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Designing and Running a MOOC

Designing and Running a MOOC

How NOT to Design a MOOC: The Disaster at Coursera and How to Fix it I don’t usually like to title a post with negative connotations, but there is no way to put a positive spin on my experience with the MOOC I’m enrolled in through Coursera, Fundamentals of Online Education: Planning and Application. The course so far is a disaster, ‘a mess’ as numerous students have called it. Ironically, the learning outcome of the course is to create our own online course. Group Chaos There are three key factors contributing to this course calamity and all link to the group assignment. The course started Monday, January 28, 2013 and problems began on day one when participants were instructed to ‘join a group’. One comment from student in a threaded discussion titled ‘This is a mess’ which was started by another student. 1) clear and detailed instructions. 2) a thorough description of the purpose of the assignment, explaining why a group project is required over an individual activity. What happens When Group Work Goes Haywire Like this: Like Loading...

Creating the Connectivist Course When George Siemens and I created the first MOOC in 2008 we were not setting out to create a MOOC. So the form was not something we designed and implemented, at least, not explicitly so. But we had very clear ideas of where we wanted to go, and I would argue that it was those clear ideas that led to the definition of the MOOC as it exists today. There were two major influences. One was the beginning of open online courses. We had both seen them in operation in the past, and had most recently been influenced by Alec Couros’s online graduate course and David Wiley’s wiki-based course. The other major influence was the emergence of massive online conferences. We set up Connectivism and Connective Knowledge 2008 (CCK08) as credit course in Manitoba’s Certificate in Adult Education (CAE), offered by the University of Manitoba. What made CCK08 different was that we both decided at the outset that it would be designed along explicitly connectivist lines, whatever those were.

index L'incroyable productivité des cMOOCs Si vous vous intéressez à l'actualité des MOOCs et lisez les articles réguièrement publiés sur Thot Cursus sur ce sujet, vous devez maintenant savoir qu'on distingue habituellement deux catégories de MOOCs : - Les xMOOCs, qui sont des cours académiques massivement distribués; les contenus sont préparés par l'institution distribuant le cours, et les apprenants doivent assimiler ces contenus. Des tests réguliers et un examen final (qui peut prendre diverses formes) permettent de vérifier le niveau de rétention et de compréhension des contenus, et d'attribuer un certificat de réussite à ceux qui ont obtenu le niveau minimal exigé. - Les cMOOCs, qui sont des espaces de co-construction des savoirs et savoir-faire par les apprenants eux-mêmes. Le MOOC ITyPA s'affichait comme un MOOC connectiviste, directement inspiré des cMOOCs réalisés par S. Sur la plateforme Coursera, on trouve une majorité de MOOCs académiques (xMOOCs), mais aussi quelques MOOCs connectivistes (cMOOCs). Eh bien non ! ITyPA

Warming Up to MOOC's [This is a guest post by Douglas H. Fisher, an associate professor of computer science and of computer engineering at Vanderbilt University.--@jbj] In Fall 2011, Stanford announced three, free massively open online courses, or MOOCs. Two of these courses, database and machine learning, corresponded to spring 2012 courses that I would be teaching at Vanderbilt University. Nonetheless, I decided that not using these high quality materials because of insecurity was silly. In both classes, students took a quiz at the start of each class on the online lecture material and readings. The experience in the machine learning class, in particular, suggested the utility of what I call a “wrapper” around a MOOC. More in line with my previous experience with the database course, I am teaching a course in artificial intelligence in fall 2012, using lectures from a variety of sources (enabled by the greater content on the Web since the onset of high-profile MOOCs) to flip my classes. Return to Top

The 'Course' in MOOC A discussion taking place on the OER-Forum Discussion List. Posts by other people in italics. Abel Caine wrote, "I have to intervene with the developing country perspective. Millions of smart, motivated children/students for many reasons do not complete regular school or university. Given the opportunity, these learners have a burning desire to 'complete' the course. "Well-designed and smartly-delivered" MOOCs with a valid, transferable certificate of completion (learning experience) may be 1 viable solution. Andy Lane wrote, "Yes participants whether they complete or not can gain from the experience but we also know that many can be adversely affected by the experience through a sense of failure or lack of esteem. With respect to cMOOCs, the student experience is more like joining a community than working their way through a body of content. Here's why the C in MOOC continues to stand for 'Course'. It's like watching a TV series. John's post has two major objectives. Ask anyone.

Learning and Knowledge Analytics - Analyzing what can be connected À propos de Mooc, quelques exemples Cette nouvelle forme d’enseignement (sans doute faudrait-il utiliser le pluriel), sous-tendue par la théorie dite connectiviste (Siemens, 2008), (Downes, 2010), est intéressante à analyser dans la mesure où elle se situe dans une sorte de double rupture avec à la fois les formes traditionnelles de transmission d’information et les modalités informelles d’apprentissage (Henri, 2011). L’observation des sites en ligne révèle certains des choix faits par des opérateurs et confirme un mouvement d’émergence régulière de systèmes de ce type. Voici quelques exemples, sans souci d’exhaustivité. Exemples d’offres de formation en réseau MIT openCourseware À ma connaissance, la forme de cours massivement ouvert a historiquement été inaugurée par le MIT aux États-Unis au début de la décennie 2000. En octobre 2012, d’après le site du MIT, il y a 2100 cours, certains étant même spécialement pourvus en ressources pour les apprenants ayant peu accès à des ressources complémentaires (OCW Scholar) [2]. EdX
