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Yannis Chatzikonstantinou

Yannis Chatzikonstantinou

Grasshopper « Philosophical Statement: Inti: The Incan Sun God, his face portrayed as a gold disk from which rays and flames extended. Inti is the Sun and controls all that implies: warmth, light and sunshine. Inti incorporates 288 petals are self-assembled into 12 concentric rings, with each petal representing the hours of the day and each ring every month of the year. ‘Timber-Wave’; a plywood instillation emerging and crashing on to the desolate Black Rock Desert. The design of the Timber Wave was driven by creating an interactive environment. Physical Statement: ‘Timber-Wave’ structure consists of 3 layers of 12 intersecting plywood ribbons. 1:20 Scale Model Link: The petal has long been a surround for the reproductive parts of the flower, its varied forms and designs attract numerous species of animals and insects, enabling its existence to grow and spread. Taking people as the pollen. The Petal Hypothesis sits expressively within its setting. Interactivity:

6 Amazing jQuery Plugins to design Pinterest like Dynamic Grid Layout Web designers around the Globe were so mesmerized by Pinterest's Dynamic Grid layout that they have been working to develop the same since then. And today we have a couple of great jQuery plugins to easily design the same interface for our Web projects that Pinterest and many other websites have (Recently adopted by Digg too). So here are 6 Great and Simple jQuery Plugins to design the Dynamic Grid Layout for Pinterest like Website. 1. This is the most widely used dynamic grid layout plugin for jQuery. 2. Its an exquisite jQuery plugin for intelligent and dynamic layouts that can't be achieved with CSS alone. 3. BlocksIt.js is a jQuery plugin to create dynamic grid layout. 4. Wookmark is a website to bookmark Images and videos, and has a Pinterest like interface. 5. If you are a Ruby Developer and wish to create the Pinterest style layout in a short period of time, then this layout is for you. 6. Flex is a fluid asymmetrical animated grid plugin for jQuery.

Grasshopper | Sean Madigan This definition divides a given surface and flattens each quad section to be unrolled to a grid on the xy plane. Once unrolled each face is then flattened and given tabs for reconstruction. Labels are provided. THIS IS CURRENTLY A BETA VERSION AND IS NOT FULLY DEVELOPED, CHECK BACK FOR [...] This definition is a compilation of three major executions. This definition creates a parametric hyperbolic paraboloid surface at any given point in space. This definition takes any curved surface and populates it with a gradient of circles. This Grasshopper definition takes any given surface and populates it with a rectangular “fizz” pattern using a system of attractor curves in coordination with a bit of randomness. This definition takes any given surface and divides it into a given number of rows and columns. This Grasshopper definition aggregates any single rectangular unit between two given surfaces.

Isotope ALEX HOFREFE-RHINO DEFINITIONS This definition was developed for my final thesis project to generate a louver system based on functional requirements within the building. The performance was then tested in Ecotect. A large part of my thesis design involved invertible arena seating with many moving parts. This definition looks at taking any curved surface, and generating weaving geometry across it. The parametric skyscraper uses Grasshopper to generate the entire structure. My favorite definition to date, this definition generates box designs based on real boxes I crafted in the wood shop while in Grad school This definition extrudes geometry based on their proximity to a polyline attractor. Using a definition created by paramod, I wanted to see if I could edit the definition so that different panels could be combined to create a seamless surface This definition takes a cylinder and transforms it based on the location of objects moving around it. Louvers orient themselves towards multiple objects based on proximity.

GBKS/Wookmark-jQuery FABRICATION STUDIO for CNC LASER CUTTING | Universidad Europea de Madrid BlocksIt.js - Dynamic Grid Layout jQuery Plugin Look Inside BlocksIt.js is a jQuery plugin for creating dynamic grid layout. It manages to convert HTML elements into ‘blocks‘ and position them in well-arranged grid layout like Pinterest, one of the hottest website nowadays =). How? Well, simply specific the number of columns you wish to have and BlocksIt.js will do the rest for you. How It Works BlocksIt.js will re-position the selected elements using CSS absolute position property. Start the new block from left to right, andPlace the new block under shortest block. How to use 1. It should works well with jQuery 1.7.1 (haven’t tested for lower version). 2.) 3.) #Note: If the blocks contains of <img> element, be sure to specific the images’ height before calling .BlocksIt()function, else you have to make sure the images are loaded.You could use $(window).load() to make sure everything have loaded into DOM, or use some plugin like waitForImages to check the images status. Configuration .BlocksIt( [Options] ) Options Few options available:

Owen Architects - Online Professional Portfolio Experimenting with trusses. There are many ways to make a truss, this is a simple method and ready to apply to (almost) any surface just define which surface you wish to use and it will automativally generate it. Make sure to use the expanded version of the definition when dealing with more complicated surfaces (shown to the left in dark green). In ordeer to extrude the geometry of the truss I have included a simple definition (shown in dark blue), experiment with this to get the desired effect. Most parts are labeled and ready to explore, it is a limited definition. I have included a Rhino 3D model of this design for of this design for anyone wishing to use it or play with it, unfortunately the Grasshopper definition I used to make the waffle structure can't be found anymore.
