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Amazing sculptures that look like they are in motion » This Blog

At first glance these objects look like they are in motion, almost like every object is falling down, especially the “strawberry blanket”. In reality they are actually natural materials, like feathers, fruits and flowers, attached to nylon threads. Sculptor Claire Morgan from Belfast is the creator of this magnificent art work. She has among other things achieved a first class degree in Sculpture from Northumbria University. Since graduating she has pursued a career solely as a visual artist. She has exhibited internationally, with solo shows, residencies and commissions across the UK, as well as group exhibitions in Europe. Other art that can trick your eyes are this tree branch that grows through glass jars. Related:  Arts

cole rise Asterix bij de Bataven (Astérix chez les Bataves) Over Asterix Zo'n 2000 jaar geleden was heel gallië (zo heette Frankrijk toen) bezet door soldaten van Caesar, de Romeinse veldheer. Héél Gallië ? Nee, een kleine nederzetting bleef moedig weerstand bieden aan de overweldigers en maakte het leven van de Romeinen in de omringende legerplaatsen bepaald niet gemakkelijk... Rene Goscinny en Albert Uderzo creëerden in de Franse magazine Pilote in 1959 het wereldberoemde duo Asterix en Obelix. Deze site Via de menukeuze Albums vind je o.a. een overzicht van de Nederlandse uitgaven, beschrijving van de karakters, een toelichting op de in de albums voorkomende karikaturen en een lijst van gebruikte Latijnse citaten plus betekenis. Onder Historie wordt kort het Romeinse bestuur en de Romeinse legioenen beschreven. Nieuwe vertalingen van albums?

Pixorama September 19 to 26 at Pavillon-M, opening Thursday 19, 6pm. TiliX method applied to a realistic subject (first tests) A selection of Pixorama posters now come in a second smaller size. New at our two shops: eBoy USA/Canada and World Still Looking For Paradise? Maldives - absolutely Double chain of twenty-six atolls… The Republic of Maldives, or simply the Maldives, is an island nation in the Indian Ocean. It consists of approximately 1,190 coral islands grouped in a double chain of 26 atolls, along the north-south direction, spread over roughly 90,000 square kilometers, making this one of the most disparate countries in the world. The atolls are composed of live coral reefs and sand bars, situated atop a submarine ridge 960 kilometers long that rises abruptly from the depths of the Indian Ocean and runs from north to south. Crystal clear waters, beautiful white sand beaches, swaying palm trees and fabulous dive sites – that’s why the Maldives, is known for being one of the best tropical holiday destinations in the world. ...and no need to climb ;) With an average ground level of 1.5 metres (4 ft 11 in) above sea level, it is the lowest country on the planet. Summer never ends ... Crystal clear waters and azure blue lagoons... Resorts in the Maldives

Arabic calligraphy The Arabic alphabet ARABIC is written from right to left. There are 18 distinct letter shapes, which vary slightly depending on whether they are connected to another letter before or after them. There are no "capital" letters. The full alphabet of 28 letters is created by placing various combinations of dots above or below some of these shapes. (An animated version of the alphabet shows the correct way to move the pen). The three long vowels are included in written words but the three short vowels are normally omitted – though they can be indicated by marks above and below other letters. Although the Arabic alphabet as we know it today appears highly distinctive, it is actually related to the Latin, Greek, Phoenician, Aramaic, Nabatian alphabets. The numerals used in most parts of the world – 1, 2, 3, etc – were originally Arabic, though many Arab countries use Hindi numerals. Decorative writing – calligraphy – is one of the highest art forms of the Arab world. Styles of calligraphy

e27 -> Home Marieaunet: Eyjafjallajökull Photos by Skarphéðinn Þráinsson : SITEAnd by Marco Fulle : SITE Photos by Skarphéðinn Þráinsson : SITEAnd by Marco Fulle : SITE Kaga-artgallery -
