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Locals and Tourists

Stas Kulesh - Design with an accent Fachadas como lienzos digitales >> El arte en la edad del silicio Durante todo el mes de diciembre el célebre edificio piramidal FIESP-SESI de la Avenida Paulista, conocida como el centro financiero de São Paulo en Brasil, será un escenario al aire libre y al mismo tiempo en un reclamo turístico, que llena las noches de la ciudad con luces y obras de arte en el espacio público. La imponente fachada de este inmueble, inaugurado en 1979 para albergar la sede de la Federación de Industrias del Estado de São Paulo y el Servicio Social de la Industria (FIESP-SESI), se ha convertido en un lienzo digital, que acogerá hasta el 31 de diciembre la primera edición del SP_Urban Digital Festival, un evento que se enmarca en una tendencia internacional denominada Media Facade, que aprovecha la presencia de grandes espacios arquitectónicos para transformarlos en pantallas para la visualización de obras audiovisuales. “Todas las obras serán visibles en las horas nocturnas y cada artista tendrá una semana de emisión a partir de las 20 horas.

Polymaps The Best Open Data Releases of 2012 - Technology Last year, Cities named ten of its favorite metro datasets of 2011 from cities across North America, illustrating the breadth of what we might learn (regarding mosquito traps! misplaced vehicles! energy consumption!) in the still relatively young field of urban open data. For this year's installment, we're going one step further. Below, you'll find our picks for 2012's best open data releases from municipal vaults, with an emphasis on tools that can be used by anyone, not just developers and data geeks. 1. 2. Ari Ofsevit's Boston Hubway map. Capital Bikeshare in Washington also publishes trip data. 3. 4. 5. San Francisco High-Injury Corridors map. “The transportation agency realized that if you overlay this map with a map of where the city of San Francisco has made their traffic calming and traffic safety investments,” Bhatia adds, “you’ll see almost no overlap.” 6. Chicago City Hall, via the city's green roofs map. 7. 8. Honolulu Adopt-a-Siren. 9. 10.

Flickr Flow Flickr Flow is an experiment whose materials are color and time. We first used this technique in a Boston Magazine piece, Flickr of Hope, that appeared in March 2009. Prints are available through Imagekind. The two of us see the world as a stream of color, and in 2009 we finally had a chance to draw the river in our heads. We began with a collection of photographs of the Boston Common taken from Flickr. Using an algorithm developed for the WIRED Anniversary visualization, our software calculated the relative proportions of different colors seen in photos taken in each month of the year, and plotted them on a wheel. The resulting diagram picks up the ebb and flow of seasonal colors. The final piece appeared in the Metric section of Boston Magazine.

Silicon Roundabout Slideshow Maker, Free Online Slideshows, Edit Photos The City you Dreamed of | Playable City When we were kids people would say “Draw your dream city” And we would. With colourful abandon. But now we're grown up. We're living in these cities. Are they the ones you dreamed of? Tumbling out of the back of a re-appropriated tip-up truck will come huge building blocks, all colours and shapes. As kids everything had the potential for magic, so embedded sensors will allow us to make unexpected combinations of blocks sing, light up and slide open. Films of Bristol's dream cities will be projected in a central location- alongside new beautiful data mashups of blocks' movements. With every city we tour to, footage of the inspiring creations will be collected, creating a testament to the cities we want to build. This Playable City Award idea is brought to you by: Laura Kriefman, a choreographer and creative technologist. Her dance company, The Guerilla Dance Project (GDP) specialises in public engagement experiences that make places dance.

Smart City Commission - About - Digital City - Digital Birmingham Birmingham's Smart City Commission Vision has been launched by Cllr James McKay (Cabinet Member for Safe, Green and Smart City) and sets out Birmingham's ambition to respond to the city's challenges, now and into the future. We welcome your views and involvement to develop the detailed action plan and roadmap. A PDF is available to download herea slow economya growing but also ageing population putting existing services under straininfrastructure that is no longer fit for purposerapid technological change With these challenges, comes the momentum and exciting opportunity to redefine our city that will secure our sustainability and prosperity for decades to come. Focus of the Smart City Commission The Smart City Commission will shape Birmingham as a city ready to deal with the challenges of the future. The City has already started its journey towards a smart connectivity, which will be crucial in bringing solutions to the challenges we face. Working Principles of the Smart City Commission

SC Actual Smart City - Big Data y ciudades inteligentes: Matrimonio de conveniencia En 2016 se invertirán del orden de 232.000 millones de dólares en esta área, en 2013 unos 120.000 millones de dólares y en 2012 se calcula que unos 96.000 millones de dólares. Los registros almacenados como requisito para satisfacer normativas de protección de datos, han pasado a nivel mundial, de 376 Peta Bytes en 2003 a más de 1.600 Peta Bytes en 2006. El desarrollo de las Smart Cities conlleva afrontar retos en muy diferentes ámbitos. Hay múltiples definiciones para el término Smart City. A este componente IT, hay que sumar la tendencia constante y clara de ocupación de las ciudades por los individuos. Sin ir más lejos, en un reciente estudio de Gartner habla de cifras realmente importantes alrededor de Big Data: en 2016 se invertirán del orden de 232.000 millones de dólares en esta área, en 2013 unos 120.000 millones de dólares y en 2012 se calcula que unos 96.000 millones de dólares. En otro orden de cosas, se barajan cifras enormes en el apartado del almacenamiento. Conclusiones

Big Data in the Big Apple: understanding New York using millions of Foursquare check-ins What can we learn from millions of check-ins on Foursquare? An unprecedented view into the behavior of cities. How big data is making cities easier to use. Foursquare began its life as a way to see what your friends are up to, but it has quickly evolved into a artificial intelligence / recommendation engine that knows you and your surroundings. Location and detecting patterns based on socially generated data are key to the company. Blake Shaw, data scientist at Foursquare, talked about what we can learn about New York City from aggregating the check-ins of millions of New Yorkers at the event DataGotham, ‘a celebration of New York City’s data community’. Foursquare has already has 2.5 billion check-ins from over 20 million people (including me and Sander Duivestein) and generates about new 80 check-ins every second. 135 million of those check-ins are in New York. One question that can be asked of these types of data is if we can see some kind of activity stream per neighborhood.
