Art 2nd graders and CC Cubes
When did you learn the "magic trick" to drawing a cube? I'm pretty sure it was one of my 5th grade teachers who taught me. I've shown students before if it happened to come up and they asked, but never any students younger than 4th grade. Apparently the new Common Core math standards say that 2nd grade students need to be able to draw a cube! The 2nd grade teachers asked if I could help with this and I was very happy to assist. In the students' first "real" Art class after handling all of the first-day-of-Art-class-business, we talked about cubes. I passed out blocks so that each student had a cube to observe and do their best to draw. After about 5-10 minutes of the students trying on their own, I finally showed them the "magic trick". I mentioned in my last post, almost 2 weeks ago (it has been SUPER busy around here!)
CC Art, Music and Film Curriculum Maps
Because Common Core promotes the importance of all students studying the arts, we have highlighted places where ELA instruction could be enhanced by connecting a genre or particular text, or a theme of a unit, to works of art, music, or film. We suggest, for example, that students study self-portraiture when they are encountering memoirs. Students might compare a novel, story, or play to its film or musical rendition. ELA teachers who choose to use this material may do so on their own, by team teaching with an art or music teacher, or perhaps by sharing the material with the art or music teacher, who could reinforce what students are learning during the ELA block in their classroom. In order to facilitate lesson-planning that utilizes these arts resources and collaboration with art and music teachers, we have created a single document (see below) containing all of the suggested art works and art-based activities in our Maps. Art Guide
Common Core Standards: Let Arts Educators Lead the Way
Jeanne Hoel Though I’m typically standards-adverse (yet dutiful), I’m looking forward to the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS), specifically to their potential to de-isolate subject areas, including art. I feel the CCSS reflect the work progressive educators have been doing for years and frame that work elegantly. In my tenure as a program manager at MOCA , I’ve witnessed several phases of what I’ll call Standards Service. It was important to do so in order to help teachers advocate for art education by showing how their work met Visual and Performing Art Standards (VAPA), as well as those of English, Social Studies, and Science. I feel differently about the CCSS. Looking specifically at the English Language Arts (ELA) of CCSS, there are elegant and immediate connections to be made. The Anchor Standards for and are also intended to be applied to History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Studies. Click here to view the original post.
NCCAS - Common Core Alignment
A Review of Connections betweenThe Common Core State Standards andThe Next Generation Arts StandardsPrepared by the College BoardforThe National Coalition for Core Arts Standardsdownload the full reportDr. Nancy Rubino (College Board), Amy Charleroy (College Board) and Scott Jones (Arts Education Partnership) present on Common Core and Alignment to the Core Arts Standards at the Arts Schools Network Conference - October 2013 IntroductionDrawing from the strongest models of state standards nationwide, The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics were released in mid-2010, and have been quickly adopted by almost all 50 states. The stated mission of this initiative is to provide a “consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them.