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As We May Think - Magazine

As We May Think - Magazine
Related:  Science Literacy

La fabrique des débats publics, par Pierre Bourdieu Un homme officiel est un ventriloque qui parle au nom de l’Etat : il prend une posture officielle — il faudrait décrire la mise en scène de l’officiel —, il parle en faveur et à la place du groupe auquel il s’adresse, il parle pour et à la place de tous, il parle en tant que représentant de l’universel. On en vient ici à la notion moderne d’opinion publique. Qu’est-ce que cette opinion publique qu’invoquent les créateurs de droit des sociétés modernes, des sociétés dans lesquelles le droit existe ? C’est tacitement l’opinion de tous, de la majorité ou de ceux qui comptent, ceux qui sont dignes d’avoir une opinion. Je pense que la définition patente dans une société qui se prétend démocratique, à savoir que l’opinion officielle, c’est l’opinion de tous, cache une définition latente, à savoir que l’opinion publique est l’opinion de ceux qui sont dignes d’avoir une opinion. L’opinion publique est toujours une espèce de réalité double. Mettre en scène l’autorité qui autorise à parler

Man-Computer Symbiosis Man-Computer Symbiosis J. C. Summary Man-computer symbiosis is an expected development in cooperative interaction between men and electronic computers. 1.1 Symbiosis The fig tree is pollinated only by the insect Blastophaga grossorun. "Man-computer symbiosis is a subclass of man-machine systems. The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly, and that the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the information-handling machines we know today. 1.2 Between "Mechanically Extended Man" and "Artificial Intelligence" As a concept, man-computer symbiosis is different in an important way from what North [21] has called "mechanically extended man." In one sense of course, any man-made system is intended to help man, to help a man or men outside the system. Man-computer symbiosis is probably not the ultimate paradigm for complex technological systems. [1] A.

Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau: A-Volve, 1994-97 To Know, but Not Understand: David Weinberger on Science and Big Data - David Weinberger In an edited excerpt from his new book, Too Big to Know, David Weinberger explains how the massive amounts of data necessary to deal with complex phenomena exceed any single brain's ability to grasp, yet networked science rolls on. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington recorded daily weather observations, but they didn't record them hourly or by the minute. Not only did they have other things to do, such data didn't seem useful. Even after the invention of the telegraph enabled the centralization of weather data, the 150 volunteers who received weather instruments from the Smithsonian Institution in 1849 still reported only once a day. Now there is a literally immeasurable, continuous stream of climate data from satellites circling the earth, buoys bobbing in the ocean, and Wi-Fi-enabled sensors in the rain forest. We are measuring temperatures, rainfall, wind speeds, C02 levels, and pressure pulses of solar wind. This would not be the first time. In 1963, Bernard K. Dr. Images: 1-3.

Information as Thing - JASIS 1991 This is a preprint of an article published in the Journal of the American Society of Information Science 42:5 (June 1991): 351-360, published for the American Society for Information Science by Wiley and available online to ASIS members and other registered users at This text may vary slightly from the published version. Similar discussion occurs in the authors Information and Information Systems (Greenwood Press, 1991; Paperback: Praeger). by Michael Buckland, School of Information Management and Systems, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4600 Abstract Three meanings of "information" are distinguished: "Information-as-process"; "information-as-knowledge"; and "information-as-thing", the attributive use of "information" to denote things regarded as informative. 1. 2. 3. A key characteristic of "information-as-knowledge" is that it is intangible: one cannot touch it or measure it in any direct way. (1) Between entities and processes; and Data

- Les Trois Couronnes - Didactique de l'Information Documentation - Pascal Duplessis Dans un article publié en juin 2010 sur le site des professeurs documentalistes de l'académie de Bordeaux, Vivianne Chabronnerie s'emploie à apporter une "définition des sciences de l'information et de la communication (SIC)". Elle rappelle, à cette fin, l'association étroite des champs disciplinaires Information et Communication qui, en France, ont été réunis en 1975 lors de la création de la 71ème section du CNU. Section à laquelle les professeurs documentalistes sont rattachés comme discipline de référence, ainsi que l'instaure le programme du CAPES (2004) et la nouvelle épreuve d'admissibilité du concours réformé suite à la mastérisation (2009). Dans une approche résolument didactique, l'auteure puise dans le domaine des SIC un corpus de notions info-documentaires qu'elle esquisse rapidement : document, source, information, processus de production et de diffusion de l'information, etc.

One Conversation Begat Another: Howard Rhinegold and Henry Jenkins Over the last two installments, I’ve shared a short exchange between myself, Mimi Ito, and danah boyd, the three authors of the newly released book, Participatory Culture in a Networked Era. Today, I want to share the video of an interview I did with Howard Rhinegold about the book. The video was originally circulated via the Digital Media and Learning blog, but I thought there would be people here who had not seen it. Howard and I have been engaging with each others work for more than two decades. Howard is an incredibly generous person, not to mention a generative thinker, who has been responsible for getting people thinking about such topics as virtual communities, smart mobs, and net smarts, through the years. Henry Jenkins on Participatory Media in a Networked Era, Part 1 from Connected Learning Alliance on Vimeo. Henry Jenkins on Participatory Media in a Networked Era, Part 2 from Connected Learning Alliance on Vimeo.

Expecting Click the bear to play with Charlotte. Expecting A stop-motion interactive installation Isobel Knowles and Van Sowerwine with Liam Fennessey. Music by Finn Robertson. September 2003 Black Box, Melbourne Part of the Experimenta House of Tomorrow exhibition. An Experimenta New Visions Commission. In the future, children don't make friends, they give birth to them. Meet Charlotte, an 8 year old girl. Expecting blends the real, the virtual and the not too distant future to examine the very contemporary notions of isolation and detachment. Also exhibited: Biennale of New Media Art, Korea, 2004 Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (FACT), Liverpool, 2006 The Institute of Contemporary Art, London, 2006 Accross Australia during 2005 as part of the House of Tomorrow National tour.

Science publishing: The paper is not sacred Two months after we started a blog that tracks scientific retractions — Retraction Watch — in 2010, one of us (A.M.) told The New York Times that we weren't sure we would have enough material to post with any regularity. That concern turned out to be unfounded — in just 16 months, we have written about some 250 retractions. Little did we know that, in scientific publishing, 2011 would become the Year of the Retraction. Here's what grabbed everyone's attention: retractions have increased 15-fold over the past decade, while the number of papers has risen by less than 50% (see Nature 478, 26–28; 2011). It is not clear why, and it is always dangerous to draw too many conclusions from what is a relatively rare occurrence — some 300 retractions among 1.4 million papers published annually. Still, it is clear that software that detects plagiarism has played a part in the retraction spike, as has the larger number of eyeballs on papers, thanks to the Internet. Too laissez-faire?

Project Gutenberg

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