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Second Life Herald

Second Life Herald

Mario tout de go Second Life: New World Notes SL Flickr of the Day: Moos Makes the Metaverse His Canvas "Lost" isn't some mid-century masterpiece you forgot you once saw, it's a screenshot Second Life (at least it started that way): Moos Hultcrantz is the man who made the metaverse his canvas in this way, and the rest of his many SL photos (some more post-processed than others) is a perfect stream of moody eye candy for the weekend. Here's a stream featuring the late-lamented Venexia in SL: Continue reading "SL Flickr of the Day: Moos Makes the Metaverse His Canvas" Posted at 01:55 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) Would You Love to Be Above the Virtual Sea in a Chair Held Aloft by Balloons? Of course you would, of course you would. Continue reading "Would You Love to Be Above the Virtual Sea in a Chair Held Aloft by Balloons?" Posted at 12:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) Virtual Reality Movies Are "Not Storytelling", Says Pixar Co-Founder; VR Pioneer Jacki Morie Agrees -- For Now His point: Here's the challenge, as she sees it: The Times, Mr.

Opinions Libres - Le blog d'Olivier Ezratty Avec une vingtaine d’autres bloggeurs, j’étais invité mercredi 23 avril au soir à un nouveau diner bloggeurs au Secrétariat d’Etat à la Prospective et à l’Economie Numérique. Il s’agissait du débrief par Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet de son voyage aux USA (Silicon Valley, New York et Washington) dont elle débarquait le jour même, après avoir participé le matin à un Conseil des Ministres. Petit tour d’horizon, et conséquences… Les diners bloggeurs Alors qu’Eric Besson avait rencontré des bloggeurs qu’une seule fois, fin mai 2008, sans reconduire l’expérience, NKM semble bien persistante dans l’approche. Les diners “NKM” se déroulent dans un format maintenant standardisé : trois à quatre tables où elle passe une partie du repas pour chacun, avec un petit speech avant. Sachant évidemment que les bloggeurs ne sont pas les seules personnes que NKM croise dans son quotidien. La délégation et son voyage L’agenda du voyage semblait bien chargé et avec un contenu très instructif : Son compte rendu

The Grid Live » Second Life Blogs Here are all of the second life blogs and websites I have run onto, if you have one or know someone who has one, email me at eubeenhadd at and I will check it out and add it to the list. Updated: April 12, 2008. Smart Lindens Investing, Saving and Personal Finance in Second Life. Second Life Photos and News Online aggregation pulling in info from some of the tops blogs and photos uploaded to flickr concerning Second Life Second Life Video Lots and lots of virtual world videos. Second Life Tutorial Videos and Reviews Signup for Second Life for free Second Life Exchange Great site selling almost anything you could need for your Second Life. Second Life Herald Second Life Insider SL Treasures Second Sex A blog about Second Life escorts, from a Second Life escort. Sexual Health SIM in Second Life Your 2nd Place Reuters Second Life Blog The official Reuters presence in Second Life. Virtually Blind About Legal Issues that affect virtual worlds like Second Life. New World Notes. ‘Kota’s Knickers

IN THE GRID: a magazine about second life March 23, 2008 "In The Grid" has shut down, but "Fabb" continues I guess I should've put up a formal notice awhile ago, but wanted to let everyone officially know that as of spring 2007, this blog stopped actively publishing. Unfortunately it had nothing to do with the popularity of ITG itself -- at its height, after all, it was one of the top-15 Second Life blogs on the planet, according to -- simply that the game client for Second Life grew too big and complicated for my puny little Mac Mini here in Chicago, and as the owner of a new small business (The Chicago Center for Literature and Photography) I can't justify buying a brand-new computer just to play a videogame. It's a real shame, but I do at least want to thank all of those who followed along regularly with In The Grid, attended the group's events (both in-game and real-world), and consented to interesting long-form interviews. March 13, 2007 Gridhopping: Kala Pixie's 'Particlarium' show And dig it I did!

Stainless Steam | A merchant's steampunk blog Virtual Printers Guild Romance in Second Life | Blogging Romance in Second Life since 2008 The Primgraph
