BBC Learning English | Pronunciation Tips
Learn English Online - Lesson 4 - Learn the English Alphabet
Unit 1 - Lesson 4 - Writing (Aa, Bb, Cc...) The Alphabet + Names Remember It The English Alphabet Learn Listen to the Alphabet Song (British style) Vowels Consonants Now listen to the alphabet, and have a go yourself. The Rhyming Alphabet The following letters rhyme with each other ! Handwriting When you write in English you can print out your letters one at a time, which is easy to read, but can be slow, or you can use "joined up writing", also called "cursive script", which is quicker to write, but can be difficult to read if your handwriting is bad. Print your letters one at a time. or Write using cursive script. A good sentence for practising your handwriting is: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The Phonetic Alphabet You can listen to me spelling my name here:- Capitalisation ! When writing names use capital and small letters. Naturally speaking When two letters appear next to each other we say "double __" Follow the dialogue. Please and thank you !
English Pronunciation - How to pronounce the letter r
How to Pronounce the Letter R Open your mouth slightly. Curl the tip of your tongue back without touching the top of your mouth. The tip of the tongue should not touch the gum ridge or your teeth when pronouncing the letter R. Now try it:- Inside a word:- alert - bleary - clearly - diary - fairy - marry - sorry At the end of a word:- bear - care - dear - fear - hair - pair - rare - shore At the beginning of a word:- rack - ramp - rent - rise - right - road - rock - rook - room - root Now try these ultimate tongue twisters, and don't forget you have to keep repeating them:- Around The Rugged Rock Red Lorry / Yellow Lorry
Homophones - English Homophones
A homophone is a word that sounds like another word but has a different meaning. These homophones all have the same sound, but are spelled differently and have a different meaning: For example naval and navel:- Naval - relates to ships and things nautical A navel - also known as the belly button, it is the scar that is left in the centre of the abdomen when the umbilical cord is cut after birth. But they are both pronounced the same. You can check your answers by clicking on the 'Check Here!' All the homophones have a sound file (mp3 format), just click on the play button and the file should open in your player or your browser (depending on your system set up). Thanks to all our contributors:- Do you know any more homophones? Homophone #1 - Test It cereal serial Homophone #2 - Test It place plaice Homophone #3 - Test It tale tail Homophone #4 - Test It son sun Homophone #5 - Test It peal peel Homophone #6 - Test It toe tow Homophone #7 - Test It pair pare pear Homophone #8 - Test It altar alter pain pane ! !
Speak English Well!
Syllabic l and n These sounds are difficult for English learners. Many pronounce the "l" and "e" at the end of the English words "little", "uncle", "apple" as they would pronounce them in their native language, namely, as a separate syllable "le". This is an error and should be corrected. "chip". Similarly, "n" is syllabic in the words "listen" and "fasten". Listen to both syllabic consonants. The apostrophe (word stress) Most dictionaries use the apostrophe symbol (') to show word stress. Return to the top of this page. General Information on Improving your Northamerican English Accent English Accent Resources in Spanish: la Pronunciación del Inglés Other English Language Resources in Spanish: English for Spanish Speakers Spanish for Kids
Una rareza de inglés: la schwa - Inglés para Latinos
A menudo el hispano pronuncia todas las vocales de una palabra inglesa como si fuera escrita en español. Sin embargo, a diferencia del español, en inglés las vocales escritas, o sea las letras a, e, i, o, u, no representan las mismas vocales habladas. Esto ya sabes con las palabras cop (policia), top (tapa), mop, (trapeador). Ya sabes que se pronuncian como si fueran escritas cap, tap, map en español. Sin embargo, muchos hispanos (acostumrados a su idioma lógico y regular donde las letras escritas indican su sonido) pronuncian estas palabras equivocadament cop, top, mop. Otro caso en el cual la vocal escrita del inglés no indica la pronunciación es la schwa. La schwa es una e muy relajada. Sale este sonido en la sílaba que NO lleva el acento. Por ejemplo, sale en la sílaba indicada en las siguientes palabras: again, elevator, engineer, tomato, upon. ¿Te diste cuenta que en estas palabras el sonido ə ha tomado el lugar de todas las vocales? PRINT: