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Comcast Is Bringing Skype to TV Soon you might be heading to the television to take a call instead of the phone. Comcast has partnered with Skype, a video-calling service that was recently purchased by Microsoft, to offer the service for TVs sometime next year. Subscribers who rent a video kit from Comcast will be able to use their TVs to make and receive calls from other Skype users — regardless of whether those people are also using a TV for the call. The kit will also come with a remote that has a keyboard to allow chat. Although Skype-enabled TVs have been available since last year, this is the first time that Skype will be available to Comcast subscribers regardless of which TV they own. Comcast hasn't yet announced what it will charge for the kit, but presumably it will be less expensive than purchasing a Skype-enabled television.

Keeley Hazell Pictures Keeley Hazell's Rating: 9.53/10 Based on 232 votes Like Us! Won Against Flying Car Gets Green Light From Feds Flying car company Terrafugia, whose website conveniently includes a pronunciation guide (say it with me: “Terra-FOO-gee-ah”), has announced that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has granted the company specific exceptions regarding their Transition vehicle. The Transition aims to fulfill the dream that we’ve been promised since the earliest days of prognostication: The flying car. Unlike other projects like the Skycar, the Transition is meant to function as both a street-legal car and a light aircraft. The idea is that you could drive it from your home, right onto the airfield, and take off. But to balance the requirements of the stresses of flight, the Transition needed heavy duty tires and a heavy-duty polycarbonate windscreen. Both of these required special exemptions from the NHTSA, which Terrafugia has now secured.

Human Sexual Response Boston Band Human Sexual Response was a New Wave band from Boston. They were extremely popular in the club scene in 1979-1980. The band was best known for the song Jackie Onassis . It was not unusual to attend a party in those days and hear people singing "I want to be Jackie Onassis, I want to wear dark sunglasses, Oh Yeah, Oh Yeah!" World’s First Perpetual Motion Machine? Can this machine operate forever? Since at least the 12th century, man has sought to create a perpetual motion machine; a device that would continue working indefinitely without any external source of energy. A large scientific contingent thinks such a device would violate the laws of thermodynamics, and is thus impossible. Could it be that as a race, we don’t fully understand the laws of physics and such a device may indeed be possible? What would the ramifications be if we could actually build a perpetually moving device? Norwegian artist and mathematician Reidar Finsrud is an outside the box thinker that has devised a machine that he believes achieves true perpetual motion.

Why Pot Makes You Feel Good Photo Credit: August 18, 2013 | Like this article? Join our email list: Stay up to date with the latest headlines via email. Last week, CNN’s Dr. Auto Brewery Syndrome - An Overview From a DUI Lawyer Can alcohol be created by the human body itself — without any drinking? Apparently so. In an interesting scientific article, two physicians at Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore reported that they detected the odor of beer in three of their patients. This was in an isolated hospital setting; there was no access to alcoholic beverages. The doctors had urine samples taken and analyzed by gas chromatography. Result?

Louis C.K.'s Explanation of Why He Hates Smartphones Is Sad, Brilliant Yes, or you can view it as he keeps his kids from having smartphones in lieu of actually taking an interest in how his kids interact with other kids...not looking over their shoulders 24/7, but just seeing how they treat others and teaching them to not bully other kids. You can give your kid a smartphone and still be a good parent. I think he's chosen to manage one aspect over another.

LEAKED NASA DOCUMENT REVEALS CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED PLAN TO ... COMMIT GENOCIDE On a MASSIVE SCALE... DOWNLOAD THIS NASA PDF NOW, BEFORE IT DISAPPEARS! FWIW, I HAVE IT! THE LINK HERE WORKS FOR NOW! Top 25 Informative Maps That Teach Us Something Uniquely Different About the World Population of Southeast Asia Compared to the Rest of the World Maps can be great guides for more than just finding routes for traveling. They often provide insight on the rest of the world. Taking a look at certain maps can be incredibly informative, especially when comparing the standing of countries in relation to one another.

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