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Scenes from the Gulf of Mexico

Scenes from the Gulf of Mexico
Related:  DeepWater Horizon (19/06/2010)

Live from the Ocean Floor: New Oil Leak Widget Features 'Spillcam' | The Rundown News Blog BP’s live video stream of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico is simultaneously tragic and hypnotic. With each passing second, more gallons of crude oil and natural gas escape into the ocean. Until Thursday, BP and NOAA had stood by their early estimate — produced April 29, a week after the Deepwater Horizon rig sank — that about 5,000 barrels (210,000 gallons) were leaking per day from the damaged well, although they had acknowledged that the estimate was not precise. And after the world first witnessed the 30-second video clip that BP released on May 12, scientists began to wonder more loudly how the estimate could be that low. Now, thanks in part to congressional pressure, we have a way to watch the environmental crisis unfold in real time via a live video feed. Embed Code: View original ticker. Our first oil widget, which we released May 9 and continue to update, allows readers to choose scenarios based on the best guesses (because that is truly what they were) of the spill’s size.

BP coloca nueva campana sobre derrame - El Universal - El Mundo Washington | Lunes 12 de julio de 2010EFE | El Universal18:57 Imágenes submarinas transmitidas por British Petroleum (BP) mostraron hoy cómo sus robot submarinos pusieron una nueva campana de contención sobre el origen del vertido en el Golfo de México, con la que la compañía pretende capturar todo el petróleo que se escapa. La empresa había retirado el sábado la antigua campana y desde entonces el crudo se derramaba libremente al mar. El nuevo aparato se ajusta más estrechamente a la tubería de donde mana el petróleo, por lo que BP espera canalizar con ella todo los hidrocarburos hasta barcos en la superficie. La compañía llevará a cabo una prueba el martes por la mañana, durante la cual cerrará algunas de las válvulas de la nueva campana para medir la presión en el pozo, según explicó en un comunicado el almirante Thad Allen, responsable de la coordinación contra el vertido por parte del Gobierno de Estados Unidos. eca

Oil from Gulf of Mexico spill 'nears Florida beaches' 3 June 2010Last updated at 03:25 Louisiana is already feeling the effects of the oil spill A sheen of oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill is nearing the white sand beaches of north-west Florida, officials say. The slick, containing thousands of tar balls, is only nine miles (15km) from Pensacola on the Florida "panhandle". "It's inevitable that we will see it on the beaches," said Keith Wilkins, an Escambia County official. Meanwhile, BP's efforts to cap the leaking well got back on track as a saw that had become stuck in a thick pipe on the sea bed for hours was freed. The company is attempting to contain the spill from the well by cutting off the fractured pipe and sealing it with a cap. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen said crews were shooting chemical dispersants at the oil now leaking out of the new cut. Barriers approved Forecasters suggest the oil spill may reach Florida's shores as soon as Friday. Continue reading the main story “Start Quote End QuoteBobby JindalLouisiana governor

Marée noire aux Etats-Unis : où est donc passé le pétrole de BP ? (De Louisiane) Le 20 avril 2010, BP perdait le contrôle du puits de pétrole qui alimentait sa plateforme Transocean Deepwater Horizon au large des côtes lousianaises. Trois mois et de multiples tentatives échouées plus tard, la multinationale parvient enfin à colmater la fuite. Entre-temps, près de 800 millions de litres de brut se sont déversés dans l’océan, un « Tchernobyl du pétrole », pour citer Barak Obama. Un an après, plus rien à l’horizon. Une ombre au tableau toutefois : des centaines de carcasses de dauphins morts, dont une grande partie de nouveaux-nés, se sont échouées sur les plages d’Alabama et du Mississippi depuis le début de l’année. En fouillant un peu sous le sable blanc, on se rend compte que les constats optimistes de BP et des scientifiques qu’elle finance sont un peu hâtifs. A Bon Secours, en Alabama, une plage classée « National Wildlife Refuge » pour le grand nombre d’oiseaux et de tortues qui viennent habituellement y nicher, pas un animal à l’horizon.

Gulf Wildlife at Risk Name not displayed, Netherlands Dec 29, 08:10 Name not displayed, CO Dec 26, 22:08 Name not displayed, Belize Dec 12, 05:21 Name not displayed, IN Dec 11, 09:39 Name not displayed, Norway Nov 30, 13:04 Name not displayed, WI Nov 21, 11:10 Use your authority to help these animals! Ms. inday aguada, Philippines Nov 10, 19:11 yes and make BP oil pay send a green star Name not displayed, Colombia Nov 10, 19:05 Name not displayed, Thailand Nov 10, 18:30 Name not displayed, Taiwan Nov 10, 17:47 Name not displayed, Greece Nov 10, 17:38 Name not displayed, France Nov 10, 16:16 Ms. Nov 10, 15:25 The BP oil disaster continues to ravage the Gulf coast. send a green star Name not displayed, Italy Nov 10, 14:21 Name not displayed, ON Nov 10, 12:11 Nov 10, 10:56 Ms. Nov 10, 09:40 This grave disaster apparently never ends. send a green star Mrs. Nov 10, 09:01 send a green star Ms. Nov 10, 06:40 send a green star Name not displayed, PA

Oil Reporter pour l'iPhone, l'iPod touch et l'iPad dans l'App Store d'iTunes Golfe du Mexique, « zone morte » - Oil Price, Wayne Madsen Les hommes passent, les idées généreuses restent. Léo Ferré Mercredi 9 avril 2014 à 16h : extradition de Mario Sandoval mardi 1er avril de Collectif Argentin pour la Mémoire Nous vous convions à nous accompagner à l’audience qui aura lieu le Mercredi 9 avril à 16h à la Chambre de l’Instruction (Pole 7-Chambre 5) au Palais de Justice de Paris , dans laquelle l’Argentine demande l’extradition de Mario Sandoval pour "privation illégale de la liberté suivie de la mort de la victime". Lire la suite Milan : 18 mars 1978 Fausto et Iaio tués par les fascistes (video) mercredi 19 mars de Roberto Ferrario Je ne peux cacher que j’ai la gorge serrée et que cela me fait mal quand je me souviens de ces évènements. Lire la suite RAPPEL DES REGLES DE PUBLICATION SUR BELLACIAO/ "CONSPIRATIONNISME", FAFS etc. dimanche 2 mars de Collectif BELLACIAO 15 commentaires Lire la suite Le PAON : "Il n’existe à la CGT aucune opposition de principe face au patronat" vendredi 28 février de Volatile déchaîné 27 commentaires de JP

Protect Against New Drilling Name not displayed, CA Jan 11, 12:18 Name not displayed, IL Jan 06, 21:41 Name not displayed, NJ Dec 31, 14:17 Name not displayed, Netherlands Dec 29, 08:12 Name not displayed, United Arab Emirates Dec 17, 16:06 Mr. Dec 07, 21:56 thye are drilling off the coast of Washington right now. disgusting!! send a green star Name not displayed, NY Dec 04, 09:35 Name not displayed, Norway Nov 30, 13:05 Name not displayed, WI Nov 21, 11:10 Use your authority to help these animals! Name not displayed, France Oct 28, 09:07 Oct 27, 19:18 Name not displayed, MI Oct 27, 14:56 Ms. Oct 27, 14:42 The Gulf oil spill is only one among many that are not reported.Oil cannot be drilled without accidents or burned without consequences to climate, especially when oil companies are not absolutely required to guarentee safety and are not totally responsible for any damage done to the environment. send a green star Mr. Oct 27, 08:09 send a green star Ms. Oct 26, 19:01 No drilling, alternative fuels. send a green star Mr. Oct 26, 14:27 Mr. Mr.
