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Top 10 Simple Things Every Computer User Should Know How to Do

Top 10 Simple Things Every Computer User Should Know How to Do

10 secrets of high performance teams At the center of every high performance team is a common purpose—a mission that rises above and beyond each of the individual team members. To be successful, the team's interests and needs come first. This requires vision ("What's in it for we?"), a challenging step up from the common mindset. Effective team players understand that personal issues and personality differences are secondary to team demands. sharing responsibility for success and failure and covering for one another on a moment's notice. It is with this spirit of cooperation that effective teams learn to capitalize on individual strengths and offset individual weaknesses, using diversity as an advantage. Effective teams also understand the importance of establishing cooperative systems, structures, incentives and rewards. To embrace the team-first rule, make sure your team purpose and priorities are clear. Then stop and ask yourself, are you putting the team first?

SpaceSniffer - Télécharger Best Free Disk Space Analyzer One way to find out which files are hogging disk space when your hard drive fills up is to use a specialist utility that displays your disk space usage. There are a number of excellent free utilities that differ mainly in the way the disk space usage is portrayed. These disk space analysers are basically a graphical representation of the windows explorer tree which includes all folders and files. There are headings above groups of boxes (or shapes), these headings represent folders, while the boxes (or shapes) represent files in these folders. Go straight to the Quick Selection Guide SpaceSniffer remains #1 for three simple reasons, first and foremost it's free and second it seems to be far and away the best free space disk analyzer, and thirdly it is standalone ( install). It can display free space and unknown space. The default colours are: drive (orange), free space (green), folders (skin tone), unknown space (gray) and file (blue). WinDirStat is another outstanding program.

Réplication vers des sites distants : une intégration croissante avec la virtualisation Selon une étude réalisée en 2012 par Symantec, seulement 27 % des PME françaises ont mis en place un PRA (plan de reprise d’activité). Ce chiffre devrait toutefois augmenter rapidement grâce à la virtualisation, qui rend économiquement viable le déploiement d’un site distant secondaire. « Il est en effet devenu possible de dupliquer une chaîne critique de serveurs sans avoir à augmenter le nombre de serveurs physiques », explique Sébastien Verger, directeur technique chez EMC. Parallèlement, les fonctions de réplication se sont eux-mêmes démocratisées. Tandis que dans le haut de gamme, des mécanismes plus sophistiqués voient le jour. Réplication synchrone ou asynchrone entre baies homogènes Presque toutes les baies intègrent désormais, en standard ou en option, des mécanismes de réplication. Des solutions adaptées à un environnement hétérogène Les mécanismes de réplication intégrés aux baies ne fonctionnent qu’entre matériels d’une même gamme. Une intégration croissante avec l’hyperviseur
