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The 50 Best Social Psychology Books

The 50 Best Social Psychology Books
Reading is the supreme “lifehack” — distilled knowledge that often took years to assemble can be consumed in just a few hours. And the more you know about social psychology and human behavior, the better. At Help Scout we have learning stipend (here’s why) for our teammates so you can buy as many books as you need. You’re probably not surprised to hear that I’ve built myself quite the collection of psychology books. Lucky me. I can’t think of a single better way to empower yourself than that. Note: While all of the books below will deal with the human mind, not all of them are purely scientific. 1.) Buy the book: In my humble opinion, the greatest general overview of social psychology ever written. This book seems to be in such high demand that the Amazon prices are often outrageous. A must-read if you can obtain it, consider it the best presentation of “social psychology 101” ever. 2.) A true classic. 3.) 4.) Mr. 5.) 6.) 7.) Ha!

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