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Teach Yourself Chemistry By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. Updated December 02, 2014. Chemistry is a logical science. You can master the essential concepts yourself. You can study these concepts in any order, but it's probably best to start from the top and work your way down, since many concepts build on understanding units, conversion and how atoms and molecules interact. Introduction to Chemistry: Learn about what chemistry is, what chemists do, and why you would want to study this science. Units & Measurements: Get a handle on the metric system and the commom units used in chemistry. The Scientific Method: Scientists, including chemists, are systematic about the way they study the world. The Elements: Elements are a basic building block of matter. The Periodic Table: The Periodic Table is a way elements can be organized, based on their similar properties. continue reading below our video Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Atoms and Ions: Atoms are single units of an element. How To Learn Chemistry FAST!

15 Awesome Chemistry GIFs You don’t need to watch Breaking Bad to know that chemistry is pretty awesome. Below, we explore our favorite 15 chemistry GIFs and the science behind them (when we could figure it out): Melting Metal With Magnets The Science: The copper wire has a significant amount of AC electricity running through it, causing it to act like a really strong electromagnet. In the metal slug, eddy currents form due to the magnetic field the copper wire is causing while the copper wire has high frequency AC flowing through it. Orange LED Light In Liquid Nitrogen The Science: When an LED is immersed in liquid nitrogen, the electrons lose a lot of thermal energy, even when the light isn’t turned on. Awesome Chemistry GIFs: Heating Mercury Thiocyanate Hydrogen Peroxide Catalyzed By Potassium Iodide

The Study of Matter Activities Distinguish between chemical and physcial changes with this "Changes in Matter" activity. Prepare unknown samples of heterogeneous mixtures, homogeneous mixtures (solutions), and pure substances, then use this "Classifying Chemicals Using Properties" activity. It includes an evaluation in PDF form. Chemistry Teaching Resources - Gordon Watson - Kelso High School - Welcome SCIENCE! | THE SCIENCE BLOG FOR THE ORANGE TRACK Kemi blogg viviann New resources to support science education / Home - Science Online You are here: This section presents new resources in three areas of dynamic change possibilities for science education in New Zealand schools in order to develop science capabilities for citizenship as stated in the New Zealand Curriculum. The Ministry of Education endorsed this work to support the ongoing implementation of the science learning area of NZC. The resources show how to weave the Nature of Science strand and the key competencies into science teaching and learning. How can teachers help students develop science capabilities for citizenship? The idea of how science capabilities link directly to the key competencies of the New Zealand Curriculum is expanded on this page: Key competencies are clusters of capabilities 60+ new teaching resources show how to adapt existing resources to help students develop five science capabilities. How might digital technologies transform science education? Digital technologies have the potential to transform school science learning - but how?

Didaktikhörna | Kemilärarnas Resurscentrum KRC Det bedrivs en hel del forskning i ämnet kemididaktik, om undervisning och lärande i kemi. Därför vill vi här presenteras information om denna forskning på ett sätt som vi hoppas kan vara användbart för lärare och elever i skolan. Sakkunnig är Karolina Broman, doktorand i kemididaktik, vid Umeå Universitet Nya länkar Vill du följa med det senate inom utbildningsvetenskap? Se även information om bedömning (Tio frågor om bedömning) Naturvetenskapernas didaktik är ett relativt nytt forskningsområde. I Sverige finns en forskarskola i naturvetenskapernas, teknikens och matematikens didaktik, FontD ( Det finns också ämnesdidaktisk forskning som inte är direkt knuten till denna forskarskola, på olika universitet och högskolor med lärarutbildning. Svensk nationell förening för forskning i naturvetenskapernas didaktik (FND, är en förening som fungerar som en länk mellan forskning, lärarutbildning och skola. Litteraturtips (under arbete)

Magister Evas Blogg Creative Chemistry Fun Stuff Index It’s always time for Chemistry, but sometimes you want to have even more fun! I’ve put together a load of fun activities to make you a Happy Chemist, so choose something and enjoy it. There are ten main bits in Fun Stuff: Get down (and across) with my interactive Crossword Puzzles; Test your nerves against the clock in the Impossible Mission Quizzes (there are three difficulty levels and a choice of Missions); NOW WITH ANSWERS IF YOU GET STUCK! Race against the clock to complete one of five Word Searches (they’re never the same); Try your hand at the fiendish Slide Puzzle; Rope yourself into the Chemistry Hangman puzzle; Test your memory powers with the Chemistry Concentration Game; Try out my Chemistry Jigsaws; Unscramble the letters in the Chemistry Word Jumble; Uncover the Periodic Table in the Chemistry Breakout Game; or just for fun ...

Vardagskemi gör undervisningen mer konkret Tanken med Skolkemi är att lärarna ska utgå från vardagen i sin undervisning genom att ge experimentuppslag som känns relevanta, är varierade och rymmer många olika infallsvinklar. Det kan till exempel handla om att vispa grädde, diska med äggula och att tillverka tvål. Undervisningen ska vara vardagsanknuten, väcka intresset och utveckla förståelsen - Jag bestämde mig för att börja forska i kemi efter att ha arbetat som lärare i några år, berättar Svante Åberg. Kurserna i experimentell kemi för skolan handlar om att ta fram experiment och utveckla lärares kunskaper kring hur barn uppfattar och förstår kemiska begrepp och förklaringar. - Som lärare tror och hoppas man att eleverna har uppfattat och förstått undervisningen på ”rätt sätt”. Kemiresurserna finns på nätet När lärare går kursen utvecklar de experiment som sedan läggs upp på Skolkemis webbplats. Beskrivningarna av experimenten innehåller tydliga underlag som lärare kan använda som grund för att förändra sin undervisning.

Information for Educators | About You | Pearson Higher Education Educators care about their students; they want them engaged and learning while in the classroom so that they can thrive when they enter or re-enter a competitive workforce. They want to meet their students’ needs, try to exceed them, and turn a student’s interest into a passion. At Pearson we understand the issues facing educators today and want to work together to deliver the kinds of higher education solutions needed to engage and stimulate the modern student. Discover how we can begin a partnership with you by understanding how we are addressing today’s hot topics and issues in college and career readiness, online and blended learning, and data, analytics, and adaptive learning.
