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How to Get the New Profile Design Are you a fan of our new Profile design? While it was previously only displayed on staff Profiles, you can now feature it on your own subdomain, too! Here’s how: Visit any Profile displaying the new design (staff members such as Robin are good people to turn to).Click on the “Upgrade My Profile” link, which will take you to the edit page for new Profiles.Update your Profile information by choosing or uploading a background image, adding Hubs you would like to feature, and inserting URLs for social media profiles you would like to share. You may also want to edit your bio, as hyperlinks will no longer work and long bios will be visually truncated.After clicking “save”, you will be asked to confirm your decision to transition to the new design.Once you have confirmed your intention, the new Profile design will be live on your subdomain! Keep in mind that the shift from the old Profile design to the new one is permanent; you will not be able to go back once you have confirmed the transfer.

Screenr online screencast capturing tool True experience from the hubs author: The author of this article was doing his web surfing and intense research thing, and out of pure curiosity he stumbled onto a truly cool tool for capturing the screen. Screenr is the name of such a network and allows for online users to not only utilize their awesome tool on the cloud, it also provides a user platform, and profile to make the screencast (digital recording of computer screen - Wikipedia reference). RSS Feeds How they work on Screenr: The Internet has a cool method of being able to quickly share information that’s streaming live across the web, and it’s known as an RSS Feed.Screenr provides each user a unique RSS feed, which comes in handy if such a user chooses to utilize the RSS to place onto their website, or blog site. More uses There’s another use for these feeds there as well, and that’s to provide outside usage of such online info you’ve managed to screencast and store there.

Awesome Stuff! Philosophy and Scientific Life "Hi uncle Archie, thanks for all the inspiring moments, the long heated debates about the galaxy, and for teaching me your philosophy and all of your scientific approaches to visualizing what life is." by Mike Pugh aka Cloud Explorer Without you I don't think I would have became so interested in such topics or so motivated as a youth to seek and quest for such knowledge as the Pythagorean Theorem (Mathematics), quantum physics & the Higgs Boson (CERN), the point of rest theory (The Universe), the three major types of rock (Earth Science), and the Eastern as well as European Oysters ( Oceanography). If it weren't for him I would of never been introduced to the greatest scientific and mathematical minds of Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, or the likes of Sigmund Freud. His philosophy deals with being a balanced human being, a caring and loving individual who knows how to spread the love for others.

Quotes and Famous Sayings - The Quotations Page - Pale Moon Evernote | Remember everything with Evernote, S... English proverbs Proverbs are popularly defined as "short expressions of popular wisdom". Efforts to improve on the popular definition have not led to a more precise definition. The wisdom is in the form of a general observation about the world or a bit of advice, sometimes more nearly an attitude toward a situation. Absent[edit] Action[edit] Actions speak louder than words.Meaning: "What you do is more important than what you say, or what you promise to do." Advance[edit] He who does not advance goes backwards.Strauss, Emanuel (1994). "495". Advice[edit] Advice most needed is least heeded. Anchor[edit] Good riding at two anchors, men have told, for if the one fails, the other may hold. Apple[edit] One rotten apple will spoil the whole barrel. or One scabbed sheep mars the whole flock.Meaning: "Evil spreads. Art[edit] English equivalent: The best art conceals art. Ass[edit] When all men say you are an ass it is time to bray. Baby[edit] Don't make clothes for a not yet born baby. Bad[edit] Bed[edit] Bear[edit]

...a bit left or right Wikipedija - Pale Moon ...other search engines(portals) Google+ User Feed Early Google Glass users finding 'sense of freedom' A software engineer for Comcast got his early version of Google Glass last weekend, grabbed his bike and shot video of his ride across the Golden Gate Bridge. "I got a 10-minute video riding across," said Eric Schrag, a senior Android engineer for Comcast. "It was cool. I'll be able to share this with my family that's never been here." Despite his enthusiasm, Schrag said he's still trying to figure out how Glass, the technology that Google has built in to futuristic-looking eyeglasses, will fit into his life. Similar sentiments were expressed by quite a few people who were trying out Glass while attending Google I/O, Google's annual developer conference, in San Francisco this week. Over the past month, Google has been issuing early versions of Glass to developers and enthusiasts who signed up to buy the prototypes for $1,500 during last year's Google I/O conference. That makes Google I/O the perfect spot for new users to try out Glass in a tech-friendly environment.
