background preloader : urk is getting sloppy. He blames stosh.

List of Sega Saturn games Second model Japanese Sega Saturn This is an incomplete list of video games (596) released for the Sega Saturn video game console. This list is organized initially in alphabetical order, but it can also be organized by developer, publisher, or year of release. HBO: Obsessed, and proud of it. EGMi - The Digital Magazine List of Sega Mega Drive games Sega Genesis model 2 (North America) Games[edit] Sega Meganet titles[edit] Sega Meganet, also known as the Net Work System, was an online service for the Mega Drive in Japan.

Official Web site of Supergiant Games, creators of Bastion, an original action role-playing game Replays, Strategies, News, Tips and Tricks for Multiplayer Games Destiny Awaits
