide to using Xubuntu as a LAMP webserver, but adds some of the things that need to be handled differently for the Raspberry Pi. It is termed a LAMP server which is one of the most common configuration for webservers which standard for: Linux – operating system Apache – webserver (http) software Mysql – database server PHP or Perl – programming languages This setup is probably overkill for most uses of the Raspberry Pi, but it is the setup that most users will be familiar with and is a good way to learn about setting up a webserver. I’ll be looking at setting up a lightweight setup in future. All this configuration is done at the command line. Why use the Pi? Avoiding the geeking answer of “because I can” I think there are some good reasons for doing this. Learn Linux The main aim of this site is to teach Linux skills. Debian Linux Security passwd and follow the prompts for changing the password. Related:  Rapsberry PiWeb

RPi Low-level peripherals Back to the Hub Hardware & Peripherals: Hardware - detailed information about the Raspberry Pi boards. Hardware History - guide to the Raspberry Pi models. Low-level Peripherals - using the GPIO and other connectors. Expansion Boards - GPIO plug-in boards providing additional functionality. Screens - attaching a screen to the Raspberry Pi. Cases - lots of nice cases to protect the Raspberry Pi. Other Peripherals - all sorts of peripherals used with the Raspberry Pi. Introduction In addition to the familiar USB, Ethernet and HDMI ports, the Raspberry Pi offers the ability to connect directly to a variety of electronic devices. Digital outputs: turn lights, motors, or other devices on or off Digital inputs: read an on or off state from a button, switch, or other sensor Communication with chips or modules using low-level protocols: SPI, I²C, or serial UART Connections are made using GPIO ("General Purpose Input/Output") pins. Note that no analogue input or output is available. Links Useful P2 pins:

How2SetUp a Raspberry Pi Windows file server - Simon The Pi Man Ok this instruction sheet will allow you to setup a Raspberry Pi computer to act as a (NAS)Network Addressed Storage server so it will be possible for you to access files from any/all your windows PC's in your house using the Raspberry Pi to share the files on a disk drive attached to one of the usb ports on the Raspberry Pi. 1. Firstly I need remote access to my pi so firstly carry out the How2SetUp Remote Access from the menu on the left. Lets connect to the Pi remotely using putty so we get the following screen. 2. Probably a reboot is a good idea at this time so pi@raspberrypi~$ sudo reboot NOTE:- The disk drives that I will be attaching will be formatted in windows format - either FAT32 or NTFS, I suggest you do this with a Windows PC and check the drives are readable by the PC before attaching to the Pi, and also add a test file so that you can see this while testing. 3. 4. To test they exist typepi@raspberrypi~$ ls /mnt it should show the following if all is ok 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9.

Wordpress for Raspberry Pi using Nginx and MySQL I’ve been wondering how the Raspberry Pi would handle WordPress. I’ve found some instructions using Apache 2, but this may not be the best server to use for this type of low-end hardware. nginx server requires less resources, and as it is what I already setup for this blog, I decided to give it a try on the Pi. I’ll provide all the detailed steps I followed below, but you can also download the compressed SD card image (113 MB), uncompress it and copy it to an SD card the usual way. After the system boots, find your Raspberry Pi’s IP address, type it in your PC’s browser, and you should see the page pictured below. Instructions to Install WordPress on Raspberry Pi You can use your default Debian Linux distribution (e.g. Install ngnix, php and mysql in the server: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nginx php5-fpm php5-cli php5-curl php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-mysql php5-cgi mysql-server You’ll be asked for mysql root password. Enable your wordpress blog: sudo ln -s .. cgi.fix_pathinfo = 0;

Installer un serveur web sur votre Raspberry Après avoir créé votre carte SD, et après avoir démarré pour la première fois votre Raspberry Pi, il y a de fortes chances que vous souhaitiez l’utiliser comme un serveur web. La Raspberry Pi comme serveur web, pourquoi ? Mais pourquoi utiliser la Raspberry comme un serveur Web, plutôt que de faire appel à des prestataires de services spécialisés dans l’hébergement web ? Tout d’abord, d’un point de vue économique, il faut savoir que les services d’hébergement web ne sont pas gratuits et qu’il faut sortir le porte-monnaie tous les mois/ans. Contrairement à la Raspberry qui demande juste une connexion. La question qui se pose maintenant est, comment faire de la Raspeberry un serveur web ? Installation du serveur Apache avec Raspbian Apache, c’est quoi ? Tout d’abord, nous allons installer Apache, qui est le serveur web en tant que tel. À l’heure actuelle, Apache est le serveur web le plus utilisé, avec environ 60 % de parts de marché. Installation d’Apache sudo apt install apache2 cat . echo "<?

Serveur web à la maison : Raspberry Pi Retrouvez ce tutoriel sur le wiki : ... spberry_pi Voici un petit tutoriel pas à pas pour monter son propre serveur domestique à la maison, qui consomme ~5W.Je ne suis absolument pas expert en la matière, donc toute critique/ajout sera le bienvenu. Installation du Raspberry PiMatériel à acheter - Raspberry Pi modèle B (le modèle A ne possède pas de port éthernet)- Une carte SD rapide et de marque (éviter les noname)- Un transformateur µUSB 5V et >700mA (certaines alimentations de téléphones portables font l'affaire, mais pas celle de mon Samsung)- Éventuellement un boîtier Tout ça se trouve sans problème dans la boutique officielle. Installation du système J'ai décidé, parmi les systèmes proposés, d'installer Raspbian Wheezy qui n'est, vous l'aurez deviné, qu'une adaptation de Debian Wheezy 7. Ensuite, insérez la carte SD dans votre orifice favori. Accès root Pour le moment, vous pouvez accéder au compte root avec la commande sudo su. Code: UsageSSH

New Raspberry Pi development vm version 0.2 « Executing Gummiworms [update (11/3/12): This version is now out of date. Please use v0.8 the torrent of which is at The readme and the sha1 ] [update: There is a tiny little buglet in the vm that slipped passed me as it didn't crop up when I was testing that yum worked as I didn't install a library that needed to go in the top level of the rootfs. If you get a lot of errors about unpacking or mkdir... when trying to install something using yum then you'll need to do the following cd $HOME/raspberry_pi_development/f13arm_rootfs sudo chmod -R 777 * and that should fix it. sorry about that. the torrent is now available.] RaspberryPi Development Virtual Machine 0.2

R-Pi NAS Back to RPi Guides. Raspberry Pi Network Attached Storage This project configures your Raspberry Pi to share files with any other computer on your local network. The files on your RPi can be easily accessed from any type of computer which is connected to your network, for example a Windows PC, a Linux PC, A Mac, a smartphone, etc. Warning: Make sure that you store your important files in more than one location. Note: There are two major classes of Network Attached Storage Low-power NAS. This project does not require any coding or compilation. You need to... Edit configuration files on the RPi Enter basic Linux commands to configure users and passwords Use standard software tools (Windows/Linux/Mac) to add a network drive to your PC Connect computers using ethernet cables The RPi is configured as a Samba server and can expose its files to any Samba client. Note that Samba is is very easy to use but is not suitable for high performance. Before you start A lot of commands start with "sudo". to

Running A Microserver at Home with Raspberry Pi It is time to install a web server. Instead of deploying the old king Apache (which is poweful but large and resource consuming) on my little RPi, I decide to go for another popular web server Nginx, which is lightweight but also very powerful. Install it from the repository: sudo apt-get install nginx sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start If you open " in a browser you probably can already see a default web page from Nginx. The configuration files of Nginx are in "/etc/nginx/" directory by default. cd /etc/nginx/sites-available sudo cp default mypi And open "/etc/nginx/sites-available/mypi" with an editor, and change a few important lines in "server{}" block root /home/rpi/html; index index.html index.htm; # Make site accessible from server_name; this tells Nginx the document root and server hostname. sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart and everything under directory "/home/rpi/html" can be visited via link "

FrontPage - Raspbian Installer un serveur web sur votre Raspberry (Apache + PHP + MySQL) Après avoir créé votre carte SD, et après avoir démarré pour la première fois votre Raspberry Pi, il y a de fortes chances que vous souhaitiez l’utiliser comme un serveur web. La Raspberry Pi comme serveur web, pourquoi ? Mais pourquoi utiliser la Raspberry comme un serveur Web, plutôt que de faire appel à des prestataires de services spécialisés dans l’hébergement web ? Tout d’abord, d’un point de vue économique, il faut savoir que les services d’hébergement web ne sont pas gratuits et qu’il faut sortir le porte-monnaie tous les mois/ans. La question qui se pose maintenant est, comment faire de la Raspeberry un serveur web ? Installation du serveur Apache avec Raspbian Apache, c’est quoi ? Tout d’abord, nous allons installer Apache, qui est le serveur web en tant que tel. À l’heure actuelle, Apache est le serveur web le plus utilisé, avec environ 60 % de parts de marché. Installation d’Apache Avant d’installer le serveur, assurons nous d’avoir une machine bien à jour. cat . Installer PHP
