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Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Schéma de principe de la géolocalisation par GPS La géolocalisation ou géoréférencement est un procédé permettant de positionner un objet (une personne, etc) sur un plan ou une carte à l'aide de ses coordonnées géographiques. Cette opération est réalisée à l'aide d'un terminal capable d'être localisé (grâce à un système de positionnement par satellites (et un récepteur GPS par exemple) ou à d'autres techniques) et de publier (en temps réel ou de façon différée) ses coordonnées géographiques (latitude/longitude). Les positions enregistrées peuvent être stockées au sein du terminal et être extraites postérieurement, ou être transmises en temps réel vers une plateforme logicielle de géolocalisation. Techniques de géolocalisation[modifier | modifier le code] Géolocalisation par géocodeur[modifier | modifier le code] Géolocalisation par satellite[modifier | modifier le code] Géolocalisation par GSM[modifier | modifier le code] Related:  Géolocalisation

La géolocalisation ou géoréférencement est une 30+ Solutions to Start Your Own Wiki Whether you're setting up an Intranet for your company or a collaborative website for your family, there are a variety of wiki solutions to choose from. We've gathered a list of more than 30 of them for those that wish to try their hand at running one themselves or are looking for a fully hosted solution. Do you have a wiki? Stand Alone Wikis Corendal Wiki - A free and open source wiki package directed at corporate users. DokuWiki - Aimed at small companies' documentation needs. FlexWiki - A free and open source wiki built on the .NET framework. GetWiki - A modified version of MediaWiki that provides new features including XML importing. IpbWiki - A system that integrates MediaWiki with Invision Power Boards to make for a whole new wiki experience. JAMWiki - A Java based clone of MediaWiki that uses the same syntax for things such as footnotes, templates and more. MoinMoin - Has different built-in templates and allows for the support of documents. Wiki Farms

List of photo sharing websites This is a non-exhaustive list of major photo-sharing websites. Active photo-sharing websites[edit] Defunct photo-sharing websites[edit] These also include sites that may still operate, but do not accept new users. Listed in chronological order of shutdown. Comparison of photo-sharing websites[edit] Legend: References[edit] L'irrésistible ascension de la géolocalisation Cela devait arriver. A force de remplir son mur sur Facebook, de bavasser sur Twitter, de planter des check in sur Foursquare à chaque fois qu'on met les pieds dans une boutique, on a fini par exciter la convoitise des professionnels du marketing. Leur objectif ? Prouver aux annonceurs que la relation entre la marque et le consommateur ne se limite plus simplement aux rayons d'un magasin ou à son site internet, mais qu'elle est devenue omniprésente et permanente. Bingo ! Il suffit que je me promène dans une rue commerçante avec mon smartphone en poche pour recevoir directement des alertes, par SMS, sur des offres promotionnelles proposées dans le quartier. Boostés par l'explosion du marché des smartphones - soit un tiers des téléphones mobiles vendus en France -, les services de géolocalisation engendrent un buzz très fort. Le syndrome du "check in fatigue" Véritable concept fourre-tout, la géolocalisation a commencé à se développer en 2005. Le second souffle Des questions éthiques

DokuWiki] DokuWiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source wiki software that doesn't require a database. It is loved by users for its clean and readable syntax. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes it an administrator's favorite. Built in access controls and authentication connectors make DokuWiki especially useful in the enterprise context and the large number of plugins contributed by its vibrant community allow for a broad range of use cases beyond a traditional wiki. Get started: Why DokuWiki? DokuWiki is a popular choice when choosing a Wiki software and has many advantages over similar software. Easy to install and use Low system requirements Built-in Access Control Lists Large variety of extensions Over 50 languages supported Device independent Open Source Learn more about DokuWiki features Use Cases Wikis are quick to update and new pages are easily added. Corporate Knowledge Base Private notebook Software manual Project workspace Customizing DokuWiki Our Community

Geotagging Geotag information in a JPEG photo, shown by the software gThumb The related term geocoding refers to the process of taking non-coordinate based geographical identifiers, such as a street address, and finding associated geographic coordinates (or vice versa for reverse geocoding). Such techniques can be used together with geotagging to provide alternative search techniques. Geotagging techniques[edit] The geographical location data used in geotagging will, in almost every case, be derived from the global positioning system, and based on a latitude/longitude-coordinate system that presents each location on the earth from 180° west through 180° east along the Equator and 90° north through 90° south along the prime meridian. Geotagging photos[edit] There are two main options for geotagging photos; capturing GPS information at the time the photo is taken or “attaching” the photograph to a map after the picture is taken. GPS formats[edit] Geotagging standards in electronic file formats[edit]

geolocalisation qsparis [licensed for non-commercial use only] / FrontPage Unshake How to Use Unshake. How to Install. Unshake 1.5 is a Java-2 and C program which improves blurred and shaken photographs by working out the form of the blurring, then deducing what the picture would have looked like if it had not been blurred. Because it is written in Java, once you have installed Sun's Java 2 all you have to do is to unzip one file to install Unshake on your computer. Also included in this distribution is a library and command-line filter for Linux, UnshakeC1.5r1. Unshake is offered free for personal use. This is an example of what it can do; Below is a small part of a picture I took with a cheap Polaroid camera, blown up to 600 dpi. Unshake can also remove dithering and rasters, and it can work through the lines found on magazine pictures, though for copyright reasons I can't put examples of Unshaken magazine pictures on the website. But the real point of Unshake is that it does it automatically. For more examples, click here... or here Installation
