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Twitter Search X Prize Founder Peter Diamandis Has His Eyes on the Future | Wired Science Photo: Nigel Parry Peter Diamandis has a perspective that’s too expansive for a single planet. He built his first companies—12 of them—as social and technological thrusters designed to clear the way for human space colonies. Later, as founder of the X Prize Foundation and cofounder of Singularity University, he splashed down to focus on the most pressing problems here on Earth. A child of the Apollo era, Diamandis grew up expecting the US government to colonize outer space. But decades of NASA timidity eventually convinced him that the only way to get off the planet was to build a private space industry. It worked. He soon realized that the same forces that enabled a small team of amateurs to make a lunar lander could empower cadres of bright, idealistic people to solve earthly problems. Oh, and then there’s his most recent undertaking: A company unveiled in April that’s devoted to mining platinum, water, and other extractables from asteroids that careen past Earth. Peter Diamandis: No.

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End of the World Notification Service End of the World Notification Service We've scoured The Interwebs for the most accurate data on when the world will end and set up this useful notification service. Sign up to receive a handy email alert whenever the world is going to end; your alert will tell you when the world will end and who has prophesied it, giving you time to find shelter in a network of caves or say goodbye to your loved ones. The End of the World Notification Service is provided by the lovely people at Rowdydow. Your email address will be used only for notifications about the world ending. Rowdydow's End of the World Notifaction Service is currently preparing its users for these forthcoming world-ending events :- Have we left an important world-ending date out? A helpful service provided by the hair dye purveyors and life savers, Rowdydow.

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Google Reader The illustrated guide to a Ph.D. Imagine a circle that contains all of human knowledge: By the time you finish elementary school, you know a little: By the time you finish high school, you know a bit more: With a bachelor's degree, you gain a specialty: A master's degree deepens that specialty: Reading research papers takes you to the edge of human knowledge: Once you're at the boundary, you focus: You push at the boundary for a few years: Until one day, the boundary gives way: And, that dent you've made is called a Ph.D Of course, the world looks different to you now: So, don't forget the bigger picture: Keep pushing. There's a bit more below, but I also wrote a follow-up 5 years after the illustrated guide which may be of interest -- HOWTO: Get tenure. Related posts If you like these posts, then I recommend the book A PhD Is Not Enough Get it in print; fund students; save lives By request, a print version of The Illustrated Guide to a Ph.D. is on sale. Click here to preview or buy it. Why biology? License: Creative Commons Resources
