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Homemade oreos

Homemade oreos
Just before I left for the airport Monday morning, I stopped short and ran back inside, not because I forgot my power cord or business cards or anything normal like that, but to make myself a turkey sandwich. My flight left late, of course, and by the time I had time to unwrap my semi-smooshed last bit of home-cooked anything, I was so hungry, I was ready to ask the 18-month-old next to me to share one of his drooled-upon teething biscuits. Proust may have had his madeleine and my husband may have his pickled green tomatoes, but I had that turkey sandwich and in the one bite I allowed myself before the drink cart finally brought me something to wash it down with, I had found a happiness I didn’t know could exist at the front end of a much-dreaded three day business trip to a nine-acre enclosed glass pod. It was the best thing I ate for days. Oh, they’re good. And when finished? Hey, Look! Homemade Oreos Adapted from Retro Desserts, Wayne Brachman Makes 25 to 30 sandwich cookies

Mixed Berry Tarts with Lemony Filling user reviews made it? RATE IT! by lr_marie, 5/3/2013Great recipe - the lemon filling is especially good and I didn't find the shortbread base to be too difficult. I didn't have pie weights and was too lazy to use beans :) Next time through I'll make sure I follow the instructions - my shortbread base did rise too much in the center without something to weigh it down. by allisonfaye, 6/10/2012This was the first tart recipe I ever made. by Macaroni, 8/23/2009I didn't have enough tartlet pans so I used a 9-in tart pan with removeable bottom and followed the crust baking directions from the pie (from same article). by Jason123, 3/27/2009These are very delicious and pretty to serve.

Meyer Lemons — The Salty I owe a debt of gratitude to Moroccan cooking expert Kitty Morse. After all, she’s the one who taught me just how easy it is to make my own preserved lemons. How easy? So easy that you don’t even need a real recipe for it. I took a cooking class at Draeger’s years ago that Morse taught. They cost a tidy sum if you buy them already made in jars in fancy gourmet stores. I always use Meyer lemons just because I love the floral, complex, and less puckery taste that they have. Whatever lemon variety you choose, I guarantee you will have a fascinating time making preserved lemons. Indeed, the first time I wrote about making preserved lemons years ago in the San Jose Mercury News, I admitted I couldn’t stop looking at my lemons as they transformed themselves. So how do you make them? Make two cuts in each lemon so that the quarters created remain attached. Place the jar on a counter top, and then just watch and wait. To use, pick a lemon or part of one out of the jar with a clean fork.

100 Years of Oreo: Recipes and Facts About the Famous Cookie | Shine Food The Oreo cookie was first baked one hundred years ago today!The Oreo cookie turns 100 today, and a full century of milk-dipping, creme-scraping deliciousness later, they're still they're one of the most popular treats in the world. Originally called the Oreo biscuit, they were created in a National Biscuit Company bakery in Manhattan on March 6, 1912. Now, more than 95 million cookies are sold every day in more than 100 countries, generating $1.5 billion in revenue each year. Becky Tousey, Kraft Foods' corporate archivist, says that the brand's message hasn't changed over the course of a century. "The focus of advertising was on the fun of eating Oreos, the fun of the parts of the Oreo," she told ABC News. Here are two of our favorite recipes using the iconic cookie: Oreo-stuffed chocolate chip cookies: Bon Appetit magazine calls these "the new cupcake." In a separate bowl mix the flour, salt and baking soda. Makes about 2 dozen large cookies. 1 pkg. Makes 40 to 45 cookie balls

new york cheesecake New Yorkers have a reputation for being pushy and over-the-top — these are things you learn when you leave the city for a weekend, and a ticketing agent at the airport in Tulsa, for example, informs you that you’re so much more polite than she thought a New Yorker would be. We apparently like things bolder and taller and shinier and more intense and while I’m not sure if this really applies to your average straphanger commuting from walk-up to cubicle and back again everyday, I am absolutely certain that it applies to our cheesecakes. (No, the other kind, silly.) How is a New York Cheesecake unlike any other cheesecake? This is where I come in, with your ticket to Big Apple bliss, but better because it is can (and also roving crazies that crack up at jokes they imagine in their heads) -free, in your kitchen. But this. One year ago: Chocolate Caramel Crack(ers)Two years ago: Lemon Yogurt Anything CakeThree years ago: Arborio Rice Pudding Remove side of pan and transfer cake to a plate.

Chunky Chocolate Cheerios This is one of the most delicious if not the greatest chocolate dessert of all time. Really. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer knocked on Santa’s front door. Santa: “Who’s there?” Rudolph: “It’s me, Rudolph.” Santa: “What do you want, Rudolph?” Freezing in the cold Rudolph replies: “Ch-ch-ch…” Santa: “You want WHAT?” Rudolph: “Chunky Chocolate Cheerios!” And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I don’t normally tell any jokes because they tend to be terribly lame! It all started rather innocently on a day that I had this whacky idea to add some Cheerios to the White & Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Chunks recipe of mine. I posted the recipe along with this by now familiar photo and that was that. Not quite. Always a bit stumped when it comes to gifts I wondered whether gifting these delightful nibbles would work. People went bonkers for it! Chunky Chocolate Cheerios sold out week after week when I ran a stall at the local farm shop. Adds crunch. If you can find another cereal that can do that, go ahead!

Rabanada (Brazilian-Style French Toast) Recipe Yes, I like it too... My grandmother's rabanadas are very creamy, and she soaks the bread longer than most people (not as long as 8 hours, but about 1 or 2). Sometimes she adds Port to the milk, which gives a distinctive "richer" taste. The traditional recipe is much simpler. Just like portuguese Fatias Paridas or french Pain Perdu, it uses just bread, milk, eggs, oil, cinnammon and sugar. We love sweet condensed milk. An we love also chocolate. Rabanadas are mostly a dessert, served at the large Christmas eve's buffet. By the way... that's what we leave for Papai Noel (Santa Claus) rabanadas and a glass of Port. espresso chocolate chip shortbread cookie recipe Recipe: espresso chocolate chip shortbread What new views through the lens? I went leaf hunting today and found… tall trees leftover snow on the mountains the big kahuna The rest of the sampler from today’s jaunt is on the photo blog. Right, so the title of today’s post should read “to the dogs(‘ sitters)”. espresso to batter mini chocolate chips Of course, I don’t want any hard feelings to be taken out on my girl. everyone likes some dough roll it out I have made one hundred million billion of these cookies to date. measure the slices slap it on a baking sheet and go I made a double batch of these today. this cookie will solve our energy crisis Espresso Chocolate Chip Shortbread[print recipe]from Smitten Kitchen *Note: I didn’t follow all of the instructions in Deb’s version because I am a lazy bum. Dissolve espresso powder in boiling water.

Foods to Improve Moods - Healthy Living Tips at - Womans Day - StumbleUpon While that tub of ice cream in the back of the freezer may be what you crave when you’re feeling blue, there is a long list of other (healthier!) foods that can cure a grouchy morning or a stressed-out afternoon. We talked to the experts to get the scoop on what to eat to make you feel better no matter what your mood. Stressed: Eat Chocolate The scenario: It’s Friday at 6:30 p.m. Sluggish: Eat a Spinach Salad Can’t concentrate? Cranky: Eat an Apple with Peanut Butter Did you snap at your kids…and the telemarketer on the phone? Anxious: Eat a Salmon Burger Worrying about your finances, your marriage, your kids? Angry: Sip Green Tea Maybe your neighbor’s dog barked all night long and kept you up or your coworker took credit for a project you worked on over the weekend. Sad: Eat Whole-Grain Cereal with Lowfat Milk Need a happiness boost? PMS: Eat an Egg-Salad Sandwich All photos by Shutterstock. Sarah Jio is the health and fitness blogger for

strawberry summer cake It is not summer yet. In fact, it’s been raining for more than a week, and another week — the one in which I presume we’ll be introduced to our new mosquito overlords — is promised. In fact, it was so cold that I met a friend for lunch today and had to wear both a light wool sweater and a jacket. But I know it’s coming. I hope this will be your summer cake. And your apartment will smell like a strawberry patch. One year ago: Rustic Rhubarb TartsTwo years ago: Raspberry Buttermilk Cake and Slaw TartareFour years ago: Cellophane Noodle Salad with Roast Pork Strawberry Summer Cake Adapted, only slightly, from Martha Stewart I recently picked up some barley flour and fell in love with it. I am ever-so-slightly on the fence about the sweetness of this cake. Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Whisk flour or flours, baking powder and salt together in a small bowl. Pour into prepared pie plate.
