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100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom

100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom
Social media may have started out as a fun way to connect with friends, but it has evolved to become a powerful tool for education and business. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter and tools such as Skype are connecting students to learning opportunities in new and exciting ways. Whether you teach an elementary class, a traditional college class, or at an online university, you will find inspirational ways to incorporate social media in your classroom with this list. Ideas for K-12 Classrooms Implement these great ideas in your K-12 classroom to have students learning in a dynamic new way. Make literature real. Ideas for College Classrooms Integrate these suggestions into college classrooms for engaging learning opportunities. Window to daily life at school. Ways Students Can Use Social Media From practicing a foreign language to finding scientific research, these tips will have students using social media to enhance their education. Find scientific research papers. Offer a class. TweetDeck.

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4 Tips for Integrating Social Media Into the Classroom A former local newspaper reporter, Tanveer is a student at the Medill School of Journalism learning all things digital and entrepreneurial. He also writes about political figures for and hopes to own the high score on multiple Ms. Pac-Man machines one day. While kids may rely social networks for personal use, there is a place for them in K-12 education, as well. The fact is, social networks are here to stay, and with or without rules, kids are going to use them. 1. Schools have been understandably cautious in allowing students access to social media sites. For many schools, it is easier to apply broad filters that restrict access to inappropriate sites and social networks alike, allowing for minimal supervision. While dedicated staff should soon, if not already, be a necessity, there are simple ways to monitor access. 2. Weiser also said his district won't open up social networking sites to students unless a curriculum explaining how to use them is in place. 3. 4.

Free Online Seminar - Tweaking Twitter for Tweachers This site needs a new owner After 4 years of curating on this blog I am giving my fingers a rest – permanently. I have decided to go on to something new. I don’t know what yet, but as a lifetime learner I’m sure there is lots of exciting stuff out there for me in my “retirement”. So if anyone would […] eLearning News 13 Apr 2014 Round up of the news this week: Upside Learning celebrates 10th anniversary – Training Press … Wed, 09 Apr 2014 14:16:03 GMT Upside Learning, a leading provider of learning technology solutions, announced today that April 2014 marks the company’s 10 year anniversary of its founding. The Rising Power of MOOCs: Now, everyone can learn at Harvard (or Yale, or…)

HootCourse A Teacher’s Guide to Twitter « Once a Teacher…. Twitter is apart of my life almost every day because: - It’s a great source of news. - There are rich conversations among educators and edtech people. - People post entertaining, interesting, and very useful links. - I enjoy the easy interaction with others from around the world. Most people start off in a rocky relationship with Twitter. It doesn’t seem to be as easy or as useful as everyone has said, it takes awhile before you find your niche, and there is an overwhelming amount of information to deal with. But, just hang on – it’ll be worth it!!! Getting Started Your picture: you should definitely have some sort of picture – people seem to respond better to actual photos, but avatars, cartoons, or logos are fine, too.Your bio: it is very helpful to include keywords here because often, when someone is deciding whether to follow you or not, this is where they’ll get their “first impression” of you. Managing your Life on Twitter Finding People to Follow Not Getting Overwhelmed Tweeting

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