Free download *e* Cats need to navigate an obstacle to rememb September 04, 2007 Cats need to navigate an obstacle to remember it Here’s a cool study: Alberta biologists appear to have demonstrated that spatial memory in cats is cemented not when a cat sees something — but when it navigates around it. In their experiment — pictured above — they had a cat step halfway over a small barrier, at which point they distracted it with food. But then they repeated the experiment with a twist. As a story by Henry Fountain in today’s New York Times notes: “The movement of the forelegs does something unusual,” Mr. I wonder how to what extent our brains work the same way. <a href="
QVectors Paid License information By buying this license you are granted a Lifetime License to use this design on your projects. You will be allowed to use it for commercial, personal and educational projects without having to give attribution. You can also print merchandise (like t-shirts, mugs, etc) up to 500 copies per design and up to 10.000 with an Extended. Where can I use this design? Promotional use: You can make usage of this design in any print or electronic media, including websites, packaging and advertising without crediting attribution or copyright. Merchandise use: Physical products where the image is the main reason why the product will be purchased. Template use: You can use it for digital templates including websites, brochures, etc, intended to be sold online on-demand as long as it is not sold “as is” and is solely used as a graphic resource to create a new design/layout/template which differs significatively from the original design.
Tops in Transport - Top 10 Funniest and Most Brilliant Bus Ads | Using transportation as an advertising medium has brought forward some of the most creative ads. The following ten are some of my personal favorites. 1. National GeographicLet's just call it "take a bite out of life." Source: Small Business Commandos 2. Source: Amnesiablog 3. Source: Dezyne 4. Source: Coloribus 5. Source: Ads of the World 6. Source: Design Idea 7. ...even the tires are used! 8. ...because of the routes of these two buses they often were seen in this pattern. Source: Ads of the World 9. Source: Marketing Blog
Vectips Drive A Car 500 Miles on 5 Minutes of Electricity? | Inventor Sp The greatest challenge facing the electric car industry is battery storage. But a small, reclusive start-up company in Austin, Texas shows signs to be designing a car that can plug in for 5 minutes and drive 500 miles. Zenn Electric CarIn a recent patent, EEStor claims to be making "technologies for replacement of electrochemical batteries." The details of the patent far exceed the abilities of current research in batteries for electric cars, which usually require overnight charging and provide about 50 miles of driving. In fact, it's widely thought that most electric cars will be hybrids with combustion engines for extra power, even in the future. Compared with the current state of things, EEStor's technology seems too good to be true--and many skeptics fear it is. The uncertainty didn't stop Toronto-based ZENN Motor Co. from buying the rights to EEStor's technology in 2005. Lisa Zyga Science BloggerInventor Spot
Mozilla Firefox: RSS web feeds and Live Bookmarks Since public release 1.0 (also known as version 0.10) Mozilla Firefox has a very nice feature: Live Bookmarks. With Live Bookmarks you can see the item titles of an RSS web feed ("headlines") in your bookmarks. This way you can stay in touch with sites without visiting them all the time. How to create a Live Bookmark Subscribing to an RSS web feed is as simple as creating a so called Live Bookmark. And to make life even easier Firefox can auto detect some feeds, and provide a shortcut for subscribing. Subscribing to an RSS feed (pre 1.5) When you visit a site and you see the orange icon in the bottom right part of the Mozilla Firefox browser window (the status bar), or if you are using version 1.5 or newer, in the right most part of the address bar. Subscribing to an RSS feed (1.5 and later) You can add the feed(s) by clicking the orange icon and subscribing to one. Multiple RSS feeds (1.5 and later) Adding a Live Bookmark Live Bookmarks added to the Toolbar Folder Other options
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